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Use of Briquettes & Energy saving stoves

for reduced fuel expenditure

Presented by;
Samuel Asiimwe
0782- 803019
0704 907375
Josa Green Technologies (Josa) is an
integrated multidisciplinary Firm founded in
November 2012 and legally registered in the
Republic of Uganda under the Companies Act,
and incorporated in March 2013 to transact
Introduction contd
Josa Green Technologies is a young enterprise
engaged in providing full scale range of
environmental, products and services in the
areas of Energy Saving Cook stoves,
Introduction contd
Our Vision
To be the leading technical service providers
in the areas of environmental and agricultural
solutions, products and services in the areas
of Energy Saving Cook stoves, Briquettes,
biogas digesters, Commercial tree planting,
commercial and conservation Agricultural
innovations for improved livelihood.
Introduction contd
Our Mission
To provide unparalleled services to
organizations /firms /governments
/individuals with developmental projects that
enhances sustainable environmental
conservation and improved livelihood.
Our Core Values

Quality and Excellence

Stewardship and Accountability
Strategic Objectives

At Josa we believe that sustainable utilization

of natural resources and the environment
must be at the centre of any environmental
management approach and poverty reduction
strategy coupled with practical technology
solutions and development process.
Strategic Objectives contd
Reach out to communities; practically address
environmental, livelihood issues in their local
areas, with special emphasis on energy needs,
solid waste management, sanitation, and
aesthetic enhancement of the environment
through Briquette making, tree planting, urban
agriculture and beekeeping.
Strategic Objectives contd
Create linkages to promote sustainable
environmental management and development.
Work with Non government organizations,
government, communities and the private
sector to promote environmental education;
increasing awareness, commitment and ability
to bring about desired changes in attitude and
practices on environmental, agriculture and
energy issues
Key Issues of Concern
Josa Green Technologies recognizes that there
are a number of issues that have an adverse
effect on the environment and natural
resource management and livelihood in
Uganda and beyond which Josa Green
Technologies addresses.
Key Issues of Concern contd
Low level of action on environmental and
agricultural issues manifested through problems
like rampant clearing of vegetation for wood fuel
and farming, poor waste disposal, wetland
degradation, landslides, floods.
Widespread poverty that forces people to deal
with the immediate livelihood needs without
considering the long-term effects of their
activities on the natural resource-base and
Charcoal Briquette making from waste
Tailor made Energy saving stove making for
domestic as well as institutional
JOSA embraces innovations and new
technologies as a mechanism to create
employment, improve sales in her products,
improve community sanitation, increase
household income, reduce expenditure for
both households and institutions and
conserve the environment.
In order to realize these benefits in energy sub
sector JOSA is engaged.
Briquette & Stove production

Briquettes are a processed biomass fuel

that can be burned as an alternative to
wood or charcoal for heat energy often used
for cooking and heating.
Energy saving stoves: Both institutional
and household
Prices of fuel wood in urban and peri urban areas are
rising, and are a major cost item for the school budgets. In
rural areas, it is a common practice that pupils are obliged
to bring wood from home, or they are being sent to collect
the wood in the nearby forest instead of attending classes.
This poses risks to the children and shortens the time they
spend studying. According to a study conducted in Wakiso
District, rural schools spend about UGX 400,000 (about
US$112) per month on firewood, with their urban
counterparts spending twice as much (UNIDO, 2012).
Josa Green Technologies will use build-lease-
maintain model through a Public Private Partnership
(PPP) with schools to construct institutional
briquette stoves, the partner schools will pay 25% of
the construction cost per installment scheduled on a
termly basis within a period of 4 terms and no
interest or additional charges will be added on
construction costs
REBI an incubation centre for renewable energy
and through a campaign to reduce deforestation,
mitigate negative impacts of climate change; reduce
schools costs on cooking fuel secured a free interest
loan of $9,850 to enable schools to adapt to clean
and affordable cooking solutions other than wood.
NGO and CSO - Identification and sensitization of
schools and enterprises
The partnership will enable your school to
own a permanent institutional briquette
stove worth 5,056,000 Uganda Shillings
(installation with 3 stoves). This cost is the
actual construction cost though it can be
reduced by the school providing some of the
construction materials (clay or fire bricks,
cement, fire tiles, sand, and grog).
Under this programme the school will be
allowed to pay in installments within a
period of 4 terms paying 1,264,000 per
installment and no interest shall be charged
on the cost of constructing the stove.
Briquettes have high density and burns with
clear blue flames with a minimum of six
hours providing an opportunity for schools
to reduce on cooking costs, reduction on
exposure to soot by the cook.
Honey comb
Energy saving stove
Movable institutional briquette stove
Energy saving stove
Fixed Briquettes institutional stoves
Burns with blue flames & no indoor air
Cheaper and affordable
Based on locally available materials e.g organic
Simple and affordable technology
Easy to adopt
Easy to use
Income generation is possible
A briquette enterprise introduces new jobs into a
community and creates the possibility for many others,
through expansion and distribution relationships.

Briquettes can be used in a schools, Hospitals, Hotels

and cooperative enterprise to provide inexpensive fuel
for cooking and heating, virtually eliminating recurrent
fuel expenditures.

Briquettes promote and improves solid waste

management at all levels creating safe, health and
clean environment.

Do not burn when damp

Cant be reused once lite
Need careful handling.
Still in development stage
Types of energy saving stoves
Energy saving stoves: These are insulated to
control heat loss and also have a controlled
inlet port that allow sufficient air to circulate.
The technology has two classes ie;
a. Domestic
b. Institutional
Need for energy saving stoves contd
Biomass thus makes up over 95% of all energy
consumed in Uganda therefore Josa Green
Technologies is definitely taking the right
direction in contributing positively towards
environment conservation and energy needs
to the communities, nation and the world at
Need for energy saving stoves contd
Demand for fuels rises daily, yet biomass
resources are constantly reducing because
people are not replenishing the cut down
If the current rate of deforestation continues,
experts predict that Uganda will need to
import fuel wood by 2050.
Easy to use
Need for energy saving stoves contd
Continued cutting down of trees will also
support increased environment degradation,
accelerating global warming increase drought
rates & accelerate climate change.
Reduced amounts of wood cut down for
environment preservation &resources
Reduced expenditure & increased saving.
Need for energy saving stoves contd
Cuts on time wasting on firewood collection.
Using recycled material greatly reduces energy
consumption, and innovative product design
improves efficiency.
improved energy efficiency and reducing
wasteful use of energy.
P.O. Box 7264, Kampala
Wamala Road, Opp. Njovu Estate -
0782- 803019
0704 907375

The right time is now to join Josa

Green Technologies for:
Reduce fuel expenditure and
promote Green Conservation

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