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2017 Durand Football

FWS Offense
2017 Goals of Improvement

Wing back blocking/Quarterback Blocking, Carrying out Fakes (C-S Fakes)

Backside Blocking assignments and techniques.

Pull steps, staying square and attacking vertical eliminating all floating.

Flat Motion, Trips, Bone, Wheel, Smash, Mesh, Cracks

Creating running opportunities for our QB at all levels

G Keep
G Follow
14-15 Base
B.E.E.F Progression

Blastoff- 1st step of the progression, 6 inch step athletes must load arms without rising an inch. If
athlete rises 1 inch our plane of contact will be to high and we will lose leverage. Chest should be
pushed over knee with eyes at armpit that is the target of the defender.

Explode- We need to emphasize contact and hip extension on this action, after the blastoff step we
want to explode into the hip of the defender creating maximum hip extension. Our surface will be
a shoulder and an extension of the elbow with the off hand driving and pumping coming up late for
control. We want to create a maximum extension of the elbow to shoulder surface. This should be
very similar to what we have done prior with a difference in emphasis on our target.

Elevation- This is a continuation of the hips, we want to create and upward movement of our
shoulder and flipper on the hip of the defender.

Finish- This is the proper placement of body, forearms shall continue to be engaged into the
defender as shall the facemask eliminating all space, the feet must continue to pound into the
ground pushing off the blades of the feet to get constant maximal push. If full hips extension is
achieved (rarely happens) then athlete may accelerate onto toes and sprint defender to his back.
Drills of Instruction
Stance- Have athletes place feet so that the inside of the feet is just outside the hips, the inside
foot should have a heel to toe relationship with the outside foot, the outside foot should be flat the
heel on the back foot (inside foot) can come off the ground. Have athletes place elbows on knees
Ready position. On stance the athlete should grab earlobe with his inside hand and drop two
main fingers directly to the ground, and then walk the fingers 3 spots forward placing all five fingers
firmly in the ground. The body should form a table, square, powerful with weight balanced that
should allow the athlete to move in any of four directions.

Load Drill- Have athletes, properly load there arms without taking a step, this enables that they get
proper stretch of the chest with elbows in, hands in holsters. Dont rise an inch.

1st Step Drill- Have athletes take proper first step, should be a 6 inch step, loading the arms, not
rising and inch. Check body position ensure they have not rose an inch, elbows are in, hands are in
holsters. Steps to practice: Base step (1st step if base blocking always away from direction that you
are base blocking the defender, also used by post man on double team), Down Step (used for down
blocks 45 degree step down the LOS), Double team step (used by the outside (drive) man on
double team flat down the LOS to eliminate space between the two men in the double team this is
a flat step but the load is critical, Reach step (Flat outside for TE) small bucket step getting into the
hip of near offensive player, Evasive step outside vertical step getting body as skinny as possible.
Drills of Instruction
Get your fit and run your feet with good width.

6 Point Drill- On hands and knees have athletes first master surface, then focus on reaching full hip

Extension- Have athletes take one step and load, then create full hip extension into the bag (tootsie pop)
he should end up as he does when he completes the 6 point drill. Initially do this in two steps and then
evolve it to a one whistle drill.

2 man sled- The 2 man sled is designed to teach foot drive. We will spend more time utilizing this tool in
2016, If the fit and extension is done correctly the sled will drive straight driving the off arm and a good fit
into the hips

Shoot Drill- Have athletes start with helmets under shoot placing the pad holder on the opposite side of
the shoot. Have athletes execute proper base block on pad holder keep pad level down with facemasks in
arm pits. Place boards between the players feet so that when they start in the finish phase they need to
keep a minimum foot width.
Finish Drills
Bear Crawl Drill- Have athletes pound entire foot into the ground, prior to pushing off with the
inside blade of the foot. On Finish call have athletes work full hip extension and spring to a finish.
Can have players go in lateral movements and at 45 degree angles. Also a defender giving
resistance to the shoulders is recommended.

Finish Drill- Have athletes engage at the hip level of a defender with both elbows out and great
body lean, the defender will hold their body weight up by holding below the elbows, back should
be flat, have offender pound feet and get maximal power into ground until finish is called, at which
point he should drop elbows and hips get full extension of arms and hips and accelerate to toes.

Wheel Barrow Drill- Same as the Finish drill but now upon a point of the coach the defender will
spin off the block, the offensive player must keep good position and work to hip and arm extension
on the defender.

Pop up Drill- Same as the Finish drill but now upon a point of the coach the defender will throw the
defender into the ground he must then pop up and get extension of his hips and arms and
accelerate to toes.

Sidewinder Drill- Same as finish drill but now upon a point of the coach the defender will slowly
move to right and left and the offensive player must keep his body in front with his feet wider then
the defensive players hips.
Other Blocking Progression Drills
Jewel Drill-
On sled pop bags straight vertical, have athletes attack pad with play side shoulder, getting full extension of
body, upon contact, they must scramble their body getting push on the sled similar to bear crawl drill without
the use of the hands.
Have entire offensive line spread, have all lengthen bodies and engage imaginary defender then scramble for
an additional 10 yards.

