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Energy &
to begin developing a concept of energy what it is, how
it is transformed and transferred.
show an understanding of the concept of work in terms
of the product of a force and displacement in the direction
of the force
Work, Energy & Power

calculate the work done in a
number of situations including the
work done by a gas that is expanding
against a constant external pressure:
W = p V
Concept of Energy

Work, energy and power

Concept of Energy

Work, energy and power

Concept of Energy
An analogy:
ability to purchase
good and services

ability to do
work (simple
but inadequate)
Work, energy and power
Concept of Energy
Kinetic energy is
analogous to cash
Potential energy is
analogous to savings
just like energy, can
be transformed and Work is analogous to
transferred in getting a paycheck (+) or
various ways paying bills (making
purchases) ( - )
Work, energy and power
Work, Energy & Power
So what then
is WORK?

-it is the mechanical transfer of

energy to or from the system by
the pushes and pull of external
- it is the product of force and
distance in the same direction of
the force.
Work, Energy & Power
Calculating work done
2 factors are involved
External force, F must be Object must move in the
applied direction of the force, s

S = distance moved
Work, Energy & Power
The work done by a force is
defined as the product of the
W=Fxs force and the distance moved in
the direction of the force.

the magnitude of the force F the bigger the force,

the greater the amount of work you do.

the distance s you push the car the further you

push it, the greater the amount of work done.
Work, Energy & Power
work done W = F x s
= 300 x 5.0
= 1500 J
= 1.5 kJ
F = 300 N
S = distance moved s = 5.0 m
Work, Energy & Power
Doing work Not doing work N
Pushing a car to start it moving: your
force transfers energy to the car. The oyour
Pushing a car but it does not budge: no
energy is transferred, because

cars K.E. (i.e. movement energy) force does not move. The cars K.E.
does not change.

r move upwards. The GPE of

Lifting weights: you are doing work as
the weights
Holding the weights above your head:
you are not doing work on the weights
the weights increases. because the force you apply on them is
k o
not causing it to move. The GPE of the
weights is not changing
Writing an essay: you are doing work
because you need a force to move your
Reading an essay: this may seem like
hard work, but no force is involved, so
pen across the page, or to press the you are not doing any work.
keys on the keyboard k
Work, Energy & Power
work done = energy transferred
Doing work is a way of
transferring energy.
1 Joule = 1 newton metre
The Joule is defined as the amount of work done
when a force of 1 Newton moves an object a
distance of 1 metre in the direction of the force
Work, Energy & Power
work done = energy transferred

The Joule is also defined as the amount of

energy transferred when a force of 1 Newton
moves an object a distance of 1 metre in the
direction of the force
Work, Energy & Power
Test yourself
1. In each of the following examples, explain whether or not any
work is done by the force mentioned.
a) You pull a heavy sack along the ground. YES
b) The force of gravity pulls you downwards when you fall. YES
c) The tension in a string pulls on a stone when you whirl it
around at a steady speed. NO
d) The contact force of the bedroom floor stops you from
falling into the room below. NO

2. A man of mass 70 kg climbs stairs of vertical height 2.5 m.

Calculate the work done against the force of gravity.
1716.75 = 1.7 kJ
Work, Energy & Power
Test yourself
3. A stone of weight 10 N falls from the top
of a 250 m high cliff.

a) Calculate how much work is done by

the force of gravity in pulling the stone to
the foot of the hill. 2500 J

b) How much energy is transferred to the

stone? 2500 J
Work, Energy & Power
Force, distance and direction

For force to do work, there must be movement

in the direction of the force
Work, Energy & Power

Fx = F cos 30o Work done = (Fx) x s

= 50 cos 30o = 43. 301270189 x 10
= 43. 301270189 = 433.01270189
= 4.3 x 102 J

component (Fx)
of 50 N
Work, Energy & Power
Doing work against gravity

A 80.0 kg man is climbing

a stair as shown in the
diagram on the right. Given h = 4.0 m
the dimensions calculate
for the work done by the
man upon reaching the last
step above. Force
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Quick review: Doing/Not Doing work????

Work, Energy & Power
An airport passenger is
pulling his luggage with a
force F = 120 N along a
= 35o level floor. The pulling
force makes an angle of
Fx = ? 35o measured from the
floor and the passenger
moves through a distance
d of 6.0 m, what is the
work done on the

d = 6.0 m
Work, Energy & Power
A stunt person slides down a cable that is attached between a tall
building and the ground.

