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Prelaunch Product Survey

Revised Recipe of KFC Twister

KFC, Marketing North

About the Product Test

• The recipe of the Twister was proposed to be modified a little

• In this regard, Pizza Sauce, Cheese Mayo and Pepperoni was

added to the original recipe

• 100 Random interviews were conducted from walk-in

customers, having a mixed gender combination of 50-50 each at
KFC Barket & KFC MM Alam Road Lahore
The Product Test
Appearance of the product

Appearance of the Twister needs to be changed a bit to take it to the level of

extremely appetizing. 27% respondents did not find it appetizing at all which
signifies that there is plenty of room available for improvement
Size of the product

94% respondents rated Twister

size “Just about right”, 1% rated
“Too Small” & 5% rated “Too

Results illustrate that size of the Twister is good enough for a single meal
Overall Taste of the product

• Majority of the respondents rated Twister’s overall taste between

5 to 8 which means that overall taste is fairly good
Spiciness of the product

Twister’s ratings regarding spiciness are good enough to continue

with the same spiciness level
Cheese Flavor of the product

65% respondents rated Twister’s

cheesy flavor “Just about right”,
29% rated “Not enough” & 6%
rated “Too cheesy”

Twister’s Cheesy flavor were rated “Just about right” by the

majority of the customers but still few respondents were suggesting
to add more cheese flavor. This problem may be tackled by offering
customized quantity of cheesy flavor at the time of order
Sauce Taste of the product

58% respondents rated Twister’s

sauce taste “good”, 26% rated
“fair” & 16% rated “excellent”

Results indicate that Sauce Taste is rated on “Good” by the majority

of the respondents. However 26% respondents were not liked the
taste much and rated sauce taste on “Below average”
Overall Combination of the product

70% respondents rated Twister’s

overall combination on “good”,
19% rated on “fair” & 7% rated on

Once again majority of the respondents rated Overall combination of

the product “Good” which signifies that the product has potential to
go for a soft launch
Handling of the product

96% respondents rated handling of

Twister’s on “YES”

Twister is very much easy to eat and don’t bother customers at all
Respondents Buying Behavior @ price

54% respondents said they will not

buy Twister for Rs.250/- where as
33% people said that they might or
might not buy it

Research indicates that Twister perceived value is below than

Rs.250/-. Only 13% respondents were agreed to buy it at this price
Suggestive Price of Twister by

91% respondents believe that

Twister price should below than
Rs.200 where as only 9%
respondents said price should be
between Rs.210-230

Results illustrate that anything below than Rs.200 is the suggested

price for Twister. However with combo Rs.200/- would be an idle price
• 66% of the respondents found the appearance of the product “Quite Appetizing”

• 94% respondents rated the size of the product on “Just about right”

• 80% Respondents rated overall product between scale 5 to 8

• 80% respondents liked the spiciness of the product

• 65% respondents rated cheesy flavor of the product on “Just about right” where as
29% wanted it be more cheesy

• 58% respondents found the sauce taste of the product to be “just about right”

• 70% respondent rated the overall combination of the product to be a good


• 96% respondents found the product to be convenient to handle

• 54% of the respondents are not agreed to buy it at Rs.250/- where as 33% people
may or may not buy it
Launching a product would be a good addition if;

– The product should be priced with in Rs. 150-175 price

bracket in ala carte and Rs.175-225 for combo

– Improve Pizza like taste

• The overall cheese flavor of the product should be
increased to give a more “pizza-like” taste as 29%
of the respondents rated cheesy flavor quantity on
“Not Enough”

– Before launching a revised Twister product strong

twister campaign awareness should be launched
Thank You!
For your time & Patience

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