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Feast of the

Celebration of the
Word of God
Grade 2
All night, all day,
angels watching over me,
my Lord.
All night, all day,
angels watching over me.

All Night All Day

Now I lay me down to sleep.
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
Pray the Lord, my soul to keep.
Angels watching over me, my Lord.

All Night All Day

P: In the name of the
Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
P: Praise Glory to God in
the highest.
All: Glory to God in
the highest!

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom Gods love
commits me here
Ever this day be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide. Amen.

Angel of God
P: O God
for ever and ever.

Opening Prayer
Feast of the
Celebration of the
Word of God
Grade 2
R: The Word of the Lord.
All:Thanks be to God.
The Lord has put angels
in charge of you,
to guard you
in all your ways.

Responsorial Psalm
Bless the Lord,
all you angels,
you servants
who do Gods will.

Gospel Acclamation
May the words of Jesus
come into us
so that we may tell it to others
and keep it in our hearts.

Prayer before the Gospel

P: A reading...
All: Glory to You,
O Lord.
P: The Gospel of the Lord.
All: Praise to You,
Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, hear our

Feast of the
Celebration of the
Word of God
Grade 2
Our Father who art in
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on earth as in heaven.
The Lords Prayer
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.

The Lords Prayer

Feast of the
Celebration of the
Word of God
Grade 2
Ive got an angel that follows me.
Ive got an angel
that follows me each day-
when I sit, when I talk,
when I run and when I walk.
Ive got an angel that follows me.

Ive Got an Angel

I know Im safe both day and night.
I know Im safe both day and night.
An angel walks right beside me,
So I am safe both day and night.

Ive Got an Angel

Ive got an angel that watches me.
Ive got an angel
that watches me each night-
when I sleep real tight,
when I wake up in a fright.
Ive got an angel that watches me.

Ive Got an Angel

I know Im safe both day and night.
I know Im safe both day and night.
An angel walks right beside me,
So I am safe both day and night.

Ive Got an Angel

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