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Read and Apply: Strategies

Story Reenactment.
6 and 27.
Elsa Patricia Parra
SDSU Imperial Valley Campus.
Automne, Barajas.
September 17th, 2017
Hoth looks perfect,

Nobody could find The Rebellion here

Nobody, except The Empire

The Rebellion must leave Hoth

Skywalkers training must continue

The Force is strong in him.

Skywalkers training is interrupted


To save his friends.

The trap was completed

But for Solo its to late.

The epic battle

between light and darkness begins.

And the cruel truth is revealed
Im your
Its better to die


Then belong to the Dark Side.

Skywalker was rescued

And healed too

Now to save Han Solo
Reenact stories is a very useful tool to improve students vocabulary as well
their english fluency.
This strategy could create confidence into the pupils, because they have
heard, read and reread the story. This promotes security that they can
transform into fluency at the moment of speaking.
On the other hand, teenagers love to watch movies, videos and narrate
stories about their experiences; this will ensure my students enjoy sharing
movies or their own personal experiences by the use of this strategy
combined with the ITCs.
In addition, story reenactment allows students self learning as a first step
for their metacognition process.

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