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ABB Power Technology

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Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
ABB Power Technology

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Capacitive voltage transformers


Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
ABB Power Technology

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Capacitive voltage transformers

What is an Instrument Transformer?

Instrument transformers are special versions of transformers in

respect to measurement of currents and voltages

The theory for instrument transformers are the same as those valid
for transformers in general
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What does an Instrument Transformer do?

Measure current and voltage in high voltage transmission lines and

switchgears during normal and fault conditions.

Insulate the control circuits from the network

Transform the current and voltages to standardized levels for

control equipment as relays and meters
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Types of instrument transformers
Two main types of instrument transformers exist:
Current transformer
Secondary current is , at normal operating conditions, proportional to the
primary current and with a difference of phase close to zero
Voltage transformer
Secondary voltage is , at normal operating conditions, proportional to the
primary voltage and with a difference of phase close to zero
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Polarity of instrument transformers

Where the relays operate only on current or voltage magnitude, the

relative direction of current flow in the transformer windings is not

Relative direction (and, therefore, polarity) must be known, however,

where the relays compare the sum or difference of two currents or the
interactions of several currents or voltages.

The polarity is usually marked on the instrument transformer but can be

determined if necessary.
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Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
ABB Power Technology

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Capacitive voltage transformers

Current Transformer
Although the performance required of current I1
transformers varies with the relay application,
high-quality transformers should always be used.
The better-quality transformers reduce
application problems, present fewer hazards,
and generally provide better relaying. I2

The quality of the current transformers is most

critical for differential schemes, where the
performance of all the transformers must match.
In these schemes, relay performance is a function
of the accuracy of reproduction not only at load
currents, but also at all fault currents as well.
Some differences in performance can be
accommodated in the relays.
In general, the performance of current
transformers is not so critical for transmission line
ABB Power Technology

The current transformers should reproduce
reasonably faithfully for faults near the remote
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terminal, or at the balance point for coordination or

Saturation of Current Transformer
For large-magnitude, close-in faults, the current I1
transformer may saturate; however, the
magnitude of fault current is not critical to many
For example, an induction overcurrent relay may
be operating on the flat part of the curve for a I2
large-magnitude, close-in fault.
Here it is relatively unimportant whether the
current transformer current is accurate, since the
timing is essentially identical.
The same is true for instantaneous or distance-
type relaying for a heavy internal fault well inside
the cut-off or balance point.
In all cases, however, the current transformer
should provide sufficient current to operate the
relay positively.
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Current Transformer

For a transformer in short-circuit is valid:


I1 N2 I1

I2 N1 N2

I1 x N1 = I2 x N2 = Ampere turns (always in balance)

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Equivalent circuit for a Current Transformer
Current is stepped down in magnitude through the perfect (no-loss)
transformation provided by windings ab and cd.
The primary leakage impedance (ZH) is modified by n2 to refer it
to the secondary.
The secondary impedance is ZL; Rm and Xm represent the core
loss and exciting components.
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Equivalent circuit for a Current Transformer
This generalized circuit can be reduced, as shown in Figure b.
ZH can be neglected, since it influences neither the perfectly
transformed current IH/n nor the voltage across Xm.
The current through Xm, the magnetizing branch, is Ie, the
exciting current.
The Rm branch produces a negligible influence.
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Equivalent circuit for a Current Transformer
Equivalent circuit CT
Np X Ip


Exciting impedance
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Error in a current transformer
As it can be seen from the
vectorial diagram, the difference Error CT
between Ip and Is (taking into
account the transformation ratio)
is the magnetising current.

These differences in value (i)

and phase (i) between both
primary and secondary currents Np X Ip
are the errors in a current
transformer. Ns

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Error in a current transformer
The current error ei is the error which the transformer introduces into
current measurements.
It stems from the fact that its transformation ratio is not exactly as rated.
Current error ei, expressed as a percentage, is given by the following

kIs Ip * 100

In practice, for loads with cos b = 0.8, phase shift is not a limiting factor,
so transformers are calculated for the maximum ratio error, i.e. when Is
and Io are in phase.
NsIo NsIo

NpIp NsIs
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Error in a current transformer
Bearing in mind the following equations:
Boucherots formula, Es = 2,22 Ns Bmax S 10-6
Maxwell-Ampere law, H = Ns Io/L
Ohms law, Is = Es/Zt
We obtain the following:

Ns 2 S

L = Average length of the magnetic circuit [cm].

