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Yuwono, MD., PhD.

Faculty of Medicine University of Sriwijaya
All are large Gram-positive bacilli
Are aerobic
Form endospores
Most are found in dust and soil
Bacillus anthracis is the major pathogen in the group
Morphology and Cultural Characteristics
(Bacillus anthracis)
G+B with square cut ends
Forms endospores
Capsule is made of glutamic acid (a polypeptide)
The capsule is not found in cultured bacteria
unless the bacteria are grown on bicarbonate
containing media and in the presence of increased
CO concentrations. The organism has a capsule
while inside the host which provides the conditions
necessary for capsule production.
Gram stain of Bacillus sp.
Endospores of Bacillus sp,
Grow well on ordinary lab media producing large
granular colonies with a coarse texture.
On BA may cause beta hemolysis.
Virulence factors
Capsule helps organism to resist phagocytosis but
antibodies are not protective.
Exotoxin is very complex and is produced only when
the bacteria is growing in animal tissues. Toxin
production is mediated by a temperature sensitive
plasmid. The toxin consists of three protein
components (maximum toxicity occurs when all three
components are present).
Bacillus sp. On BA
Protective antigen (PA) reacts with host cell tissue
receptors where it is proteolytically activated so that it
binds LF and EF to allow entry of LF and EF into the
host cells. Injection of PA into a host will result in the
production of antibody against PA that provides short
term immunity.
Lethal factor (LF) Both PA and LF are required for
lethal activity.
Edema factor (EF) Both PA and EF are required for
edema to occur. EF has adenylate cyclase activity
and it becomes active when it enters eucaryotic
cells. This results in an increase of cAMP and
resulting edema.
Clinical significance
Anthrax which is the disease caused by B. anthracis
is essentially a disease of animals who acquire the
organism by ingestion or inhalation of spores. The
spores are extremely resistant to adverse chemicals
and physical environments. They may remain a
source of infection in soil for 20-30 years.
Man acquires anthrax usually from contact with
animal products; less commonly from working in an
agricultural setting with infected animals.
Man may acquire the organism through skin
abrasions, by inhalation of spores, or by ingestion.
The disease that develops depends upon the mode
of transmission:
Pulmonary (Woolsorters disease) Spores are
inhaled and germinate in the lungs where they
multiply and spread to cause a fatal
septicemia or meningitis. This is the most
serious form of the disease.
Intestinal anthrax results from ingestion of spores.
Cutaneous anthrax when organism comes in through skin
abrasions; most common form; most damage comes from
the invasion but the toxin may play a role; spores enter
through a cut, germinate, and vegetative cells multiply;
there is an acute host inflammatory response, but the
capsule probably prevents phagocytosis; exotoxin release
and invasive damage result in rapid development of a
malignant pustule; occasionally, without treatment, the
organism will disseminate to cause septicemia and death in
a few days (rare because of B-lysin activity in the
bloodstream that kills the bacteria); vascular injury with
edema, hemorrhage, and thrombosis may occur; death
results from respiratory failure and anoxia caused by
actions of the toxin on the central nervous system (toxemic
Antibiotic susceptibility and treatment
Penicillin or tetracycline
A short-term PA vaccine is available for industrial
workers and others at high risk.
Other Bacillus species
Bacillus subtilis, and occasional other species
may occasionally cause opportunistic infections.
Bacillus cereus is a major cause of enterotoxin
food poisoning; the toxin is protein in nature and
can be destroyed by heating; food poisoning occurs
after ingestion of pre-formed toxin; vomiting occurs
1-5 hours after ingestion
B. cereus is also an opportunistic pathogen that
has been cultured from cases of septicemia,
endocarditis, meningitis, wound infections,
pneumonia, and fulminant eye infections; in addition
to the enterotoxin that bacteria may produce, a
dermonecrotic and a lethal toxin, hemolysins,
lecithinase, proteases, and nucleases may be
involved in its pathogenesis; clindamycin with or
without gentamycin may be used for treatment
Basil gram (+) berspora

