Fisika Gelombang Bunyi 1

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Fisika Gelombang

(Bunyi -1)

Dwa Desa Warnana

Properties of Sound Waves
The movement of sound waves requires a medium
through which the waves can travel.
The nature of the medium determines the velocity of
the sound through the medium
This is due to the fact that the waves are propagated
through molecular interactions and is determined by:
Inertia of the molecules
Strength of the interactions between molecules

B vair 343m / s, 20 C
Properties of Sound Waves
Sound waves longitudinal wave in the frequency
range 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, the normal range of
human hearing

Properties of Sound Waves

(A) Spherical waves move outward from a sounding source much as a

rapidly expanding balloon. This two-dimensional sketch shows the
repeating condensation as spherical wave fronts.
(B) Some distance from the source, a spherical wave front is considered a
linear, or plane, wave front.
Properties of Sound Waves

(A) Since sound travels faster in warmer air, a wave front becomes
bent, or refracted, toward the earth's surface when the air is cooler
near the surface. (B) When the air is warmer near the surface, a wave
front is refracted upward, away from the surface.
Properties of Sound Waves
Velocity in Air.
As the gas molecules that make up the air increase in
temperature, the velocity of sound waves increases due to
increased kinetic energy (energy of motion).
This increase is 0.60 m/s for each degree Celsius increase in
At sea level, in dry air the velocity of sound is 331.0 m/s.
The velocity of sound at different temperatures can be
calculated from the following equation:

v 331.4 + 0.60 T, where T is air temp inC.

Properties of Sound Waves
Speed of sound in humans

Tissue Sound Speed (m/s)

Air 350

Fat 1450

Brain 1540

Blood 1570

Bone 4080

Muscle 1585
Properties of Sound Waves
(A) At room temperature, sound
travels at 343 m/s. In 0.10 s,
sound would travel 34 m.
Since the sound must travel to
a surface and back in order for
you to hear the echo, the
distance to the surface is one-
half the total distance.
(B) Sonar measures a depth by
measuring the elapsed time
between an ultrasonic sound
pulse and the echo. The depth
is one-half the round trip
Intensity and Frequency
Intensity and Frequency
Intensity loudness
a. Intensity depends on the energy in a sound wave.
b. Loudness is human perception of intensity.
c. Loudness is measured on the decibel scale.
Intensity and Frequency
Intensity I: I av ( P m ) 2

A 2 v
The response of the ear to sound of increasing
intensity is approximately logarithmic.
One can define a logarithmic scale of intensity called
the sound level SL I
SL 10 log The unit of the sound level is
decibels (dB).
Where is a reference intensity, which is
chosen to be 10 12 w / m 2(a typical value for the
threshold of human hearing).
Intensity and Frequency
Frequency and pitch
High frequency means more vibrations hitting the ear.
Pitch is how high or how low a sound seems to be.
Healthy humans can hear from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
We are most sensitive from 440 Hz to 7,000 Hz.
Ultrasonic sound has a frequency greater than 20,000 Hz.
a) Dogs (up to 35,000 Hz)
b) Bats (over 100,000 Hz)
c) Medical diagnosis
Infrasonic sound has a frequency below 20 Hz; they are felt rather
than heard (earthquakes, heavy machinery).
Spherical sound waves are emitted uniformly in all
directions from a point source, the radiated power
P being 25 w. What are the intensity and the sound
level of the sound wave at a distance r=2.5m from the
P 25w
I 0. 32 w / m 2

4r 2 4 (2.5m) 2
I 0.32w / m 2
SL 10 log 10 log 12 2
I0 10 w / m
Doppler Effect
Doppler Effect
is the change in frequency of a wave (or other
periodic event) for an observer moving relative to its
v v0
f (
v vs

Where the upper signs (+ numerator, -denominator)

correspond to the source and observer moving toward the
other and the lower signs in the direction away from the other.
Doppler Effect
Moving observer, source at rest

The motion toward the source: The motion away from the source:
vt v0t v v0
v v0 v v0 f' f
f' f v
t v
Doppler Effect
Moving source, observer at rest

v0 0


6 S1
4 5 S7
1 2 vt / ' v
f '
( )f
t v vs

Moves away
f' ( )f
v vs
Doppler Effect
If both source and observer move through the transmitting

v v0
f (
v vs
Example v v0
f (
v vs
The horn is producing a pure 1000 Hz tone. Lets find the frequency as heard by the listener in
various motion scenarios. The speed of sound in air at 20 C is 343 m/s.

f = 1000
( 343 - 10 )
= 1030 Hz
10 m/s still

343 + 10
f = 1000
( 343 )
still = 1029 Hz
10 m/s
Example v v0
f (
v vs

The horn is still producing a pure 1000 Hz tone. This time both the source and the listener
are moving with respect to the air.

343 - 3
f L = 1000
( 343 - 10 )
= 1021 Hz
10 m/s 3 m/s

343 + 3
f L = 1000
( 343 - 10 )
= 1039 Hz
10 m/s 3 m/s
v v0
f (
v vs
The horn is still producing a pure 1000 Hz tone. Here are the final two motion scenarios.

343 - 3
f L = 1000
( 343 + 10 )
= 963 Hz
10 m/s 3 m/s

343 + 3
f L = 1000
( 343 + 10 )
= 980 Hz
10 m/s 3 m/s
Doppler Effect
How about the wavefront if is larger than v, sound speed?

Wavefront when vs . v Wavefront when vs . v

. P1
3 4 56
12 vs t
Shock Wave

Mach Number
Example 2:
The siren of a police car emits a pure tone at a frequency of
1125 Hz. Find the frequency that you would perceive in your car.
(a) your car at rest, police car moving toward you at 29 m/s;
(b) police car at rest your moving toward it at 29 m/s
(c) you and police car moving toward one another at 14.5 m/s
(d) you moving at 9 m/s, police car chasing behind you at 38m/s
(a) Here v0 0 v s 29m / s
v 343
f '
f ( ) f 1229 Hz
v vs 343 29
(b) v s 0 v0 29m / s
v v0 343 29
f (1125Hz ) 1220 Hz
v 343
(c) vs v0 14.5m / s
v v0 343 14.5
f 1125 1224 Hz
v vs 343 14.5
(d) v 9m / s vs 38m / s

343 9
f '
f 1232 Hz
343 38

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