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Quinton Porter
Pronounced FRAN-sis BAE-kin

When was I born? I, Francis, was born

on January 22, 1561 in London to Sir
Nicolas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Seal.
Unfortunately, my presence was erased
from Earth when I decided to stuff a
dead chicken with snow during the
frigid month of March, 1626. I caught a
rather nasty chill which developed into
bronchitis and died on the 9th of the
following month. I did most of my
major work under various lofty titles
such as parliamentarian, Lord Keeper of
the Great Seal, and Lord Chancellor in
London, although I did travel to nearly
all of England in my work.
The Scientific Revolution
The scientific revolution was the
emergence of modern science around the
16th century and lasted until the 18th
century. Math, biology, chemistry,
anatomy, astronomy, physics, and
chemistry all saw advancements in their
respective fields. During the Medieval
Ages scientific knowledge had little
progression and the only education was
based on the teachings of the Catholic
Church. Discoveries like those of Nicolas
Copernicus and Isaac Newton inspired
others to study the world around them
as opposed to accepting whatever the
church threw at them blindly.
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was a new social
movement the spread through Europe
during the 18th century. The
Enlightenment started philosophical,
intellectual, and cultural differences.
Before the enlightenment nearly all
science was attributed to the wonderful
works and miracles of God. The
Enlightenment started a new trend of
applying scientific methods that were
developed by scientists like Francis
Bacon to study human society. It became
common belief that rational laws could
describe social behavior.
The World Around Me
My Contributions
About Me
What I would say best embodies what I believe would perhaps
be a couple of my own quotes, Small amounts of philosophy
lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God,
and, Knowledge is power. Something that very few people
know about me is that I actually was the first scientist to ever
become a knight in 1603. Also, there is a rumor about that I
wrote many of the works of William Shakespeare, which I can
neither confirm nor deny (because I am dead). One of my least
favorite competitors would be Baron Thomas Babington
Macaulay. He had no choice but to admit that I am an
intelligent scholar, but he displayed me as a negative figure in
society by declaring that I was a most dishonorable man.
One of my favorite colleagues would have to be Robert
Devereux, a charming soldier and courtier, and the Queens
favoritism for him earned me brownie points. Although in the
end he did end up executed after a streak of military and
political blunders, but the point is he helped me rise to the
fame I deserved. My favorite person of all though would have
to be King James III, because he appointed me to the Kings
Counsel, named me Solicitor General, appointed me Clerk of
the Star Chamber, appointed me Attorney General, made me a
member of the Privy Council, appointed me Lord Keeper of the
Royal Seal (my fathers former office), and made me Lord
Chancellor. I would really like my date to be knowledgeable,
and not dull-witted. I would also prefer a date that
understands that philosophy only leads to God. But my date
had better not believe in Aristotelian philosophy, or I will be
forced to leave the room (although Aristotle himself was a
brilliant fellow).
Cited Works

World Civilizations The Global Experience by

Peter Stearns (translated by
Google Translate)

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