a.Bacillus cereus

a.Clostridium tetani
b.Cl.perfringens (welchii)
Property Vegetative cells Endospores
Typical Gram-positive
Thick spore coat, cortex, and
murein cell wall
Surface coats unique peptidoglycan core
polymer; crystalline S-
wall; no S-layer
Microscopic appearance Nonrefractile Refractile
Calcium dipicolinic acid Absent Present in core
Cytoplasmic water activity High Very low
Enzymatic activity Present Absent
Macromolecular synthesis Present Absent
Heat resistance Low High
Resistance to chemicals and
Low High
Radiation resistance Low High
Some sensitive; some
Sensitivity to lysozyme Resistant
Sensitivity to dyes and
Sensitive Resistant
Perbedaan endospora dan sel vegetatif Bacillus species
Formasi Spora
Bacillus anthracis

Menyebabkan peny.anthrax (zoonosis).

Infeksi terjadi pd manusia melalui spora.
1.kulit : berupa papulavesikula pustula maligna
ulkus nekrotik.
kalau menjalar keseluruh tubuh septikemia.
2.gasterointestinal :melalui makanan (daging hewan)
3.pneumonia.per inhalasi paru paru
secara alamiah : woolsorter disease.
dapat dibuat senjata biologis (WMD)
bersifat sangat fatal (mematikan)
Sifat sifat B.anthracis

batang besar,ujung persegi,1 x 3-4 um, tersusun spt

Rantai panjang (mirip bambu) berspora sentral-

Pembiakan :koloni bulat,transparan,hemolisis(-),

mencairkan gelatin.
Kapsul terdiri dari asam glutamat, sedangkan badan
berupa protein dan polisakarida.

Menghasilkan toksin :
1. A protein
2. Faktor edema
3. Faktor lethal
Diagnosis laboratorium

1. Bahan pemeriksaan : pus, darah,sputum, jr biopsi

2. Pengecatan : basil gram (+),bentuk rantai.
3. Pembiakan pd agar darah.
4. Tes Ascoli : terbentuk cincin presipitat apabila serum
imun + ekstrak jaringan terinfeksi.

Terapi : penisilin
Pencegahan : vaksin anthrax
Epidemiologi : spora tanah hewan (domba) manusia
Kontrol :

1. Bangkai hewan dibakar.

2. Produk tercemar di autoklaf
3. Gunakan sarung tangan,masker,baju
pelindung, goggle, dll.
4. Vaksinasi hewan ternak.
Anthrax:primarily a disease of domesticated and wild animals terutama
herbivora.Manusia terkena karena konbtak dengan hewan-hewan tersebut:
flesh, bones, hides, hair dan excrement. Paling sering cutaneous anthrax
didapat lewat kujlit atau mukosa yang terluka,minor scratch atau abrasion
pada face or neck or arms terinokulasi spora dari tanah. Spora tumbuh
menjadi vegetatif berupa gelatinous edema kemudian papule within 12-36
jam, kemudian cepat menjadi vesicle, pustule (malignant pustule) dan
akhgirnya necrotic ulcer yang dapat menyebar menjadi septikemia.
Lymphatic swelling dalam 7 hari sebagai tanda septikemia umumnya fatal.

Inhalation anthrax (woolsorters' disease) karena menghirup spore-containing

dust where animal hair or hides are being handled. Dimulai dengan demam
tinggi dan nyeri dada dan perdarahan sistemik dan fatal.
Gastrointestinal anthrax analog dengan cutaneous anthrax karena tertelan
poorly cooked meat from infected animals. Gastrointestinal anthrax jarang tapi
kadang menjadi wabah
Patologi ditentukan virulence: antiphagoytic capsule, and powerful lethal toxin
ie. the anthrax toxin.
Anthraks kutaneus paling sering terjadi pada manusia
Anthraks pneunonik fatal jika terjadi

B. Anthracis

B. Anthracis (kanan) dan B. cereus (kiri)

Clostridium tetani

Dijumpai di seluruh dunia : tanah,kotoran hewan,dll.