Evasive Step-Drill
Teach evasive step, it is a step by the outside foot, ripping vertical through any defender contact, this
technique is critical for us to teach this year.
Evasive drill, place all offensive players across from each other, have them rip between each other prior to
squaring up and shuffling flat towards the midline.

Double Team Drill

In air have a simple two on one drill, determine who the post man (base step) and the drive man (double
team step) are, over emphasize them getting knees ankles and hips together. Upon athletes becoming more
advanced include a LB to blitz with the inside player coming off, also then move the defender around and
allow the athletes to call Okie or Iowa to combo up to the backer.
Under trap shoot to emphasize pad level on first step can also do this as a Okie or Iowa call.
Other Blocking Progression Drills

Stalk Blocking- Have athletes, run 10 yards either on angle or

straight vertical, must then break down hips and mirror dodge with
defender until ball carrier runs by. Defender must try and shed and
tackle ball carrier.

Root hog Drill- Have athletes line up 4 on 4 without any space

between them on a line on the field, have defender bear crawl and
penetrate across a line of scrimmage, all players down block now
placing facemask across the body and preventing penetration, as
flippers come up flip the arms to form a fork lift and drive the
feet, they must over emphasize their legs as they try to drive and
flip the defender.
Types of Pulls
Trap Pull- first two steps are into the LOS with inside foot first, looking to
kick out first player on path, contact to inside arm pit/hip

Power Pull- Take outside foot and cross it over in front of your body
keeping shoulders square to the L.O.S. on second step get a horizontal
movement and third step get vertical hugging the back side of the double
team block.

Bubble Pull- Drop step with inside foot, then crossover with outside foot,
on third step open hips and get around the log block of the DE, look to log
the force defender with a back door rip if he plays up field trap him.

Rocket Pull- Tackle Guard gains yard of Depth and attacks WB at a 45

degree angle gaining width as he goes. Look to inside and cut first threat.
If a quick edge is created get around and attack near Level 3 defender.

Log Pull- Take trap path aiming for outside number, if DE stays to inside
get vertical push if he works for outside leverage block out and allow play to
cut up inside.
Pull Progression Drills
Splatter Drill- Have athletes pull, and lead attacking a pad holder who is
standing in front of soft pad allow puller to get full hip extension and contact

Box/Wall Drill- Have Backside of offense pull and lead through box of can rep,
power, counter, G-O Keep utilizing this drill. Can utilize wall or fence to ensure
keep everything tight on this drill as well.

Trap/G Drill- Have all front side players working on evasive steps while
trapper/G Blocker attack hip points can work log blocks as well on this.
Generally drill this while working on pass game.

Prim Drill- Take Play side players and change edge looks forcing players to pick
up different edge threats. (G Keep and Rocket)

INSIDE RUN- Line or full line emphasizing the front side blocking schemes of
our inside run game.
The Super Tackle
One of the key positions on our offense is our Super
This player should be our best drive blocker.
Anytime we align unbalanced he will be asked to be the
outside tackle.
This requires him to know all responsibilities of our TE
position as well as that of a tackle although this sounds
like a ton our TE responsibilities are the most simple in
the offense and he merely has to listen to the tackles call.

This allows for our best lineman to always be the key

blocker at the point of attack.
Cadence- Stance (players, shift into offensive
stances). Go. Ready, Hut.
Quick tells us go to on GO, this must be used
on all plays where there is no motion which
includes all plays in bone. This allows us to
change cadences.
No Play the QB will call Go Ready, Hut Hut
Ready Hut this will be done always with Roar
and loud motion and with an effort to get the
defense to jump off sides.

9 7 5 3 1 0 2 4 6 8

Base Formation Removes one defender
Creates balance both ways Good for two flank
defenders on sweep plays
Good for any 50 front
reducing the coverage
for vertical threats.
Allows 3 step game to Flank
Allows Super tackle to be in
key blocking position.

Up Right (Left) East Split/West Split

Creates superior angle for Creates angle on Force
WB to block PSLB defender crack
Creates conflict on DE and Allows superior angle for TE
alignment to level 2 then what WB
Sets-up Counter and tightens would have.
edge defenders for Manipulates edge alignment.
trap. Creates easy release for
pass game.

Plus/Minus Tight Cowboy

Creates superior angle for Creates angle on Force
FB kick out block. defender crack
Allows FB to lead on sweep Allows superior angle for E to
game. level 2 then what WB
Sets-up Counter. would have.
Allows FB quicker release on Manipulates edge alignment.
pass game. Creates easy release for
pass game.
Balances up there alignment
with the benefits of over

Eastern Under Flex Tight Robin/Eagle

Example of Trips alignment, Creates angle on Force
if trips is called the wing to the defender crack
side of the call splits to a WR Allows superior angle for TE
or a slot if there is a WR to level 2 then what WB
already (he will be on the ball would have.
in the slot telling the outside Manipulates edge alignment
receiver off the ball) and the to over loaded alignments.
other wing will shift to the Creates easy release for
called side wing alignment. pass game.

Cowboy Nasty Robin

Creates greater spacing for Creates angle on Force
pass game and sweep defender crack while
game removing the CB forces
Allows great options in run defense to shift to
game. unbalanced alignment.


