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Fuchs (Dens) AP Post Oblique Ant Oblique
Measure AP @ C4 AP @ C4 AP @ C4 AP @ C4 AP @ C4
Filter/Shield Half Apron Half Apron Half Apron Half Apron Half Apron
SID 40 Bucky 40 Bucky 36-40 Bucky 36-40 Bucky 36-40 Bucky
Tube Angle 0-5 Cephalad None 15-20 Cephalad 15-20 Cephalad 15-20 Caudal
Film Size 8 x 10 8 x 10 8 x 10 8 x 10 8 x 10
ID Position Port: ID Down Port: ID Down Land: ID Down Port: ID Down Port: ID Down
Marker Anatomical Anatomical Anatomical Ant to Spine Pronated, Post Sp
Positioning Acanthiomeatal MentoMeatal, Acanthiomeatal pt. rot ~45 from pt. rot ~45 from
Line _I_ to Film EAM & Chin _I_ Line _I_ to Film AP; Head Turned PA; Head Turned
to Film to True Lat to True Lat
Film Position Cntr to Horiz CR Cntr to Horiz CR Cntr to Horiz CR Cntr to Horiz CR Cntr to Horiz CR
Horizontal CR 1 Below Upper Below Angle of C4 C4 C4
Incisors the Mandible
Vertical CR Mid-Sagittal Mid-Sagittal Mid-Sagittal EAM EAM
Collimation 5x5 5x5 EAM-T2 x Neck EAM-T1 x Neck EAM-T2 x Neck
Breathing Suspended Suspended Suspended Suspended Suspended
Neutral Lateral Flexion Extension
Measure Lat @ C4 Lat @ C4 Lat @ C4
Filter/Shield Half Apron Half Apron Half Apron
SID 72 NO Bucky 72 NO Bucky 72 NO Bucky
Tube Angle None None None
Film Size 8 x 10 10 x 8 8 x 10
ID Position Port: ID Down Land: ID Up Port: ID Down
Marker L Lat L Arrow L Arrow
Positioning Lat, Acanthiomeatal Line Chin Tuck & Flex Extend to Tolerance
Interpupilary Line II to Weighted (10x2) Weighted (10x2)
film, Weighted (10)
Film Position Center on Horizontal CR Center on Horizontal CR Center on Horizontal CR
Horizontal CR @ C4 @ C4 @ C4
Vertical CR Through EAM C4 Body Through EAM
Collimation EAM-T1 x Skin of Neck EAM-T1 EAM-T1 x Skin of Neck
Breathing Expiration Expiration Expiration
AP Thoracic Lateral Thoracic Swimmers View
Measure AP Over the Shoulder Lat Sub-Axillary Lat Sub-Axillary
Filter/Shield 40Cervico-Thoracic Point Filters per Chart Half Apron
Half Apron Half Apron
SID 40 to Bucky 40 to Bucky 40 to Bucky
Tube Angle None None 0; 5 Caudal for Lg pt.
Film Size 7 x 17 14 x 17 10 x 12
ID Position Port: ID Down Port: ID Up Port: ID Up
Marker Anatomical L Lat L Lat
Positioning Back to Bucky Shoulder to Bucky Bucky Arm Overhead
Prayer Position Other Arm Weighted (10)
Pt. rot post 5-10
Film Position 2 above C7 2 above C7 Center on Horizontal CR
Horizontal CR Centered to Film Centered to Film At SC Jt.
Vertical CR Mid-Sagittal Post to Head of Humerus Head of Humerus
Collimation C7-L1 x 5 T1-L1 x post skin < Film Size
Breathing Inspiration Inspiration Inspiration
Lateral Apical Lordotic RAO LAO
Measure PA at Mid-Chest Lat Mid-Chest AP Mid-Chest PA at Mid-Chest PA at Mid-Chest
Filter/Shield Half Apron Half Apron Half Apron Half Apron Half Apron
SID 72 Bucky 72 Bucky 72 Bucky 72 Bucky 72 Bucky
Tube Angle None None 10-20 Cephalad None None
Film Size 14 x 17 14 x 17 12 x 10 + 14 x 17 14 x 17
ID Position Port: ID Up Port: ID Up Land: ID Up Port: ID Up Port: ID Up
Marker Pronated L Lat Anatomical Pronated RAO Pronated LAO
Positioning Hands on Hips Hands behind Hands on Hips 45 RAO, R Hand 60 LAO, L Hand
or Hug Bucky head Prayer 12 from Bucky on hip, L arm on on hip, R arm on
Leans back top of Bucky top of Bucky
Film Position 2 above shldr 2 above shldr Cntr to Horiz CR 2 above shldr 2 above shldr
Horizontal CR Centered to film Centered to film BTW Xiphoid & Centered to film Centered to film
Vertical CR Mid-Sagittal Mid-Coronal Mid-Sagittal Center Sternum Center Sternum
Collimation Film Size Film Size Film Size Film Size Film Size
Breathing Inspiration Inspiration Inspiration Inspiration Inspiration

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