Basil gr(+), anaerob, spora terminal(+), motil.
Menghasilkan eksotoksin yg bekerja pd CNS.
spasme ,hiperrefleksi, kejang ok tetanospasmin.

Kuman tidak invasif : masuk melalui luka yg dalam/kotor.

(bayi :umbilikus, luka tusuk, lubang gigi, dll.)
Spora vegetatif eksotoksin ke axon/darah CNS.
Gejala : trismus (lockjaw),risus sardonicus.

Pencegahan : DPT,ATS profilaksis,booster TT.

Pengobatan : wound cleansing,penisilin,ATS & TT.

Pemeriksaan laboratorium

Spesimen : pus ,dibiakkan pd anaerobic jar .

Tampak koloni kecil spt jala halus & berjalinan.
Pada media cair (chopped cooked meat) : tumbuh pada
dasar tabung.

Pemeriksaan lab jarang diminta !

Kalau secara klinis (+) gejala tetanus :

Bayi : tetanus neonatorum, orang dewasa (luka kotor)
langsung MRS terapi .
Clostridium botulinum

Penyebaran di seluruh dunia (tanah,kotoran hewan)

Menghasilkan 7 jenis toksin, A s/d G.
A, B, dan E : peny.pd.manusia (keracunan makanan)
C : limber neck (unggas)
D : botulismus pd peternak.

Penyakit timbul pasca mengkonsumsi makanan yang

diawetkan : kalengan, makanan yg diasap,divakum.
Pd bayi : madu sids (sudden infant death syndrome)
Toksin rusak jika dipanaskan 100 C / 20 menit

Gejala penyakit :
18-96 jam pasca makan makanan yg tercemar
flaccid paralysis berupa gangguan penglihatan,
tak dpt menelan, kesulitan bicara, paralisis bulbar
progresif, tanpa demam.

Kematian akibat paralisis otot pernafasan dan

Clostridium perfringens

Spora masuk melalui luka dalam/kotor (fraktur

Menyebabkan gas gangrene (clostridial myonecrosis)
ok alfa toksin (lecithinase) yg menghidrolisis
membran sel.

Gejala : nyeri hebat, menjalar pembentukan gas pd

jr.subkutan & otot .Kalau diraba ber krepitasi.

Terapi : oksigen hiperbarik dan amputasi.

Clostridium difficile

Menyebabkan kolitis pseudomembranosa

terutama pd anak.

Diare th clindamycin flora normal mati

Berkembang Cl.diff toksin kolitis ps
dapat berakibat fatal.

Terapi : vancomycin

Lab : mencari eksotoksin dr tinja pasien.

1872, Ferdinand Cohn murid Robert Koch menemukan Bacillus subtilis
Genus Bacillus, family Bacillaceae
Ciri khas famili ini endospora
Ciri genus: Gram-positif, batang, aerobik atau fakultatif, membentuk endospora

Ubiquitous in nature
Endospora resisten zat kimia dan fisik
Siklus pembentukan endospora
Produsen antibiotik
Spora dan kristal proteinnya toksik untuk beberapa serangga
Patogen Bacillus anthracis
Bacillus coagulans

Great diversity in physiology:

Mendegradasi hampir semua substrat tumbuhan dan hewan termasuk selulosa,
starch, pectin, protein, agar, hidrokarbon
Produksi antibiotik
Nitrifikasi, denitrifikasi, fiksasi nitrogen, facultative lithotrophy; autotrophy;
acidophily; alkaliphily; psychrophily; thermophily dan parasitism.
Spora merupakan strategi bertahan di tanah dimana banyak sekali bakteri. Spora
juga dapat ditemukan di udara
Nutrisi dan Pertumbuhan
Hampir semua Bacillus versatile
chemoheterotrophs yaitu mampu
respirasi menggunakan berbagai
simple organic compounds (sugars,
amino acids, organic acids).
pada beberapa kasus kadang
memfermentasi karbohidrat
memproduksi glycerol dan
Bacillus megaterium memerlukan Mucoid-type colonies of an
non organic growth factors encapsulated Bacillus species
Mayoritas mesofil optimum 30-
45C,tapi ada juga yang termofilik
pada 65C