Cowboy River/Lake Tight Cowboy Over

Flex splits both receivers the Bunch is a trips alignment in
left wing aligns to the right and which the wing aligns next to
the right wing aligns on the the wing or tight slot. He will
ball in the slot. be on ball if there is a split
Running Back Play
True 4 back offense
QB must be one of our best athletes, we can adapt to his skill strength.
Must fill this first, many times coaches want to put their best player at
WB in this offense this has a negative impact on our offense!
FB must be our best overall back that is tough enough and physical
enough to play this position.
WB must be great blockers, have great discipline (Faking ability), 3rd trait
is ability to run with the ball, No Block, No Rock. Lots of different types
of players can play here. We must adapt to their skill set.
We must improve our YAC, we need to teach the flipper technique, stiff
arms, spin on contact, 3rd leg, plant and splice. On top of our plays, it is
unacceptable if RBs are not breaking tackles.
End Play
Our Ends have to be our most adaptable players, they have to split, align as
Tight end, and align with a Nasty Split. It is our goal to have a coach for this
All End responsibilities at the TE position is listed below.
Ends have to be smart, skilled, and most importantly tough.
All Skills must be drilled daily.
Historically, our offense has been best when we have had at least one earth
mover at End. This allows us to solo block a 7 technique on power getting our
WB up to the next level.
Arch call is a tag in which our end will take reach steps and kick out the first
player outside of the DE
Base call is a tag in which our end will base block the DE to the outside
allowing us to run our power schemes with the E acting as the kick out player.
Split End Assignments
If end is Split, he will stalk block vs. zone coverage on
run plays.
If facing man coverage he will run off the coverage
If Crack is called he will block the force defender in
a crack back technique.
It is key for the End to know where to get on the field
and the route that will get him to that spot.
End Tight Alignment (Nasty)
On all pass plays the receiver needs to know where he must get and the
route that goes with it.
On all inside run, Power, Counter, Wedge, Trap, G he is responsible for
taking a severe angle 2 yards in front of the play side LB to down block if
the LB flows you will block him out.
Rocket our End will block down on the first threat to his inside as base rule
and the WB will log the first threat head-up or outside of the end.
We will run a reach adjustment on Rocket where both players will reach
this will be used when they want to line the force head up on the end and
we feel our end can reach him and we can out run the rest of the defense.
We will utilize the Arch scheme out of Nasty if the DE aligns on an inside
eye on inside run plays.
Durand Flex-Wing-Shift Philosophy
Effectively run Power Off Tackle, stretch defensive
alignment with formations and speed sweep game.
Series of power football, misdirection, false keys, and
play action to keep the defense out of balance.
Trap, Keep, counter, 3 step, and Play action game all
based on the establishment of the off tackle play and
their alignment in defending this.
Durand Flex-Wing-Shift Goals
Always secure football, carry with two arms Carry
ball/fakes through echo of the whistle.
Evaluate offense on efficiency of possessions.
Passing the ball should NEVER yield a turnover,
throwing the ball away or running when necessary
is always a good decision.
Score with every red zone opportunity
Average 5 yards on 1st down.
Execute 80% of fourth down conversions.
Convert 70% of two point conversions
Durand Power Series
Power Universal Play
If confusion check down (confusion must get cleared up).
If Linebacker is tough to get to go Up Right or if you want to
create edge conflict on DE.
If Safeties come tight and are reading TE/T run Keep pass
Any time there is a two man surface the EMOLOS must step
and hinge
A Hum Power 26-7 (Give, Arch, Base)

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
with heels together, QB must leave a yard of space then pitch ball, dip shoulder to hole lead through hole looking to kick block on first body head up to outside. If Give
is called, hand ball off to motion back as quick and deep as possible and carry boot fake (best from any tight), if base is called seal outside of the DE block.

BSTE: Cut-off DE work across the field for a pizza block. C: Call GAS if you have man on, call Down if you are blocking down, block man
(must cut-off) on to down, you must get head play side. GAT/Croc, down.

BST: Power Pull, with crossover technique, get vertical in first window that shows FSG: If GAT call double with Tackle utilizing BEEF progression, if covered with an
looking to cut-off BSLB. If GAS is called cut-off and hinge on DT. TEAM call jewel to reverse crab, if uncovered double the nose tackle with the
center create vertical movement.

BSG: Pull-step stay square and seal on first LB in hole Mike to backside. FST: TEAM, or GAT to signify double team call, execute BEEF progression getting
lift on the defender, if TEAM get eyes inside for run through LB

FB: Step with leg away from hole taking two steps into the line of scrimmage FSTE: Listen for TEAM call double with the Tackle if you get it, no call double with
attack outside shoulder attack with a running jewel block. Keep feet moving! If WB on PSLB if PSLB widens, never chase continue to work down creating wall and
DE over squeezes or wrong arms get vertical push. the WB will out block on scrape LB. If Arch is called take reach step and kick out
force defender, If Base is called base out on the DE.

BSWB: Arch motion, Open with inside foot gaining as much depth and width as WB: If DE is in a 9 tech, take flat step with inside foot working to inside hip of the
possible, crossover force shoulders square, catch pitch and attack hole grab hip of TE work up to PSLB if he scrapes block out, if he fills double team with TE. If Arch
Pulling T or G and sling shot through hole off G block. or Base is called listen for TEAM call for double or attack through to FBI.
A Hum Power 28/9(8 Call)

QB: QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating
body with heels together, pitch ball, dip shoulder to hole lead through hole looking to cut block on first body head up to outside.

