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Pengaturcaraan Visual

Form of data presentation which consists
of a string of characters.
All value put in TextBox String data
VB6 automatically changes string to
number data type when arithmetic
operations are performed.
String Declaration
Dim Variablename As String
Dim Variablename As String*20
-VB6 only provides 20 spaces of length

Dim Name As String
Name = Visual Basic 6
String Operations
Combining String


Dim name1 As String

Dim name2 As String
Dim name3 As String

name1 = Universiti
name2 = Utara
name3 = name1 + name2
name3 = name1 & name2
name3 = name1 + + name2
String Operations
Comparing String


If Visual > Basic Then

Print Visual is larger than Basic
Print Basic is larger than Visual
End If
String Operations
Comparing String based on ANSI value

StrComp(string1, string2)
0 string1 = string2
1 string1 > string2
-1 string1 < string2
String Operations
Dim name1 As String
Dim name2 As String
Dim valueCompare As Integer

name1 = Visual
name2 = Basic
valueCompare = StrComp(name1,name2)
If valueCompare = 0 Then
Print name1 & same as & name2
ElseIf valueCompare = 1 Then
Print name1 & larger than & name2
Print name1 & smaller than & name2
End If
String Operations
Functions in String Operation
String Operations
Functions in String Operation
Examples of String Used
A program to input name and IC number.
Output- Date of Birth, Age in Years, Place of Birth and Sex

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