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##### ######%### #Ka#### ########################### ########### #%###How to
Build Quality into your Team ### #####&#########%#######
#########(### ########### #'###Quality has become the philosophers' stone of
management practice with consultants and gurus vying to charm lead-laden
corporations into gold-winning champions. Stories abound of base companies with
morose workers and mounting debts being transformed into happy teams and healthy
profits; never a day goes by without a significant improvement, a pounds-saving
suggestion or a quantum leap in efficiency. With this professed success of
"Quality" programmes, there has evolved a proscriptive mythology of correct
practise which has several draw backs: the edicts call for nothing less than a
company wide, senior-management led programme the adherence to a single formula has
a limited effect, precludes innovation outside these boundaries, and reduces the
differentiation which such programmes profess to engender the emphasis on single-
task, specially formed groups shifts the focus away from the ordinary, daily bread-
and-butter Of course, these criticisms do not invalidate the ideas of Quality but
are simply to suggest that the principles might well be viewed from a new angle -
and applied at a different level. This article attempts to provide a new
perspective by re-examining some of the tenets of Quality in the context of a
small, established team: simply, what could a Team Leader do with his/her staff.
## #####(#########P#(############# #P### #######
#########8#################l####### ######### #######
################### ########################### ########### #####What is
"Quality"?### #######################(### ########### # ###In current management
writings "Quality" has come to refer to a whole gambit of practices which
themselves have resulted in beneficial side-effects; as a Team Leader, you will
want to take advantage of these benefits also.
## #<### ##################### ####################################### #########
################## ########### ####The
Customer### #######################(### ########### # ###In simple terms,
attaining Quality has something to uild something great?" A person who doesn't feel
the thrill of challenge is not a potential leader. Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## # ###I#########P#############P# #########P#############P# #########P#####
########P#Q#########P#############P#&##################################### #######
#################### ########### #####Spirits of Discontent## ########### #r###A
constructive spirit of discontent. Some people would call this criticism, but
there's a big difference in being constructively discontent and being critical. If
somebody says, "There's got to be a better way to do this," I see if there's
leadership potential by asking, "Have you ever thought about what that better way
might be?" If he says no, he is being critical, not constructive. But if he says
yes, he's challenged by a constructive spirit of discontent. That's the
unscratchable itch. It is always in the leader. People locked in the status quo are
not leaders. I ask of a potential leader, Does this person believe there is always
a better way to do something? Practical ideas. Highly original people are often not
good leaders because they are unable to judge their output; they need somebody else
to say, "This will work" or "This won't." Brainstorming is not a particularly
helpful practice in leadership, because ideas need to stay practical. Not everybody
with practical ideas is a leader, of course, but leaders seem to be able to
identify which ideas are practical and which aren't. Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## # ###
#########P#############P# #########P#############P# #########P#############P# ##
#######P#############P#V##################################### ##### #######
######### ######### ########################### ########### #####Willing To
Responsible### #######################&### ########### #Z###A willingness to
take responsibility. One night at the end of the second shift, I walked out of the
plant and passed the porter. As head of operations, I had started my day at the
beginning of the first shift. The porter said, "Mr. Smith, I sure wish I had your
pay, but I don't want your worry." He equated responsibility and worry. He wanted
to be able to drop his responsibility when he walked out the door and not carry it
home. That's understandable, but it's not a trait in potential leaders. I thought
about the porter's comment driving home. If the vice-president and the porter were
paid the same money, I'd still want to be vice-president. Carrying responsibility
doesn't intimidate me, because the joy of accomplishment-the vicarious feeling of
contributing to other people-is what leadership is all about. Prepared &
Compiled by: Matt
## # ### #########P#############P# #########P#############P# #########P########
#####P# #########P#############P###########P#=####################################
# ##### ###########
######### ########### #####Quality In
Leaders### #######################&### ########### #####A completion factor. I
might test somebody's commitment by putting him or her on a task force. I'd find a
problem that needs solving and assemble a group of people whose normal
responsibilities don't include tackling that problem. The person who grabs hold of
the problem and won't let go, like a dog with a bone, has leadership potential.
