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Satiate S (1), Nurdiati DS (2), Saldi SRF (1), Triton T (3), Yusuf I (4,5), Utomo B (6), Achat EL (6), Ocviyanti D (1), Rohsiswatmo R (1), Chalid SMT (5),
Soedoko A (4,7), Taher A (1,4)
(1) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia; (2) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Indonesia; (3) Ministry of
Health, Indonesia; (4) Indonesian Academy of Sciences, Indonesia; (5) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia; (6) Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia;
(7) Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia


A clear understanding of the existing evidence on maternal and Systematic Review
neonatal mortality (MNM) is essential t o inf orm policies and t o
accelerate progress in reducing M N M in Indonesia. An Evidence
Summ it (ES) on Maternal and Neonatal Mortality reduction is 1. Defining the scope
Appraised evidence relevant t o maternal and
convened by the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) t o help 2. Evidence gathering neonatal m ortality in Indonesia
inf orm the efforts of the Government of Indonesian and its (Bibliography of Evidences)
development partners, NGOs, and other stakeholders. 3. Evidence selection
(supported by
4. Evidence review Assessment
5. Body of evidence (FA)
T ho us a nds o f i s l a nd s w i t h
hundreds of distinct native
ethnic and linguistic
t he estimated numb er o f
Supporting evidences and lesson
groups learned
n e w b o r n d i e each year

Global Evidence

t he estimated numb er o f
w o m e n w h o d i e each year Topic Area Reports: Summary of Knowledge
Using GRADE Approach4

Translating Evidence into


OBJECTIVES Evidence Summit Event

Confirming Policy Problem, Consensus for Policy Options,
To assemble all existing evidence relevant t o maternal and Policy Recommendation, Proposed Action Plan
1 neonatal mortality in Indonesia.
Policy Influences
To organize, summarize, and synthesize all the evidence in Public opinion, media, economic climate, political ideology and priorities,
2 a framework that allows clear understanding of the stakeholder interests, expert advice, resources, research,
legislative/policy infrastructure
challenges of M N M and allows f or prioritization f or action.

To build consensus am ong major stakeholders on the

3 evidence base, interpretation of existing evidence, and Manuscript Writing and Convening ActivityReport
priorities f or action


Central and local governments, higher education institutions,
1 2 3 professional organizations, NGOs, and media. Their roles are:
Im plementation
of UHC including
Im proved quality of Im proved referral increased utilization of
care in public and system at c o m m u nit y MNH services and Contributors of literature Active participants/partners
private sectors and facility levels im proved financial
protection of the poorest (e.g. published, on a commilee t o f ormulate
and m os t vulnerable unpublished, local best evidence-based policy options
practice) and t o take concrete actions

4 5 6 Since t he com m encem ent of Evid ence Sum m it act ivit ies,
Im proved utilization of Im plementing the stakeholder analysis has been conducted as a basis t o identify all
Im proved local evidence for decision equity of wo m a n t o
governance systems relevant stakeholders and their potential contributions t hr oughout
making in the public support 4 pillars of safe
influencing health and private sectors m otherhood the process. Stakeholder engagement and communication
strategies were developed accordingly.

Synthesizing quantitative Lack of willingness/understanding Lack of experience and skills in Need for a stakeholders
Gathering full texts of literatures, including
and qualitative studies of some respondents t o fully answer translating evidence into engagement strategy t o ensure
grey literatures (research produced outside
questions in the Field Assessment recom m endation/policy acceptability of recom mendation
the traditional commercial and academic
Process and Evidence Sum m it results

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