BSTE: Cut-off DE work across the field for a pizza block. C: Call GAS if you have man on, call Down if you are blocking down, block man
(must cut-off) on to down, you must get head play side. GAT/Croc, down.

BST: Power Pull, with crossover technique, get vertical in first window that shows FSG: If GAT call double with Tackle utilizing BEEF progression, if covered with an
looking to cut-off BSLB. If GAS is called cut-off and hinge on DT. TEAM call jewel to reverse crab, if uncovered double the nose tackle with the
center create vertical movement.

BSG: Pull-step crossover outside foot stay square and get vertical on third step. FST: If TEAM call (covered) base or Jewel block finish with reverse crab, if
uncovered double team the defensive tackle with the G.

FB: Step with leg away from hole taking two steps into the line of scrimmage FSTE: Double with WB, if DE crosses your face you will wash by yourself, first step
attack outside shoulder execute running jewel block on force defender. If should be with the inside foot, you are the post player get vertical lift on DE and
defender attacks tight off hip of WB log cut to allow the play to bounce out. If the eliminate all space between you and the wing.
defender is off LOS base creating two way go.

BSWB: Arch motion, Open with inside foot gaining as much depth and width as WB: Attack through the hip of the DE, if DE vanishes work up to PSLB.
possible, crossover force shoulders square, catch pitch and attack hole grab hip of
Pulling T or G and sling shot through hole off G block.
A Rock Counter 27 (Arch, Naked)

QB: 9 oclock punch step, seat ball in belly get depth on first step reverse pivoting and placing ball in counter backs belly, carry out hard naked keep fake.
BSTE: Pull and lead up inside of the G kick, get shoulders square in the hole C: Call GAS if covered and block the NT, if uncovered call Down and block down.
looking for the first threat head up to your inside.

BST: Step down to the Center and hinge back ensuring all defenders going around FSG: GAT call double with tackle, if TEAM call Jewel block with head to outside or
you, you must protect the inside gap first. double with Center on nose tackle.

BSG: Take drop step with inside foot, crossover on the next two steps working into FST: Call TEAM or GAT execute double team, eyes inside if youre the post player.
the LOS take inside shoulder on inside hip of DE drive legs, log if must.

FB: Jab step to action side, pull down the LOS get vertical inside of the G kick out FSTE: TEAM double team first man to inside, GAT inside release to first LB to
block look for first threat head up to outside. If Log block occurs kick first threat. inside, never chase. If Arch is called reach step and kick out force defender.

BSWB: Crossover step and plant getting downhill in hole as quickly as possible PSWB: Arch motion, sprinting hard on fake with QB open carry out wide fake, if
find lane between tackle lead and FB kickout. Naked is called log the overhang defender.

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
hand mesh with motion back with forearm length pitch fake continue to reverse out sticking ball in FB belly then ride counter back, follow this with keep fake.

BSTE: Wedge Progression C: Wedge Progression

BST: Wedge Progression FSG: Wedge Progression

BSG: Wedge Progression FST: Wedge Progression

FB: Slide step with inside foot open pocket take hand-off and ride the wedge FSTE: Wedge Progression
when an opening shows burst through the opening.

BSWB: Arch motion, catch invisible pitch from motion back carry out hard WB: On snap of ball attack for mesh with qb roll over hard and sprint to
perimeter fake. boundary.
A Hum Naked Boot at 9

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap immediately extend ball to motion back (stack TB) as he fakes seat ball to hip if
rolling to strong arm sprint to edge to run ball keep eyes down field throw shoot to deep if you have the edge run. Weak arm if you have edge run if not pop hips and

BSTE: Utilize crossover pull step and plant as you do cutting off backside instead C: Call GAS if you have man on, call Down if you are blocking down, block man
of hinging back run shoot route under DE. (must cut-off) on to down, you must get head play side. GAT/Croc, down.

BST: Pull-Step gaining maximal depth and width get vertical through hole seal first FSG: If GAT call double with Tackle utilizing BEEF progression, if covered with an
threat inside, assignment is mike to back side LB TEAM call jewel to reverse crab, if uncovered maverick, must cut 1st LB head-up to
inside, never chase, commit to next if he flys.

BSG: Pull-step stay square and seal on first LB in hole Mike to backside. FST: TEAM or GAT signify double team execute BEEF Progression.

FB: Step with leg away from hole taking two steps into the line of scrimmage FSTE: Listen for TEAM call, double with tackle otherwise down block sell run.
attack outside shoulder attack with a running jewel block. Keep feet moving! If
DE over squeezes or wrong arms log cut him to allow the play to bounce outside.

BSWB: Run deep cross route WB: Power motion fake mesh with QB roll over hard and carry out fake through
the BSDE.
A Hum Boot at 9GX(Throwback, Wheel)

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
pause allow motion back to pass to block, gain additional 3 step drop while gaining width and looking down field, If FB is open in flat throw it to him if not find the WB
drag route as it comes open.