Zt = Total impedance of the secondary (internal plus load) [in ohms]
Ns = N of turns on the secondary winding.
S = Cross section of the magnetic core [cm2].
ABB Power Technology

= B/H = Permeability of the magnetic core [Gauss / AV / cm].

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Core parameters


E = 2 B f A N2 Volt
E = Voltage
B = Flux density (Tesla)
F = Frequency Relay
A = Core area (m2)
N2 = Number of secondary turns
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Magnetizing curve

2 Tesla saturated iron core

Es =1.7 x x
Eknee =1.3

E = 2 B f A N2 Volt
x Bn

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Different types of core material
Figure 1 shows the magnetizing curves of various materials.
Curve 1 is for an old material with a high silicon content, and is shown for
the sake of comparison.
Curve 2 represents a material with a high saturation rate
Curve 3 one with a low saturation rate but high permeability at low
B 2 1/


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Different types of core material
B 2 1/



Fig. 2 and 3 show the values and 1/ for these materials.

We can see that for a minimum error we must use the minimum value of
1/, so plate 1 is of no interest.
Curve 2, for oriented grain material, is of interest when the number of
ampere-turns is high enough to reach the accuracy with a small cross
section of iron or when a high saturation factor is sought.
Curve 3 is for Mumetal type material, which allows high induction at a low
ABB Power Technology

number of ampere-turns, and a low safety factor.

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The choice of material will depend on various technical and economic

Magnetizing curve



Oriented steel
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Error related to load
The error is directly proportional to the apparent power hence to Zt.
The core cross section must be made proportional to the apparent power
to keep the error within permitted limits, taking into account that if the
average line is increased, cross section must be increased to cancel out
the effect.
It is interesting to note that if a current transformer is designed to work
with maximum at rated current and load, when it works with a load Zt/4
the error is reduced to one quarter if remains constant, i.e. for 4 Isn.

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1 2 3 4 Is/Isn
Error related to load
Since the error is always negative, in practice this curve is centred on the
x-axis, giving a positive advance equal to or less than the error.
This is achieved by modifying the turns ratio.


0,75 Zt/4
0,5 Zt
1 1,2 Zt/4 Is/Isn
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Current Transformers
Current error - phase displacement
Current error (%)
+ 1.5
Class 0.5
Class 0.2 Phase displacement (min)
25% of rated burden 90
+ 0.2 Class 0.5
- 0.2 Class 0.2

5 30
0.75 Rated burden
1. 10
- 1.5
5 20 50 100 120 5 20 50 100 120
ABB Power Technology

Rated primary current (%)

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Plotted curves for class


Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
ABB Power Technology

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Capacitive voltage transformers

Current transformers for measuring
To protect apparatuses powered by the
transformer against short-circuits in the x Isn
8 Fs > 5
network into which the primary is
inserted, the "rated safety factor" is 7 1/2Zn
taken into account. 6
5 error > 10% Zn
This is calculated as follows: 4 2Zn
Fs = Ips/Ipn Fs < 5
Ips="rated safety current; Ip="rated 1
primary current
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x Ipn
The rated safety current is the primary
current at which the transformer begins
to saturate

At that point the secondary current multiplied by the rated

transformation ratio should be 0.9 or less times the primary
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This means that we can write: KnIss < 0.9 Ips

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Current transformers for measuring
For a current transformer to be able to reach a high precision rate with
a low rated safety factor, highly permeable, fast saturating magnetic
plate must be used to construct the core.
This is normally achieved, though it is not always possible, using
expensive high nickel content plate (e.g.Mumetal).
Therefore before selecting Fs we must check if it really needs to
be applied.
If so, the manufacturer must be consulted concerning possible
increases in transformer prices.

B 2 1/

ABB Power Technology

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CTs for measuring. Accuracy Class
The accuracy class of a current transformer for measuring is given by a
number (class rate) representing the ratio error limit expressed as a
percentage of the rated primary current when the transformer is running
at its "precision load".
Accuracy classes for current transformers for measuring are 0.1, 0.2,
0.5, 1 and 3.
Practical guide:
Class 0.1 - Laboratory
Class 0.2 - Laboratory, portable reference patterns, highprecision
Class 0.5 - Normal counters and meters.
Class 1 - Panel apparatuses
Class 3 - Uses where great precision is not required.
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CTs for measuring. Accuracy Class
Extended current rating transformers are current transformers for
measuring whose precision and heating characteristics extend to more
than 120% of the rated primary current.
150-200% of the rated primary current is usually considered as the
limit of the range.
For special applications in Class 0.2 and 0.5 CTs with Isn = 5A,
precision may be extended to 1% of Ipn. In this case the classes are
denominated 0,2S and 0,5S.
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Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
ABB Power Technology

