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Lesson 1.

3: Formation of elements heavier than Iron

Lesson 1.4: Chemical Elements and Isotopes in the
Lesson 1.3 Formation of elements heavier than

Elements heavier than Iron are done through the

process of nucleosynthesis by Neutron Capture.

Each Neutron Capture produce an isotope which may

be stable or unstable.
Lesson 1.3 Formation of elements heavier than Iron
All of the post-iron elements are formed in supernova explosions themselves.
So much energy is released during a supernova explosion that the freed energy
and copious free neutrons streaming from the collapsing core drive massive
fussion reactions, long past the formation of iron. Sure, this absorbs a lot of
energy, but theres plenty available once the explosion has begun.
I guess statistically speaking the heavier elements are much rarer than oxygen,
carbon, nitrogen, etc, but does this mean that maybe life is truly really rare
(except in our neck of the milky way)?
Thats right. Supernova nucleosynthesis isnt as efficient as the long years of
synthesis in stellar cores.
Have elements heavier than iron ever been detected outside our solar system
(Like in the emission lines of a nebula for example- or does the physics model
predect them?)
Absolutely. Theyre everywhere!
Nucleosynthesis by Neutron Capture
2 process or methods by which neutron capture happen:
The Slow or S-Process and the rapid or R-process.
S-Process R- Process
Neutron Capture happens in the Used to produce very heavy,
inert carbon core of a star. neutron rich nuclei

Works as long as the decay time for Neutron capture happens in a very
unstable isotopes is longer than the dense environment; Unstable
capture time. isotopes do not have time to decay

Works only up to the element High density of neutrons needed

Bismuth. (atomic number 83) found only during a supernova
explosion so all the heavy elements
specifically radium , uranium, and
plutonium are produced this way.
Note: The supernova explosion can
Note: the more massive nuclei built propel the newly created elements
from bismuth are unstable. into space to seed molecular clouds
that will form new stars and solar
Lesson 1.4: Chemical Elements and Isotopes in the
There are 81 stable elements found on earth. These elements make up matter in
the universe. In addition to these, there are also ten radioactive elements,
including radon and uranium, that occur naturally on our planet. The half-lives
of these elements are very long. Their steady decay means that they are scarce
in earth, in meteorites, and in lunar samples.
Aside from the 10 naturally occurring radioactive elements, 19 more radio active
elements have been artificially produced in the nuclear laboratories . These
artificial radio active elements decay into each other elements quite quickly
unlike the naturally occurring ones.
The table on the next slide gives an idea as to the origin of the different
chemical elements.
Table of Elements

A periodic table indicating the origins including big bang nucleosynthesis of the elements.
All elements above 103 (Lawrencium) are also manmade and are not included.
Isotopes- are atoms of an element that have the same
number of protons but different number of neutrons.
Positron- is an atomic particle that has the same
mass as an electron but its charge is positive.
Neutrino- is an atomic particle that has no charge and
is practically mass-less.
2 types of Isotope
Stable Isotopes- Those elements that have the same
number of protons, electrons and sub-atomic particles.

Isotopes that are not radio active.

Best example: all traditional elements from the

periodic table.
2 types of Isotope
Unstable Isotope- will decay by emitting a positron and
a neutrino to produce a new element. They are radio
active isotope.
Explanation: Nababawasan o nadagdagan ang ilang parts
sa kanyang nucleus at dumadaan sa radio active decay.
Example: Carbon 20 used for carbon dating.
Carbon dating- a scientific way of finding age of
something that is very old (such as dinosaur bones etc)
by measuring the amount of certain forms of carbon on it.
According to astronomers, only the Isotopes of
Hydrogen, helium and probably lithium, berrylium
and boron were created in the Big Bang. The
Supernova explosions created the remaining elements
including most of their isotopes. Some isotopes form
when high energy cosmic rays collide with various
atoms. They are also created when other radio active
isotopes decay.
Summary of all lesson or Ideas
The Universe is a result of an enormous explosion a
big bang that happened billion years ago.
Due to his explosion, the universe expanded and
cooled downed.
As a result, light elements were also formed.
The fussion reactions in the stars paved the way for the
formation of the other elements and their isotopes.

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