BSE: Outside release, attack vertical, if throwback is called run post to seam route C: Block on/away protect play side A gap
(pending on alignment). Never cross the center of the LOS.

BST: Eliminate all space between Center and T and hinge back to block first threat, FSG: Trap path to outside shoulder of front side end work vertical push.
block threat vertical up field.

BSG: Pull attacking width for any outside pressure player, kick this pressure out if FST: If you have a player head up you must protect your outside hip, if not block
none show hinge back to protect QB backside. down.

FB: Attack OLB collision and edge outside blitz, run Flat route gaining width, PSE: Inside release, run corner route, secondary assignment of peel back block.
attack boundary if with in 4 yards wheel vertical.

LW: Liz motion, get 5 yards of depth and attack down hill off the mesh, drop the RW: Run hard drag route must get as much width as the QB and find open
hips and block out on the backside defensive end. window.
Rocket Series
Series that creates misdirection of backfield flow.
Rocket is a speed sweep can be run with lead and with misdirection.
Rocket should be used for any and all teams that play a tight edge,
universal play. Formations create edge conflict for Rocket. Must be able to
run influence schemes with Trap.
Rocket Pass places force defender in conflict
All Power Series plays can be run with the QB running the ball with Rocket
The timing and spacing of the motion back relative to the pullers is what
makes Rocket go, this must be a vertical hitting play not horizontal. Base is
our primary off tackle play to a 2 man surface
B Rocket 29GT

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
stepping to 4 o clock if going right and 8 o clock if going left, push both thumbs down and extend arms pitching fast controllable pitch, follow and cut-off any defender
that shows.

BSTE: Cut-off near safety to Free Safety. C: Block on to cut-off MLB

BST: Cut-off BSLB FSG: Pull with 1 yard of depth cut-off furthest defender that gives you pressure,
should work to sprint around the tackle.

BSG: Trap pull and reach MLB to BSLB FST: Pull gaining a 1/2 yard of depth, must get up cutting off PSLB if DE pressures
sit on it. .

FB: If play is to off set work a yard deeper then WB and break off his block if you FSTE: Reach play side DE, if in Tight block down on first threat inside unless
feel pressure sit on it. Otherwise hug QB rollover and carry out hard trap fake. reach is called reach first player head up outside.

BSWB: Motion after second step is down sprint at full speed to and flat at 4 yards WB: Attack a reach block inside flipper 2 yards outside of force defender if he runs
of depth (right behind FB) look to catch pitch by turning shoulders back this will to gain width block out with outside flipper. If reach is called look inside to out of
slow the runner down to 75% despite running as hard as he can, plant and get reach block.
vertical after you catch the pitch bounce if WB gets reach block.
Roar 38-39 Rocket (Reach)

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
stepping to 4 o clock if going right and 8 o clock if going left, push both thumbs down and extend arms pitching fast controllable pitc to FB h, follow and cut-off any
defender that shows.

BSTE: Cut-off near safety to Free Safety. C: Block on to cut-off MLB

BST: Cut-off BSLB FSG: Pull with 1 yard of depth cut-off furthest defender that gives you pressure,
should work to sprint around the tackle.

BSG: Trap pull and reach MLB to BSLB FST: Pull gaining a 1/2 yard of depth, must get up cutting off PSLB if DE pressures
sit on it. .

FB: Off set and deepen (behind tackle), on snap gain width turn shoulders back FSTE: Reach play side DE, if in Tight block down on first threat inside unless
catch pitch plant and run downhill. reach is called reach first player head up outside.

BSWB: Flat motion across formation, lead up on play. WB: Attack a reach block inside flipper 2 yards outside of force defender if he runs
to gain width block out with outside flipper. If reach is called look inside to out of
reach block.
Trap 31X (Switch)

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
placing back in play side A gap place ball in FB belly, continue to rotate pitching then attack inside DE to ensure he doesnt play over the top, if he is up field kick out next
defender who shows.

BSTE: Cut-off Free Safety to far safety. This is the touchdown alley block. C: If GAS Double on nose, Down block back on DT.

BST: Cut-off to BSLB FSG: If GAS double on nose. If Down block one tech or take hard evasive step
drop hips with wide base to down hip of first LB to inside. If switch is called and
your covered., take a G step and kick out PSLB.

BSG: Step through the center with your outside foot, torpedo through the inside FST: Evasive step go through heels of DT to inside to down hip of first LB to inside
hip of the first DT head up to outside of the G. if switch is a called and your uncovered must block first LB inside G. NO LB CAN
GO UNDER YOU! If covered take G step and kick out PSLB.

FB: Take short slide step towards QB inside arm up take quick hand-off work FSTE: Evasive step go through heels of DT to inside to down hip of first LB to
vertical inside trap hug wall of friendly buttholes, cut back vertical in touchdown inside, if LB scrapes block him out. If switch is called get down to M to BSLB
alley. You must hit it fast and low looking for the hip of the PST to cut off of.

BSWB: Rocket motion, catch imaginary pitch and attack off tackle hole. Can fake WB: Outside release up to safety.
Rocket great speed and acceleration will get the edge defenders to widen enough
for a quick hitting trap play.
Trap 33X GAT

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
placing back in play side A gap place ball in FB belly, continue to rotate pitching then attack inside DE to ensure he doesnt play over the top, if he is up field kick out next
defender who shows.