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Capacitive voltage transformers

Current transformers for protection
These are current transformers intended to power protective relays.
They must therefore guarantee sufficient precision for current levels several
times higher than the rated current.
At these currents the error to be considered is the "compound error", which
is defined as the effective figure for the integrated difference over a period
between the instantaneous primary current and the product of the rated
transformation ratio by the actual instantaneous secondary currents.
In percentage terms this is given by the following formula:

100 1
(%) 2
( Knis ip ) dt
Ip T 0
ABB Power Technology

If ip and is are sine wave in shape, the compound error is the vectorial sum of
the ratio error and the phase error. In this case the above formula changes to:
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i 2 i 2
Current transformers for protection
The "rated precision limit current" is the highest primary current for which
the transformer, with the precision load, meets the required limits for the
compound error.
The "rated precision limit factor" is the ratio of the rated precision limit
current to the rated primary current.
x Isn
It must be recalled that the precision 8 Fs > 5
limit factor depends on the load, and if 7 1/2Zn
this is higher than the precision load 6
the precision limit factor is lower than 5 error > 10% Zn
rated. 4 2Zn
The "safety factor" and the "precision 2 Fs < 5
limit factor" are similar in concept, as 1
they indicate the multiple of Ipn at
which the CT begins to saturate at its 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x Ipn
ABB Power Technology

rated load.
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Important design parameters - Current Transformers

High short time current and low rated current low ampere turns

Low ampere-turns increase the core-area or reduce the output

Large core-area increase the size and price of the CTs

High rated current > 2000 A require cooler and increase the price
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Current transformers for protection. Accuracy class
The accuracy class of a current transformer for protection is given by a
number (class rate) and the letter "P" (standing for "protection").
The class rate indicates the upper limit of the compound error for the
rated precision limit current and the precision load.
After the letter "P" the rated precision limit factor is shown.
The normal precision classes are 5P and 10P.
In present standards as far as overcurrent operation is concerned, 5P
has a current error of 1% at In and 10P of 3% at In (IEC standard).

We have differentiated clearly between current transformers for

measuring and those for protection, but the two tasks can often be
performed by the same unit via two or more independent cores.
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CTs for protection. Transient regime response
If a CT for protection is required to respond correctly during the early
cycles of a short-circuit, the core must be oversized so that it does not
saturate with the non-cyclic component.
The initial level of the non-cyclic component varies (depending on
the voltage when the short circuit occurs and on the
characteristics of the line) between 0 and Icc, where Icc is the
effective symmetrical short - circuit current .
If we consider this maximum level, the transient short circuit
current is ( where T1 = L/R is the time constant of the line ):
icc = Icc (e-t/T1 -cos t)
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CTs for protection. Transient regime response
In high voltage lines it must normally be taken into account that after
the first short circuit there is a rapid reconnection which increases the
residual flow in the CT.
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Distortion in secondary current due to saturation
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Remanent flux r
Saturation flux s
Remanence factor Kr

Kr =

TPY cores Kr max. 0.1

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CTs for protection. Transient regime response
Linear Cores
Modern protection relays are generally quicker acting than older ones,
and in some cases require less power (VA) than their earlier
Short circuit currents are heavier and reclosing times are quicker.
These conditions together tend to require larger cross section cores to
avoid saturation or the necessity to manufacture air gap cores which,
though with some secondary current distortion, permit a signal
measurement under the quick reclosing conditions.
The exact details of the total transformer burden (relays and wiring,
etc.) are extremely important since the size of the core is proportional
to the burden.
The ratio between core size and burden is very large, and additional
VA will require the core to be much larger and the transformer more
expensive or even impossible to manufacture.
ABB Power Technology

It is also most important to know whether an accuracy of 1% or 3% is

really necessary at the rated loads, or if 5% would be sufficient since
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the requirement of 1% or 3% is difficult to accomplish with TPZ type

CTs for protection. Transient regime response
These CTs are classed in three types:

TPX: CTs with no gap in the core, but with sufficient cross section to
respond correctly during the transient period.
They reflect the non-cyclic component well.

TPY: CTs with small gaps in the core to reduce residual induction.
They reflect the non-cyclic component fairly well.

TPZ: CTs with larger gaps than in TPY.

