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Dengue Prevention

What you need to know

1. What is dengue fever

2. Symptoms of dengue fever

3. Characteristics of the Aedes mosquito

4. Life cycle of the Aedes mosquito

5. How the Aedes mosquito transmit diseases

6. How to prevent the spread of dengue fever

7. The 10-Mininute Mozzie Wipe-out Exercise

8. Quiz
What is dengue fever?

Dengue Fever is an illness caused by

infection with a virus transmitted by the
Aedes mosquito.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Example of a skin rash due

to dengue fever
Do you know
Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue
Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are the most
common mosquito-borne viral disease in
the world.

It can be fatal.
Characteristics of the
Aedes Mosquito
One distinct physical
feature black and
white stripes on its
body and legs.

Bites during the day.

Lays its eggs in

Close-up of an Aedes mosquito
clean, stagnant water.
Do you know
Only the female Aedes mosquito
feeds on blood. This is because
they need the protein found in
blood to produce eggs. Male
mosquitoes feed only on plant

On average, a female Aedes

mosquito can lay about 300 eggs
during her life span of 14 to 21
Life cycle of the Aedes Mosquito

1-2 days

Pupae Larvae Eggs

4-5 days 2-3 days

Stagnant water
How Do Aedes Mosquitoes Transmit
Mosquito bites and sucks And passes the virus
blood containing the virus to healthy people
from an infected person. when it bites them.

Virus is carried in its

This is what you
can do to help
Prevent Aedes from Breeding!

Remove ALL sources of

stagnant water.

Deny the Aedes mosquito of any

chance to breed.
10-Minute Mozzie
Wipe-Out Exercise
Do the 10-Minute Mozzie Wipe-out everyday.

Change water in vases on alternate days.

Do the 10-Minute Mozzie Wipe-out everyday.

Remove water from flowerpot plates on

alternate days.
Do the 10-Minute Mozzie Wipe-out everyday.

Turn over all pails and water

storage containers.
Do the 10-Minute Mozzie Wipe-out everyday.

Cover bamboo pole holders

when not in use.
Do the 10-Minute Mozzie Wipe-out everyday.

Clear blockages and put Bti insecticide in roof

gutters monthly.
Unwanted items

Do not litter. Rubbish such as cups

and bottles can collect rain water
and breed mosquitoes.
Before you leave for holidays
Before you leave for holidays
Cover all toilet bowls in your home.

Seal off the overflow pipe of the flushing cistern.

Cover all gully/floor traps.

Add sand granular insecticide to places that

mosquitoes could potentially breed, such as flower
vases and places where stagnant water could not be
Before you leave for holidays(Contd)

Clear blockages and add Bti insecticide in roof


Turn over all water storage containers.

Ask a relative or close friend to check your home

regularly for stagnant water if you are going away
for a long period of time.

Leave your contact with your neighbours or the

neighbourhood police post/ centre so that you can
be reached easily.
Spread the dengue prevention
message to others

Let your family,

friends and
neighbours know
about the dangers of
breeding Mozzies!!
For more information, you can
visit the website at
Why is the Aedes
mosquito dangerous to us?

It can carry the dengue virus and

infect a healthy person with dengue
Name the 5 steps in the
10-Minute Mozzie Wipe-
out Exercise
1. Change water in vases on alternate.

2. Remove water from flowerpot plates on alternate days.

3. Turn over all pails and water storage containers.

4. Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use.

5. Clear blockages and put in Bti insecticide in roof gutters

What are the things that you
should do before going for a
Cover all toilet bowls in your home.

Seal off the overflow pipe of the flushing cistern.

Cover all gully/floor traps.

Add sand granular insecticide to places that mosquitoes could

potentially breed, such as flower vases and places where stagnant water
could not be removed.

Clear blockages and add Bti insecticide in roof gutters.

Turn over all pails and water storage containers.

Ask a relative or close friend to check your home regularly for stagnant
water if you are going away for a long period of time.

Leave your contact with your neighbours or the neighbourhood police

post/ centre so that you can be reached easily.
Thank You

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