BSTE: Cut-off Free Safety to far safety. This is the touchdown alley block. C: If GAS Double on nose, Down block back on DT.

BST: Cut-off to BSLB, if Down is called you can fold around center. FSG: Double on play side defensive tackle, vs. odd front 44-45 trap is the same as
42-43 trap. Make eyes are on BSLB

BSG: Step through the center with your outside foot, torpedo through the inside FST: Execute GAT call, get eyes on BSLB
hip of the first DT head up to outside of the T.

FB: Take short slide step towards QB inside arm up take quick hand-off work FSTE: Evasive step go through heels of DT to inside to down hip of first LB to
vertical inside trap hug wall of friendly buttholes, cut back vertical in touchdown inside, if LB scrapes let him go and work to wall.
alley. You must hit it fast and low looking for the hip of the PST to cut off of.

BSWB: Rocket motion, catch imaginary pitch and attack off tackle hole. Can fake WB: Flat path to PSLB work inside out block, if all is walled off work up to walll off
Rocket great speed and acceleration will get the edge defenders to widen enough safety.
for a quick hitting trap play.
B Rocket 29 HB Pass

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
stepping to 4 o clock if going right and 8 o clock if going left, push both thumbs down and extend arms pitching fast controllable pitch, follow and cut-off any defender
that shows.

BSTE: Run drag route C: Reach Play side

BST: Step and hinge as if it was trap block. FSG: Pull with 1 yard of depth cut-off DE.

BSG: Pull to Middle protect pitch FST: Pull gaining a yard of depth, trap first edge defender that shows.

FB: If play is to off set protect the HB pass if on mid-line fake trap FSTE: Release inside run hard corner route peel back for secondary assignment.

BSWB: Motion after second step is down sprint at full speed to and flat at 4 yards WB: Attack 3 yards wider then force defender, attack as if your going to block then
of depth (right behind FB) look to catch pitch be ready to dump ball to WB leave run to boundary catch and get up side-line.
outside soft toss if not there run or throw away deep.
A Rock 28 Keep Pass Pop

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
stepping to 4 o clock if going right and 8 o clock, pre-snap determine where your going with ball, if two high throw fade, if invert throw slant backside if 3 deep and
safety isnt over pop route throw pop. If safety moves over pop throwback to slant. If swing is called look pop throw to motion back.

BSTE: Run Slant C: Block BOB

BST: Block BOB FSG: Block BOB

BSG: Block BOB FST: Block BOB

FB: Block opposite of motion FSTE: Outside release fade route

BSWB: Motion after second step is down sprint at full speed to and flat at 4 yards WB: Attack 3 yards wider then force defender, work vertical look for ball on quick
of depth (right behind FB) look to catch pitch then run swing route. pass.
A Rock 28 Keep Pass Pop Skinny, Wheel, TB,

QB: Command cadence, snap football with motion back in B gap (if motion), take snap make punch step with foot opposite of the motion, open to motion rotating body
stepping to 4 o clock if going right and 8 o clock, this is pop from a condensed formation, we will call what we are throwing on this.

BSTE: Run corner route C: Block BOB

BST: Block BOB FSG: Block BOB

BSG: Block BOB FST: Block BOB

FB: go opposite of motion block the end can run shoot route as well if called that FSTE: Run inside skinny post
is where we are going with the ball.

BSWB: Motion after second step is down sprint at full speed to and flat at 4 yards WB: Attack 3 yards wider then force defender, then sprint vertical route for a
of depth (right behind FB) look to catch pitch then run swing route. wheel route
A Rock 14-15 Ice

QB: Take snap, ride FB get shoulders square to LOS and follow FB/WB up hole getting vertical.

BSTE: Near safety to Free Safety C: Down secure backside to backside LB, GAS double the nose.

BST: Base on to outside, cut-off BSLB if uncovered. FSG: Base on to outside. If there is not a 3 technique down block 1 to nose IE
Base nearest defender.

BSG: Cut 1, 2, or 3 tech, if uncovered wall off BSLB FST: Block on to outside

FB: Run the Midline, finding pathway up A to B gap block with inside shoulder on FSTE: Outside release near safety to free safety.
Mike to BSLB

BSWB: Rocket motion, attack hard at 4 X 4 landmark catch imaginary pitch and WB: Step with outside foot first then plant and get vertical getting inside out on
sprint to edge. Get one player to widen with your action. PSLB. Wedge open the hole.
Belly Series
G our FB power play, changes kick out angle on DE.
G creates a quick hitter for penetrating DL that doesnt
require a BSG wrap.
G Keep/Follow most important run complement for 8
Keep Pass is our flow to base pass play, it is a constraint
play for the OLB for Rocket WB reach/Shoot route, 3
verts is our cover 2 beater, and delay is our shallow
Belly 36-37 G

QB: Take snap and punch step seating the ball into the belly, second step MUST get foot to 3 o clock in order to be able to attack down hill on the next step, place ball
in belly of FB and carry hard downhill power path to D gap, try and get one player to widen with you.