They reflect the alternating component well, but not the non-cyclic
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CTs for protection. Linear couplers
Linear couplers are current transformers without an iron core.
The magnetizing reactance of these transformers is linear, and very
small compared to that of a steel-cored CT.
Most of the primary current is used up in establishing the mutual flux in
the linear coupler, and the secondary windings are very limited in the
amount of current they can deliver.
Indeed the linear coupler is a current to voltage converter:
The voltage in the secondary circuit is a faithful reproduction of the
primary current.
As long as the secondary current is very small, the transformation ratio
is practically constant.
The main use of linear couplers is in applications where saturation of
the CT presents a major problem
As in the case of bus protection applications
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MOCT (magneto-optic current transducer)
The MOCT relieves many of the
problems associated with current
This device utilizes the Faraday
effect to produce a high-accuracy
analog output that is not
influenced by iron saturation.
The Faraday effect is the rotation
of the plane of polarization when
plane polarized light is sent
through glass in a direction
parallel to an applied magnetic
The angle of rotation is directly
proportional to the strength of the
magnetic field.
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MOCT (magneto-optic current transducer)
In the application of this principle to current measurement, the
transmission line current is the source of the magnetic field.
The strength of the field is directly proportional to the instantaneous
current magnitude. By placing the rotator (Faraday-effect sensor) in
proximity to the transmission line conductor and comparing the angle
of rotation of a light beam, a voltage is generated that is directly
proportional to current.
This voltage is then used as an input to protective relays at a level and
in a way that is virtually identical to that which is used when current
transformers supply the relay through a current to voltage
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Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
ABB Power Technology

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Capacitive voltage transformers

Current transformers. Rated Burden
This is the impedance in the outside circuit connected to the secondary
winding, expressed in Ohms, with an indication of its power factor. It
may also be indicated by its power factor and the apparent burden in
volt-amperes absorbed for the rated secondary current.
For instance: 30VA precision burden for Isn = 5A.
When secondary loads are calculated the load of the connecting cables
must be added to that of the measuring apparatuses.

Device VA a In
Ampermetro 0,25 a 2
Contadores 0,5 a 3
Vatmetros 1a3
Rels Sobreintensidad t. I. 5a8
Rels Sobreintensidad temp 1a5
Rels Sobreintensidad Inst. 1 a 10
Cable 1,5 mm2, 100 m 30
ABB Power Technology

In TP type CTs only just the power needed must be called for, and
consumption in cables must be kept low. This will make up in part for
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the oversizing of the core in comparison with CTs with normal

Current transformers. Resistance to short circuits
Being connected in series to power lines, current transformers are
subject to the same current and voltage overloads as the lines
In general these overcurrents are far higher than the rated
currents of the CTs, and have thermal and dynamic effects which
may damage transformers.
Thermal effects make it neccesary to size the CTs primary
All the heat produced is considered as being stored in the primary
conductor, the maximum heating of which is laid down in each
To prevent transformers from breaking under the dynamic stresses
caused in the primary, a suitable mechanical attachment must be
ensured in the primary.
These mechanical stresses are a function of the peak short-circuit
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Current transformers. Resistance to short circuits
Once the maximum short-circuit power in the line where the CT is
fitted is known, the thermal current can be calculated using the
following formula:
Iterm (kA) = Pcc (MVA) / 3 V (kV)
The dynamic short-circuit current is obtained from the thermal current,
taking into account that the latter is given in terms of effective level and
the former in terms of peak level.
The coefficient due to the non-cyclic component is normally taken to be
1.8 (IEC, UNE and other standards).
I din. = 1,8 2 Iterm. = 2,5 Iterm
The resistance to short circuits in current transformers is determined
by the thermal and dynamic limit currents.
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Current transformers. Resistance to short circuits
The Thermal limit current (Iterm) is the highest effective primary
current at which the transformer can withstand the Joule effect for one
second without damage, with the secondary circuit shorted.
It is expressed in effective KA.
If the short-circuit duration is other than 1 sec. (between 0.5 and 5 sec.)
the duration should be indicated after Iterm. The ratio of times to currents
is as follows:
Iterm1 x t1 = Iterm2 x t2.
For thermal class A transformers a current density of 180 A/mm2 is
admissible in copper wires, corresponding to a temperature increase of
235 C (the IEEE/ANSI standard is somewhat more severe in this
Unless otherwise indicated, CTs are constructed with Iterm = 80In,
though they may be built up to Iterm = 1000In.
However it must be borne in mind that in this case the power and
precision class which can be supplied by a particular type of apparatus
ABB Power Technology

will be reduced, as the rated ampere-turns will be lower .

