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A brave girl
from Pakistan
* Malala was born July 12th
1997 in Mingora, Pakistan.
She lived with her parents
who later had two sons.
* For the first few years of
her life, her hometown
remained a popular tourist
spot that was known for its
summer festivals.
* However, the area began to
change as the Taliban tried
to take control.
* In the area Malala lived,
known as the Swat Valley, the
Taliban, at times, banned girls
from attending school.
* Malala spoke out for the right
of children, of girls in a place
where some people believe
that girls should not go to
* She attended a school that her
father had founded. After the
Taliban began attacking girls'
schools in Swat, Malala gave a
speech in Peshawar, Pakistan,
in September 2008. The title of
her talk was, "How dare the
Taliban take away my basic
right to education?"
* In 2009, Malala begin to write a blog under a different name.
She wrote about life under the Taliban rule and shared her
views on promoting education for girls.
* As a result of the World Wide Web, she gained interest from
all around the world.
* Malala began to rise in prominence and gave interviews. She
took on the role of chairperson of the District Child Assembly
* Her father ran a number of
schools in the region, was
also a keen education
* Malala continued to share
her views regarding
education rights for girls.
* She won Pakistans first
National Youth Peace Prize.
* Later in 2011, at the age of
14, she was nominated for
the International Children's
Peace Prize.
* On the 9th October 2012, aged
15, Malala was shot by the
Taliban whilst returning home
on the school bus. Malala was
immediately airlifted to
Pesawar where they removed
the bullet from near her spinal
* She was later taken to a
hospital in London for further
* In the days after the attack,
she was in a critical condition
but later her she began to
make a good recovery.
* Even as Malala was recovering from her ordeal, she
continued to speak fearlessly for girls education and
speaking against an extremely cruel and wicked Taliban.
* Politicians around the world demanded that all children
worldwide be in school by the end of 2015.
* The shooting resulted in a
massive outpouring of
support for Yousafzai, which
continued during her
recovery. She gave a speech
at the United Nations on her
16th birthday, in 2013. She
has also written an
autobiography, I Am Malala:
The Girl Who Stood Up for
Education and Was Shot by
the Taliban, which was
released in October 2013.
* Malala Yousafzai is a very global symbol of
every girls right to an education
Ban Ki-moon
(UN Secretary General)
*Malala was awarded the International Peace Prize of 2014.
*Malala said, having been awarded the prize, My message to
children all around the world is that they should stand up
for their rights.
1. Pendahuluan
1. Latar Belakang (4W 1 H)
2. Tujuan
3. Manfaat
4. Sumber Dana / Biaya Kegiatan (jika
2. Tinjauan Pustaka
3. Materi dan Metode Pelaksanaan
1. Khalayak Sasaran
* 2. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan
4. Hasil dan Pembahasan
5. Kesimpulan dan saran
6. Daftar Pustaka
7. Lampiran
1. Denah / Jarak dari Poltekkes ke
2. Foto Kegiatan
3. Biodata Penyelenggara

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