BSTE: Work across field to create cutback wall, if nobody shows work up. C: Cut-off nose tackle to Mike to Backside LB on Down call, make NT backdoor

BST: Work across field to create cutback wall FSG: Trap 8 or 9 technique.

BSG: Cut 1, 2, or 3 tech, if uncovered work up to cutback wall FST: Down block, if G is uncovered cut-off Mike to BSLB

FB: Drop step with play side foot, crossover opposite foot then plant and attack FSTE: Down Block on 7 or 5 technique, if there isnt double PSLB, never chase.
level 2 cut-off of WB block (stay square), footwork must be precise and fast.

BSWB: Rocket motion, attack hard at 4 X 4 landmark catch imaginary pitch and WB: Block first LB to your inside, take path through inside hip of LB to out block.
sprint to edge. Get one player to widen with your action.
Belly 36-37 G Keep

QB: Take snap and punch step seating the ball into the belly, second step MUST get foot to 3 o clock in order to be able to attack down hill on the next step, place ball
in belly of FB ride and keep the ball to D gap reading the motion backs block on the force defender.

BSTE: Work across field to create cutback wall, if nobody shows work up. C: Cut-off nose tackle to Mike to Backside LB on Down call, make NT backdoor

BST: Work across field to create cutback wall FSG: Trap path 8 or 9 technique get vertical push on DE, we must create log on

BSG: Cut 1, 2, or 3 tech, if uncovered work up to cutback wall FST: Down block, if G is uncovered cut-off Mike to BSLB

FB: Drop step with play side foot, crossover opposite foot then plant and attack FSTE: Down Block on 7 or 5 technique, if there isnt double PSLB, never chase.
stay on your tracks carry hard fake and make defenders go back door.

BSWB: Rocket motion, have crappy motion slow and watch fullback, after snap WB: Block first LB to your inside, take path through oustide hip of LB to seal this
sprint working vertical on force defender, block his outside shoulder with your backer.
inside flipper. If this defender penetrates you must kick him.
Belly 36-37 G Keep Down

QB: Take snap and punch step seating the ball into the belly, second step MUST get foot to 3 o clock in order to be able to attack down hill on the next step, place ball
in belly of FB ride and keep the ball to D gap reading the playside G block on the force defender.

BSTE: Work across field to create cutback wall, if nobody shows work up. C: Cut-off nose tackle to Mike to Backside LB on Down call, make NT backdoor

BST: Work across field to create cutback wall FSG: Trap path kicking out force defender if he squeezes get vertical push.

BSG: Cut 1, 2, or 3 tech, if uncovered work up to cutback wall FST: Down block, if G is uncovered cut-off Mike to BSLB

FB: Drop step with play side foot, crossover opposite foot then plant and attack FSTE: Down Block on 7 or 5 technique, if there isnt double PSLB, never chase.
stay on your tracks carry hard fake and make defenders go back door.

BSWB: Rocket motion, have crappy motion slow and watch fullback, after snap WB: Block down on defensive end
sprint working vertical to playside linebacker.
Belly 36-37 G Follow

QB: Take snap and punch step seating the ball into the belly, second step MUST get foot to 3 o clock in order to be able to attack down hill on the next step, place ball
in belly of FB ride so that FB pull you square to the LOS. Once into the LOS look for cutback.

BSTE: Cut-off gain depth and rip through cut-off BS safety/rotating CB C: Cut-off nose tackle to Mike to Backside LB on Down call take severe angle block
backer by LB if necesary, make NT backdoor you.

BST: Cut-off defender to inside if he is inside of you get depth and cut-off BSLB, if FSG: Trap path 8 or 9 technique try to kick DE if DE is not kickable get vertical
player is flowing block by the hole. Make wall of friendly buttholes push.

BSG: Cut-off first defender to your inside if this is a nose cut-off BSLB, plan to FST: Down block, if G is uncovered cut-off Mike to BSLB
block past the hole, make wall of friendly buttholes

FB: Drop step with play side foot, crossover opposite foot then plant and attack FSTE: Down Block on 7 or 5 technique, if there isnt double PSLB, never chase.
PSLB try to block him out, read the block of the G who will try to kick.

BSWB: Rocket motion, carry hard fake try to get one defender to stretch the edge. WB: Run Keep pass 45 degree run route look back for ball on 5 th step.
Belly 36 Keep Pass

QB: Take snap and punch step seating the ball into the belly, second step MUST get foot to 3 o clock in order to be able to attack down hill on the next step, flash fake
with ball and get depth and space and throw to flats, if this is covered find the drag as you are attacking the LOS on a run play.

BSTE: Run hard drag route, find window and settle in window. C: Block solid then pull and seal on first player that shows.

BST: Step and Hinge FSG: Base block, play aggressive with low pad level.

BSG: Step and Hinge FST: Base block, play aggressive with low pad level

FB: Drop step with play side foot, crossover opposite foot then plant and attack to FSTE: Run hard corner route.
DE and log the end.

BSWB: Rocket motion, attack hard at FB heals, attack outside of the FB log, look WB: Run a 45 degree sprint to the boundary stretching from the force defender.
to log force to MLB.
Belly 36 Keep Pass Delay

QB: Take snap and punch step seating the ball into the belly, second step MUST get foot to 3 o clock in order to be able to attack down hill on the next step, flash fake
with ball and get depth and space as the QB leaves the pocket set your feet and throw back to the end running the delay route.

