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A true friend

What do these pictures have in common?

What other stories, films, cartoons and TV programmes do you know that involve dogs or other animals?

What is your favourite fictional animal?

A true friend
Open your books on page 18, look at the pictures for 60 seconds and try to guess what happens in the story.

Match the sentences in ex. 1B with the pictures.

In pairs, put the pictures in order.

Read the story and check the order of the pictures.

What happens next? Discuss in pairs and

present your ideas.
A true friend
Look at the sentences from the story. Which verbs are in the Past Simple? Which are in the Past Continuous?

While the Prince and his men were riding through the forest, they heard loud

barking coming fom the direction of the house.

Whe Prince Llewellyn walked through the door, Gelert was waiting for him.

Whats the difference between the tenses above? Get in pairs and find out. Present to the class.

When do we use it? Structure Key-words Examples

Past Simple
Past Continuous

Solve exercises B and C from page 19.

A true friend
What do the words in bold mean? What do they have in common?

First, they read the book. Then, they made an exam on it.
They were doing doing the shopping as dad was speaking on the phone.
As soon as dad finished his call, he joined them at the shopping.
While I was cooking, James called.
When I found out, Christine was paying the bill

What type of words are these? Time conjunctions

Combine the sentences from exercise E using the words in brackets to make a story. You may need to change the order
of the sentences halves.
Homework: exercise F, from page 19
A true friend
How was the story of Gelert the faithful dog?

What happens next?

Open your book on page 20 and find out what happened next.

What was prince Llewellyns mistake?

Listen to the retelling of Gelerts story and find 5 differences from the story you read before.
A true friend
Look at the sentences from the story and say which action happened first.

He looked around the room and he saw that there had been a fight.

He organised a great ceremony to bury the dog that had saved his sons life.

Solve exercises B, C and D on page 20.

Make a timeline with the actions above.

He realised his mistake

Gelert had He looked... He organised a

saved his baby and he saw... great ceremony
A true friend
Look at the sentences from the story and say which action happened first.

He looked around the room and he saw that there had been a fight.

He organised a great ceremony to bury the dog that had saved his sons life.

Solve exercises B, C and D on page 20.

Make a timeline with the actions above.

He realised his mistake

Gelert had He looked... He organised a

saved his baby and he saw... great ceremony
A true friend
Explain in brief words the difference between Past Simple and Past Perfect.

When I arrived home, I realised I had forgotten my laptop.

Get together in groups and lets correct the homework. Doubts?

Lets see if you really got it, shall we?

A true friend
Read the quote below and think about the features you consider essential in a true friend.

Open your books on page 21, solve the quiz and find out if you are a loyal friend.

Phrasal verbs
Let someone down
Get on well
Stick up for someone
Fall out with Glossary Phrasal Verbs
Tell on someone
Vocabulary bank game
Stand by someone
A true friend
Open you books on page 22, look at the pictures and describe the 3 character in them.

How do the girls look on the 1st picture? Photostory

What sort of relationship do Tom and Laura have? What friends are for
What may they be talking about?
Listen and check your ideas.

Who has given Laura flowers and why?

Read, listen and check your ideas.

Then, answer the questions on ex. b)

Everyday English - 11 A and B

A true friend
Take 2 minutes to improvise a role play based on the situation below. Use the expressions below.

Roles: Nick and Nicks mother or father;

Situation: at home, Nicks room;
Basic idea: Nicks doing some homework but is having some problems. His mum/dad asks him how hes getting on.

Not especially
, then
As a matter of fact,
Get in pairs and prepare
your role play How could you?
Thats news to me.
The sooner the
A true friend
13. A Nick, Laura, Amy and Tom are journalists for the school radio. What kind of stories do they report?

Watch and check your ideas.

Would you like to have a radio station or a magazine in your school? Why?

Why is Amy angry at Nick?

Is Nick a good friend to Tom?

13. B Match the words with their definitions

1. To broadcast 4. set up an interview

2. Follow a story 5. reporter Share with your
3. Run a story 6. breaking news colleagues
A true friend
Open your books on page 24 and read the text.

Where did Jessica and Adam meet?

What happened to Jessica?

Answer the questions on ex. B using your own ideas to make it

more interesting

2. Where did she see him?

3. What was he working as?
4. Where exactly was she working?
5. What did the message say?
Rewrite the story in 120-150 words using your own answers to
6. When did she phone him?
make the story more interesting.
7. What did they like about each other?
8. What was she doing at that moment? Linking words when / while / as soon as / then / before / after
9. How had Adam helped her?
Verb tenses past simple, past continuous and past perfect.
Homework Check your progress page 25
A true friend
Read the

Where did Jessica and Adam meet?

What happened to Jessica?

Talk about the friends you have apart from school:

a) Where you met them

b) What your first impression were
c) Why you became friends
d) What is that you like about them

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