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Current transformers. Resistance to short circuits
Dynamic limit current (Idin) is the peak of the first amplitude of the
current which a transformer can withstand without damage when the
secondary circuit is shorted.
It is expressed in amplitude KA.

As indicated above, in several standards Idin is given as 2.5 Iterm.

However, in the IEEE/ANSI standard the two currents are defined
separately and the dynamic limit current is expressed in effective KA
with a fully shifted current, i.e.:

Icresta = 2 x 2 x Idin. = 2,83 Idin..

where Idin is the rated dynamic current (effective KA)

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Operation of an open circuit current transformer
Let us assume that a current transformer has been built with a ratio of
1000:1 and a torus type core with an average line length of 35 cm
whose magnetic plate may be considered as saturated with 1 AV/cm.
Operating with the secondary circuit open, as from Ip = 35A = 0.035 Ipn
the core is saturated.
As from 0.1 Ipn the flow slope increases rapidly, as does the voltage in
the secondary terminals, whose peak level is proportional to Ip.
Losses in the core also increase, and raise the temperature to
unacceptable levels.
This problem is really significant in transformers for protection
because of the size of the core, so the peak voltage in the secondary
terminals is sometimes limited to 4 or 8 KV and the maximum
operating time of the transformer in these conditions is determined by
mutual agreement between customer and manufacturer, as in principle
current transformers are not guaranteed to operate with the secondary
open if the peak voltage is more than 3.5 KV peak..
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Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
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Capacitive voltage transformers

Voltage Transformer

- For a transformer in no-load valid:

E1 N1
E2 N2
N1 N2

E1 E2
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Voltage Transformer
Ns X Ip Zp
Np Is Zs

Ns X Up
Np Ie Us
Is Zb

Us = Es - Rs Is - jXs Is
Up = Es + Rp Ip + jXp Ip
and bearing in mind that:
Ip = Is + Io
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it results that : Up - Us = (Rp+jXp) Io +((Rp+Rs)+j(Xp+Xs)) Is

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Voltage Transformer. Errors

Up - Us = (Rp+jXp) Io +((Rp+Rs)+j(Xp+Xs)) Is
Therefore voltage transformer errors in load are U
due to:
no load errors.
errors due to the secondary current through the
short circuit impedance.
Ns Up
From Boucherot's formula we know that: Us Np

Es = 2,22 Ns B S x 10-6 V.
and since the error is small: Up Us Es
so if U'p remains constant a voltage transformer
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will work at constant induction, even if the

secondary load varies within admissible limits.
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Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
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Capacitive voltage transformers

Voltage transformers for measuring. Accuracy class
These are voltage transformers designed to power measuring devices,
counters and similar equipment.
The precision class of a measuring voltage transformer is given by a
number (class rate), representing the ratio error limit expressed as a
percentage of the rated primary voltage, when the transformer is
running at its "precision load".
This precision must be maintained for voltages between 80 and 120%
of the rated level, with loads between 25 and 100% of the precision
Precision classes for voltage transformers are 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 3.
Guide to applications:
Class 0.1 - laboratory.
Class 0.2 - laboratory, portable reference patterns, high precision
ABB Power Technology

Class 0.5 - normal counters and meters.

Class 1 - panel apparatuses.
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Class 3 - uses where great precision is not required.

Voltage transformers for protection. Accuracy class
If a VT is going to be used for both measuring and protection, two
separate windings are not normally necessary as in the case of
CTs, unless galvanic separation is required.
Therefore in IEC standards VTs for protection are required to have a
precision class, the same way as VTs for measuring.
On the same type of VT, precision power is greater when there is a
single secondary than the sum of the precision power of each
secondary if there are two, as the space given over to insulation of the
two secondaries from each other must be taken into account.
Since the secondaries of a VT are inter-dependent, it must be specified
whether the precision powers are simultaneous or not, as if one of the
secondaries is under load only for short periods of time, then loads can
be taken as non simultaneous.
Except for residual voltage windings, VTs for protection must also be
specified as VTs for measuring.
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Accuracy class for protection VTs is given by a number that

indicates the maximum error expressed in percentage at 5% of the
rated voltage. This number is followed by the letter "P".
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The usual accuracy classes are 3P and 6P.

Voltage transformers. Rated Burden

It is defined at the same way as for current transformers.

Table indicates the normal consumption of the voltmeter coils, of
devices powered by voltage transformers.