The stunt person has a mass of 85 kg. The speed

of the person when reaching the ground
is 20 m s1. Calculate:
a) the change in gravitational potential energy of
the person
b) the final kinetic energy of the person
c) the work done against friction
d) the average friction acting on the person.
Work, Energy & Power
100 N
The figure on 70 N
the right shows
the forces
acting on a
box which is 30 N
being pushed
100 N
up a slope.

Calculate the work done by each force if the box

moves up 0.5 m up the slope.
Work, Energy & Power
Try these:
1. Calculate how much gravitational potential
energy (GPE) is gained if you climb a flight of
stairs. Assume that you have a mass of 52 kg
and that the height you lift yourself is 2.5 m.

2. A climber of mass 100 kg (including all the

equipment he is carrying) ascends from sea level
to the top of a mountain 5500 m high. Calculate
the change in her gravitational potential energy
Work, Energy & Power
3. Calculate the increase in kinetic energy of
a mass 800 kg when it accelerates from 20
m/s to 30 m/s. Change in KE = 200 kJ

4. Calculate the change in KE of a ball of

mass 200 g when it bounces. Assume that it
hits the ground with a speed of 15.8 m/s and
leaves it at 12.2 m/s. Change in KE = 10 J
Work, Energy & Power
movable piston
Work done by gas
force force exerted by
P= _____ the gas when it
area expands

F=p A
work done is

Change in
A s ???
volume, V

Work, Energy & Power
When the gas EXPANDS,
work is done BY the gas.

When the gas

CONTRACTS, then work
is done ON the gas.
Work, Energy & Power
Study the sample
problems on pages
76, 80, & 82 and
answer the Now its
your turn questions.
Check your answers
against the answers
from the book.
Work, Energy & Power
The diagram shows a child on a swing. The
mass of the child is 35 kg. The child is
raised to point A and then released. She
swings downwards through point B.

a) Calculate the change in

gravitational potential energy of the
child between A and B.
b) Assuming that air resistance is
negligible, calculate the speed of the
child as she passes through the
equilibrium position B.
c) The rope stays taut throughout.
Explain why the work done by the
tension in the rope
is zero.
Work, Energy & Power
A bullet of mass 30 g and travelling at a
speed of 200 m s1 embeds itself in a
wooden block. The bullet penetrates a
distance of 12 cm into the wood. Using
the concepts of work done by a force and
kinetic energy, determine the average
resistive force acting on the bullet.

Work done by resistive force initial kinetic energy of bullet

F 0.12 0.030 200 2
0.030 200 2
F 5.0 10 3 N (5.0 kN)
2 0.12
Work, Energy & Power
The diagram shows a 50 kg crate
being dragged by a cable up a ramp
that makes an angle of 24 with the

The crate moves up the ramp at a constant speed and travels a

total distance of 20 m up the ramp. Determine the magnitude of
the friction between the crate and the surface of the ramp.
Work, Energy & Power
Gain in gravitational potential energy mgh
50 9.81 20 sin 24
3.99 103 J

Work done by tension in the rope F cos x

350 cos 30 20
6.06 103 J
Work, Energy & Power
Work done against friction 6.06 103 3.99 103
2.07 103 J

Since work done is given by:

work done force distance
we have:
2.07 10
friction 104 N 100 N
Work, Energy & Power
An object of mass m passes a point X with a
velocity v and slides up a frictionless incline to stop
at point Y which is at a height h above X

v Y
A second ball of mass 0.5m passes X with a
velocity of 0.5v. To what height will it rise?
Work, Energy & Power

10.0 m

1.0 m

A body of mass 1.0 kg initially at rest slides down an incline

plane that is 1.0 m high and 10.0 m long. If the body
experiences a constant resistive force of 0.5 N over the slope,
what is the KE of the body at the base of the plane?
Gain in KE = loss in PE Work against resistive force
Work, Energy & Power

Power =
work done J
time taken s
Watts (W)

- is the rate of working 1

joule per second ( scalar
just like energy )
Work, Energy & Power
Its common to say that a strong person is

In Physics, strength, or force, and power are NOT

the same.

Large forces may be exerted w/o any movement

and thus NO WORK is done and the power is zero.

Large rock resting on the ground is not moving and

yet exerts a large amount of force.
Work, Energy & Power
Consider a force F which
moves a distance x at
constant speed v in the
direction of the force, in
time t
Dividing both
W=Fs sides by t
Power = force x speed
W=Fs but W/t = power
t t and s/t = speed
Work, Energy & Power
Study the sample problem from page 103, then
solve Now its your turn problems 1-3
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power
Work, Energy & Power

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