This quality is critical in leaders, for there will be times when nothing but one's
iron will says, "Keep going." Dale Carnegie used to say, "I know men in the ranks
who will not stay in the ranks. Why? Because they have the ability to get things
done." In the military, it is called "completed staff work." With potential
leaders, when the work comes in, it's complete. The half-cooked meal isn't good
enough. Prepared & Compiled by: Matt
## # ### #########P#############P#n#########P#############P# #########P#########
####P# #########P#############P###########P# ####################################
########### ########################### ########### #####Potential
Leaders### #######################&### ########### # ###Mental toughness. No one
can lead without being criticized or without facing discouragement. A potential
leader needs a mental toughness. I don't want a mean leader; I want a tough-minded
leader who sees things as they are and will pay the price. Leadership creates a
certain separation from one's peers. The separation comes from carrying
responsibility that only you can carry. Years ago, I spoke to a group of presidents
in Columbus, Ohio, about loneliness in leadership. One participant, president of an
architectural firm, came up afterward and said, "You've solved my problem." "What's
your problem?" I asked. "My organization's always confused," he said, "and I didn't
know why. It's because I don't like to be lonely; I've got to talk about my ideas
to the rest of the company. But they never know which ones will work, so everybody
who likes my idea jumps to work on it. Those who don't, work against it. Employees
are going backward and forward-when the idea may not even come about at all."
Fearing loneliness, this president was not able to keep his ideas to himself until
they were better formulated. A leader must be able to keep his or her own counsel
until the proper time. Prepared & Compiled by: Matt ## #>### #########P#
###########P# ##################################### #####!
##################### ########### ####Peer
Respect### #######################&### ########### # ###Peer respect. Peer
respect doesn't reveal ability, but it can show character and personality. Trammell
Crow, one of the world's most successful real estate brokers, said that he looks
for people whose associates want them to succeed. He said, "It's tough enough to
succeed when everybody wants you to succeed. People who don't want you to succeed
are like weights in your running shoes." Maxey Jarmen used to say, "It isn't
important that people like you. It's important that they respect you. They may like
you but not follow you. If they respect you, they'll follow you, even if perhaps
they don't like you." Prepared & Compiled by: Matt
## # ###_#########P#############P#
%#########P#############P# #########P#############P###########P#p#################
############################## ##### ################# ######### ###############
############ ########### #####Family
Respect### #######################&### ########### # ###Family respect. I also
look at the family of a potential leader: Do they respect him or her? Fifteen years
ago, my daughter said, "Dad, one thing I appreciate is that after you speak and I
walk up, you are always attentive to me. You seem proud of me." That meant a lot to
me. If respect isn't there, that's also visible. The family's feelings toward
someone reveal much about his or her potential to lead. A quality that makes people
listen to them. Potential leaders have a "holding court" quality about them. When
they speak, people listen. Other people may talk a great deal, but nobody listens
to them. They're making a speech; they're not giving leadership. I take notice of
people to whom others listen. Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## #X### #########P#############P#9#########P#############P# ###############
###################### ########################### ########### #####Leadership
Character### #######################&### ########### # ###It's not enough for
people to have leadership potential; they must have character and the right setting
in which to grow. Before I give someone significant leadership responsibilities, I
find it helpful to ask myself several questions: What will this person do to be
liked? It's nice to be liked, but as a leader it cannot be the controlling factor.
The cause must be the prime motivator. Does this person have a destructive
weakness? There are only two things I need to know about myself: my constructive
strength and any destructive weakness. A destructive weakness may not show up on a
test; it's a character flaw. A destructive weakness may, for example, be an
obsession. An obsession controls us; we don't control it. It only grows worse over
time. Can I provide this person the environment to succeed? It is so important,
particularly in the early days of someone's leadership, that he or she be put into
a congenial environment. I wouldn't want, for example, to put someone who requires
mentoring with a leader who pays no attention to people. An environment that
threatens our sense of security or well-being splits our concentration from the
cause. Young leaders need an environment in which they can concentrate on leading.
Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## #>### #########P#############P# ##################################### ###
######################## ########### #R###L#e#a#d#e#r#s#h#i#p#
#Q#u#a#l#i#t#i#e#s# ##
#V#i#s#i#o#n###A#t#t#r#i#b#u#t#e#s##### #####*#########*#######&### #############
############## ########### #####Skills## ########### #q###Debate, clarify and
enunciate values and beliefs Fuel, inspire and guard the shared vision Communicate
the strategic plan at all levels Recognize the problems inherent to the planning
process Asks big picture questions and "what if" Support the school staff through
the change process Encourage dreaming and thinking the unthinkable Align the
budget, planning, policies and instructional programs with the district goals and
vision Engage in goal setting Develop and implement action plans Practice and plan
conscious abandonment Transfer the strategic planning process to planning
Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## #:###T#####################U##################################### ########
######### ######### ########### # ###Knowledge## ########### #####Board
and superintendent roles and responsibilities in planning and implementing plans
The strategic planning process, short and long term planning tools The board and
district vision, beliefs, and mission The relationship of the budget to district
planning The local, state and national factors that affect education The best
practices and research on improving academic achievement The process of change and
paradigm shifts Strategies to involve and communicate with the community
Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## #>### #########P#############P# ##################################### ###
######### ########### #####Structure -
Attributes## ########################### ########### # ###Governs by policies
Law abiding Respect for the superintendent Team player Mission driven Prepared &
Compiled by: Matt
## #D###h###############################i##################################### ##
######################## ########### #####Skills## ########### # ###Gather and
evaluate data Communicate and formalize operating protocol between board, and
superintendent See the forces and ecosystem Problem-solve and make good decisions
Synthesize various viewpoints Identify and resolve conflict Participate in an
effective meeting Deal with values, vision and the future with eagerness Ask
questions that keep policies up-to-date Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## #>###}#########Z#############Z#~##################################### ####
#$##################### ########### #
###Knowledge## ########### #>###B#o#a#r#d# #p#o#l#i#c#i#e#s# ##B#o#a#r#d#
#a#n#d# #s#u#p#e#r#i#n#t#e#n#d#e#n#t# #r#o#l#e#s# #a#n#d#
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#M#a#t#t### #>### #########Z#############Z# ####################################
# #####%##################### ########### #####Accountability -
Attributes## ########### # ###Focus on the end goal/bottom line/results Valuing
of others Keeps promises and honor commitments Willingness to delegate
Prepared & Compiled by: Matt
## #D### ############################### ##################################### #
####&##################### ########### #####Skills## ########### # ###Focus on
outcomes more than means Practice characteristics of effective board decision-
making Set high expectations for everyone Practice conflict resolution skills
Design accurate performance indicators to hold everyone accountable Identify what
needs to be tight versus loose control Nurture win/win performances and partnership
agreements that helps students succeed Appreciate, value and recognize each person
in the organization Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## #>### #########P#############P# ##################################### ###
##'##################### ########### # ###Knowledge## ########### #y###Board
and superintendent roles and responsibilities in implementing plans What to
evaluate Board and superintendent evaluation processes and tools Schools law State
and federal laws District disciplinary policies Alternative assessment and
performance evaluations Empowerment, how to create felt ownership and
responsibility Synergy Prepared & Compiled by:
Matt## #>###\#########Z#############Z#]##################################### ####
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Priority setting Customer focused Courageous Critical and creative thinker
Tolerance for ambiguity Positive attitude towards change Committed to
innovations that are best for children Prepared & Compiled by: Matt
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##Microsoft Office
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###Wingdings#####Verdana####Curtain Call#####Leadership Qualities#]###Here are
several traits to help identify whether someone is capable of learning to lead.
#####Spirits of Discontent#####Willing To Responsible #####Quality In Leaders
#####Potential Leaders #####Peer Respect #####Family Respect #####Leadership
Character #*###Leadership Qualities Vision Attributes #####Skills#
###Knowledge#####Structure - Attributes#####Skills#
###Knowledge#####Accountability - Attributes#####Skills#
###############Fonts Used#################Design Template################Slide
################################################## ###
############################################################################## ###!


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