Generation time di laboratorium 25 menit

Bacillus mudah diisolasi. Teknik sederhana dengan pasteurize a diluted soil
sample pada 80C 15 menit plate pada nutrient agar dan inkubasi 37C 24
jam-beberapa hari. Setelah 24 jam ada koloni basilus yang khas: catalase-
positive, Gram-positive, endospore-forming rods
Surface Structure of Bacillus
Seperti permuakaan Gram-positif lainnya kompleks berhubungan dengan adherence,
resistance dan tactical responses
Vegetative cell surface terdiri dari: capsule, proteinaceous surface layer (S-layer),
several layers of peptidoglycan sheeting dan protein pada outer surface membran

Surface of a Bacillus. Transmission E.M.

C=Capsule; S=S-layer; P=Peptidoglycan

S-layers: Crystalline protein atau glycoprotein subunit yang disebut S-layers, fungsi
belum diketahui mungkin berhubungan dengan interaksi bakteri-metal, bermuatan
negatif dan dapat mencegah autoaglutinasi pada B. stearothermophilus
B. anthracis, B. subtilis, B. megaterium dan B. licheniformis: poly-D- or L-glutamic acid.
B. circulans, B. megaterium, B. mycoides dan B. pumilus: karbohidrat.
Polisakarida beberapa Bacillus bereaksi silang dengan genus patogen lain seperti B.
mycoides dengan Streptococcus pneumoniae type III; B. pumilus dengan Neisseria
meningitidis group A; B.alveli dengan Haemophilus influenzae type B.
Di bawah TEM beberapa kapsul polipeptida dan polisakarida tampak fibriler. Kapsul
mudah dilihat dengan mikroskop cahaya. Media berkapsul bersifat mukoid atau slimy

Kapsul Bacillus anthracis FA stain (kiri), negative stain (india ink) (kanan)
Cell Walls
Tidak bervariasi seperti pada Gram-positif umumnya. Dinding sel vegetatif
terbuat dari meso-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) kecuali pada B. sphaericus, B.
pasteurii dan B. globisporus dari lysine
Mayoritas Bacillus motil yaitu memiliki peritrichous flagella. Flagel tetap stabil
hingga pH 11.

Individual cells of motile Bacillus species photographed on nutrient agar, 15,000X

A. B. subtilis; B. B. polymyxa; C. B. laterosporis; D. B. alveli.
Transforamsi pada Bacillus subtilis ditemukan pada1958
Generalized and specialized transduction juga terjadi pada B. subtilis
Genes affecting sporulation B. subtilis
Bacteriophages memediasi generalized transduction pada B subtilis, B. cereus,
B. megaterium, B. thuringiensis, B. anthracis dan B. stearothermophilus.
Conjugative plasmids (fertility plasmids capable of bringing about their own
transfer from one bacterium to another) juga terjadi pada bebrapa spesies
Insecticidal delta toxin crystal protein B. thuringiensis dikode pada large
plasmids. Plasmid ini dapat ditransfer antar spesies. Selain itu terbukti pula
bahwatransmissible plasmids of Bacillus, a conjugative transposon (Tn925)
berasal dari Enterococcus faecalis ke B. subtilis.

Endospora resisten terhadap stres lingkungan. Primary habitat of the aerobic
endospore-forming bacilli is the soil. Russian microbiologist Winogradsky
menyebutnya "normal flora" of the soil.
Ecophysiological groups

Acidophiles: B. acidocaldarius, B. coagulans dan B. polymyxa.