Aparato VA aprox.
Voltmetro 2a6
Contadores 3a5
Vatmetros 1a4
Rels mx tensin 10 a 15
Rels mx tensin temp 25 a 35
Regulador tensin 30 a 50
Cable 1,5 mm2, 100 m 30
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Voltage transformers. Residual voltage winding
The "residual voltage winding" is a winding intended to form an open
triangle (together with the relevant windings of two other single-phase
transformers) to supply residual voltage if there is a fault to earth.



d d d
Open delta winding for earth a a a

fault detection d d d Open

n n n delta
a a a
ABB Power Technology

Y-windings for metering

(and protection purpose) n n n
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Current transformers for measuring
Current transformers for protection
ABB Power Technology

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Capacitive voltage transformers

Capacitive voltage transformers (cvts)
These are voltage transformers made up of a capacitance divider and
an electro-magnetic element.
The capacitance divider (CD) is made up of two capacitors, C1 and
C2, connected in series as shown in fig. to obtain an intermediate
voltage terminal. An inductance L1 is connected to this terminal, along
with an inductive intermediate voltage transformer (IVT)
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Capacitive voltage transformers (cvts)
Coupling capacitor voltage transformers (ccvt) and bushing capacitor
voltage transformers are less expensive than voltage transformers at
the higher voltage ratings, but may be inferior in transient performance.
With these voltage devices, a subsidence transient accompanies a
sudden reduction of voltage on the primary. This voltage may be
oscillatory at 60 Hz or some other frequency, or it may be unidirectional.
The subsidence transient of the ccvt may influence the behavior of
some relays.
Solid-state phase and ground distance relays, used in a zone 1
direct trip function, may be seriously affected by the temporary
excessive reduction of voltage during the decay period.
These relays either must be designed with a special provision that
allows the subsidence transient to be ignored, be time-delayed to
override the transient period or they must have their reach
shortened sufficiently to avoid false tripping.
ABB Power Technology
1_114Q07- 63 -
Capacitive voltage transformers (cvts)
CP.. Voltage Range 72-800 kV
High Voltage Capacitor
High or X-High Capacitance

ABB type mixed dielectric 2 paper & 1

polypropylene-film, 3-4 times more stabile
than other types
Better transient response
Faster relay function
Higher accuracy stability
Accuracy maintained for all service
Better PLC performance
ABB Power Technology

Wider bandwidth
1_114Q07- 64 -
Capacitive voltage transformers (cvts)
Voltage Range 72-800 kV
Electro Magnetic Unit
X-High intermediate voltage approx. 24/V3 kV

Passive ferro-resonance damping circuit iron-

core reactor & resistor
Trimming windings accessible in terminal box.
Better transient response
Faster relay function
Minimized risk for ferro-resonance
ABB Power Technology

High voltage factor

1_114Q07- 65 -
Capacitive voltage transformers (cvts)
Schematic diagram CPA/CPB

HV Terminal

Capacitor divider
C1 Electromagnetic unit (EMU)

Compensating reactorSecondary winding 1a
Ferro resonance damping circuit
Primary winding d1
B11 100 %
4.05 %
B8 Secondary winding
B7 1.35 % 2a
B5 0.45 %
B4 0.15 %
ABB Power Technology

B1 0.05 %
Power Line
Trimming windings
1_114Q07- 66 -

Ground Ground
Power Line Carrier (PLC) equipment
Protection for PLC equipment can be supplied by ABB in large terminal box

To L terminal in CVT terminal box

Separate box
mounted on
the support

Carrier Line normally be
Drain Spark
grounding matching adjusted to
coil gap any CVT
switch unit *)

Customers carrier
ABB Power Technology

coaxial cable
1_114Q07- 67 -
Voltage sensing also may be accomplished using fiberoptic technology.
The MOVT uses the Faraday effect described above, sensing the
current flowing through a capacitor stack connected from line to
Another voltage-sensing device, the EOVT, uses a Pockel cell rather than
the Faraday rotator.
Its principle uses light from an optical fiber, which is passed through a
special crystal that produces equal components in the X and Y
An electric field causes one of these components to be retarded, and
this results in a phase difference between the two components.
This, in turn, changes the light intensity at the sensor fiber in
proportion to the electric field.
With additional refinements, it produces an analog output proportional
ABB Power Technology

to the electric field present, and this is, in turn, proportional to the
instantaneous magnitude of the voltage at the point of measurement.
1_114Q07- 68 -

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