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The master production schedule is a plan for

future production of end items over a short
range planning horizon that usually spans
from a few weeks to several months . The
mps sets the quantity of each end
item(finished product) to be produced in each
time period (week/month or quarter) of the
short-range planning horizon.

MPS gives the information about the

quantities and timing of the planned
production of a product.

Making good use of manufacturing resources

Making customer delivery promises
Resolving tradeoffs between sales and
manufacturing Attaining strategic objectives
in the sales and operations plan
Available = inventory position at end of
week = starting inventory + MPS forecast
6. Disaggregate the Sales andDisaggregate the Sales and Operations
PlanOperations Plan The production plan is brokenThe production plan is
broken into product familiesinto product families
7. Promotes Valid Order PromisesPromotes Valid Order Promises By validating
the capacity forBy validating the capacity for the MPS through rough cutthe
MPS through rough cut capacity planning, alterativecapacity planning, alterative
plans can be made when thereplans can be made when there are more orders
than productionare more orders than production
8. MarketingMarketing OperationsOperations Marketing
communicatesMarketing communicates demand through customerdemand
through customer orders and forecastsorders and forecasts Operations
communicatesOperations communicates capacity through inventorycapacity
through inventory levels and constraintslevels and constraints
9. Resource AvailabilityResource Availability ControlControl Production
shortfalls will beProduction shortfalls will be known ahead of time andknown
ahead of time and alternative plans can be made.alternative plans can be made.
10. Customer ServiceCustomer Service Proactively control ability toProactively
control ability to deliver goods to customersdeliver goods to customers
11. Inventory ControlInventory Control
Proactive approach to inventoryProactive
approach to inventory controlcontrol Items
are scheduled to arrive whenItems are
scheduled to arrive when neededneeded
Safety stock has less importance
As a statement of output, theMPS Forms
the basic communication between the
market and manufacturing. Is stated in
product specification terms (part numbers)
for which there are Bill of Materials (BOM).
7. For the Make-to-Stock firm The items are produced in
batches, carrying finished goods inventories for most, if not
all, end-items.
8. For the Make-to-Order firm In general, it carries no
finished goods inventory and builds each customer order as
needed. The MPS unit is defined as the particular end-item
composing a customer order. Production often starts
before a complete product definition or BOM has been
9. For the Assembly-to-orderfirm The MPS unit is typified
by an almost limitless number of possible end-item
configurations all made from combinations of basic
components and subassemblies. Probably will not start
final assembly until order arrives.
. Linkages to other firm activities It receives
information from the SOP which in turn
receives info from Demand Management
(Forecasting) and resource planning. In
addition it is linked to ERP (planning) and
rough-cut capacity (make sure we can make
it) planning. It generates information for

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