BSTE: Run hard drag route, find window and settle in window. C: Block solid then pull and seal on first player that shows.

BST: Step and Hinge FSG: Base block, play aggressive with low pad level.

BSG: Step and Hinge FST: Base block, play aggressive with low pad level

FB: Drop step with play side foot, crossover opposite foot then plant and attack to FSTE: Run through the heals of the defensive line look for ball outside of the OLB.
DE and log the end.

BSWB: Rocket motion, attack hard at FB heals, attack outside of the FB log, look WB: Run a 45 degree sprint to the boundary stretching from the force defender.
to log force to MLB.
Belly 36 Keep Pass 3 Verts

QB: Take snap and punch step seating the ball into the belly, second step MUST get foot to 3 o clock in order to be able to attack down hill on the next step, flash fake
with ball and get depth read the front side safety if he widens throw the seam, if seam is covered the throw away ball is the back side corner leave it outside.

BSTE: Run hard corner route C: Block solid then pull and seal on first player that shows.

BST: Step and Hinge FSG: Base block, play aggressive with low pad level.

BSG: Step and Hinge FST: Base block, play aggressive with low pad level

FB: Drop step with play side foot, crossover opposite foot then plant and attack to FSTE: Run hard corner route.
DE and log the end.

BSWB: Rocket motion, attack hard at FB heals, attack outside of the FB log, look WB: Run shoot route for three steps then work on a middle seam never cross the
to log force to MLB. RG alignment..
3 Step Game
First pass offense to go in to perfect timing of all pass
Routes will be incorporated in rest of pass offense.
Easy throws to gain QB confidence.
With Wings being so important in creating edge conflict
edges are reduced.
Allows us to create receiver match-ups to take advantage
of for chunk yardage.
1-70 Hitch

QB: Pre-snap look at coverage if soft 3 step and throw hitch, if pressed or in doubt, three step drop pump and then spin boot and read shoot to drag on back side of

BSTE: Run Corner C: 361 Protection

BST: 361 Protection FSG: 361 Protection

BSG: 361 Protection FST: 361 Protection

FB: 361 Protection log the end on the back side of the formation. FSTE: Run hitch

BSWB: Block down on end then run shoot route. WB: Run hard drag route.
1-70 Slant/Arrow

QB: Pre-snap look at coverage pick a side to attack ideally where the safety will be less involved, read force defender if he runs throw slant behind him if he doesnt run
with shoot throw shoot.

BSTE: Run Slant C: 361 Protection

BST: 361 Protection FSG: 361 Protection

BSG: 361 Protection FST: 361 Protection

FB: 361 Protection log the end on the back side of the formation. FSTE: Run Slant

BSWB: Outside release run shoot. WB: Outside release run shoot
A Zoom Belly 34 Keep Pass Mesh

QB: Reverse pivot short ride followed by 3 step fake, Read triangle, short to mid to corner comeback.

BSTE: Run delay route, tight to line of scrimmage get across formation. C: KP PAA

BST: KP Pass FSG: KP Pass

BSG: KP Pass FST: KP Pass

FB: KP Pass. FSTE: Run corner route if tight, if split, run pivot to corner comeback.

BSWB: Flat motion, sprint hard to get outside wing run hard shoot.. WB: Run drag sucker backer inside, get open on throwback concept.
A Zoom Belly 36 Keep Pass Smash

QB: Reverse pivot short ride followed by 3 step fake, Read Corner to triangle, short to mid to corner comeback.

BSTE: Run delay route, tight to line of scrimmage get across formation. C: KP PAA

BST: KP Pass FSG: KP Pass

BSG: KP Pass FST: KP Pass

FB: KP Pass. FSTE: Run corner route if tight, if split, run pivot.

BSWB: Flat motion, sprint hard to get outside wing run hard shoot to 8 yard pilot WB: Run Shoot
route, if SE run corner route.
A Zoom Belly 36 Keep Pass Wheel

QB: Reverse pivot short ride followed by 3 step fake, Read Corner to triangle, short to mid to corner comeback.

BSTE: Run delay route, tight to line of scrimmage get across formation. C: KP PAA

BST: KP Pass FSG: KP Pass

BSG: KP Pass FST: KP Pass

FB: KP Pass., variation wheel up weak side from off alignment. FSTE: Run Pivot.

BSWB: Flat motion, sprint hard to get outside wing run hard shoot then wheel up WB: Run Shoot
Install specials early and rep a couple times a week you
will need these for long yardage situations.
Draw, Screen, and Rocket Pass are ones that we will run
every week.
Reverse is an easy install that doesnt change many
Other Loud/Roar game, Now, 3 verts, Pop (off set FB).
Create Specials based on what your kids do best!
2-90 Streak

QB: Sprint out getting depth read shoot to drag to run.

BSTE: Run drag route 10-12 yards of depth must get across the field. C: Slide to call

BST: Slide to call FSG: Slide to call

BSG: Slide to call FST: Slide to call

FB: Block vertical through outside shoulder of the DE FSTE: Driver vertical and outside of DB. If condensed run corner.

BSWB: Run throwback route. WB: Run shoot route

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