Alkaliphiles: B. alkalophilus dan B. pasteurii. Optimum pH 8 - 11
Halophiles: B. pantothenticus, B. pasteurii, beberapa tahan 10 % NaCl
Psychrophiles atau psychrotrophs: B. globisporus, B. insolitus, B.
marinus, B. macquariensis, B. megaterium, B. polymyxa, tumbuh
pada 0C
Thermophiles: B. acidocaldarius, B. schlegelii dan B.
stearothermophilus, Acidophiles dan Lithoautotrophs pada kelompok
ini tahan hingga 65C.
Denitrifiers: B. azotoformans, B. cereus, B. laterosporus, B.
licheniformis, B. pasteurii, B. stearothermophilus (reduce NO3 to
Nitrogen-fixers: B. macerans and B. polymyxa. B. macerans in soil
and in decaying vegetable material.
Pathogens of Insects: B. larvae, B. lentimorbis, and B. popilliae are
invasive pathogens. B. thuringiensis forms a parasporal crystal that is
toxic to Lepidoptera.
B. larvae, B. lentimorbis and B. popilliae are a related cluster of Bacillus
species, being insect pathogens, with swollen sporangia, and typically

Pathogens of Animals: B. anthracis, and B. cereus. B. alvei, B.

megaterium, B. coagulans, B. laterosporus, B. subtilis, B. sphaericus, B.
circulans, B. brevis, B. licheniformis, B. macerans, B. pumilus, and B.
thuringiensis have been isolated from human infections.
Bacillus cereus
Ditemukan di lingkungan seperti tanah, debu
Patogen oportunistik pada luka, abses paru dan LCS
Keracunan makanan menyebabkan diare, mual dan muntah
terutama makanan yang dimasak kurang matang atau makanan
yang disimpan/diawetkan

Koloni: Medusa-head morphology

Bacillus cereus food poisoning

Bacillus cereus causes two types of food-borne intoxications:

1. Characterized by nausea and vomiting and abdominal cramps and has an
incubation period of 1 to 6 hours. It resembles Staphylococcus aureus food
poisoning in its symptoms and incubation period. This is the "short-
incubation" or emetic form of the disease.
2. Manifested primarily by abdominal cramps and diarrhea with an incubation
period of 8 to 16 hours. Diarrhea may be a small volume or profuse and
watery. This type is referred to as the "long-incubation" or diarrheal form of
the disease, and it resembles more food poisoning caused by Clostridium
perfringens. In either type, the illness usually lasts less than 24 hours after

The short-incubation form is caused by a preformed heat-stable enterotoxin.

The mechanism and site of action of this toxin are unknown. The long-
incubation form is mediated by a heat-labile enterotoxin which activates
intestinal adenylate cyclase and causes intestinal fluid secretion.
Bacillus subtilis dan spesies lain
Ditemukan di lingkungan
Patogen oportunistik
The patient was a 2,150 gram female neonate
Born at 32 weeks gestation. She had poor vital signs and she was
intubated at birth because of poor respiratory effort.
The mother presented at the time of delivery with complaints of lower
abdominal pains with a temperature of 39oC and a white blood cell
count of 25,000/mm3.
The mother was given ampicillin at the time of delivery. She
Blood cultures were taken from the infant soon after birth. These
grew Gram-positive coccobacilli that produced beta hemolysis on
sheep blood agar.
Lumbar punctures were attempted, but they were too traumatic and
Listeria monocytogenes
Gram positif, batang pendek bulat (kokobasiler)
Fakultatif anaerob, b-hemolytic on sheep blood agar
Tumbuh pada suhu 4C. Katalase positif
Commonly associated with dairy products

Gejala klinis
Meningoencephalitis: Most common in neonates
Low grade septicemia during pregnancy
Granulomatosis infantiseptica-intrauterine
Early onset syndrome- before delivery characterized by
septicemia, disseminated abscesses and granulomas
Late onset syndrome- meningitis 2-3 weeks after birth
(MUST BE differentiated from Group B Streptococcal

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