Seesion 8: Project HR Management

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Project HR Management

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Project HR Managements

It includes the processes that :

and lead the project team.
The project team
people with assigned roles and responsibilities for
completing the project.
have varied skill sets,
full or part-time,
be added or removed from the team as the project
TIPS: Participation of team members during planning adds their
expertise to the process and strengthens their commitment to the
project Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
9.1 Plan HR Management

Definition Key Benefit

It is the process of: it establishes :

identifying and documenting : project roles and
o project roles, responsibilities,
o responsibilities, project organization
o required skills, charts,
o reporting relationships, staffing management plan
creating a staffing
management plan
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
1 Project mgt
plan .1 Org. charts and
.2 Activity position
resource descriptions .1 HR mgt
requirements .2 Networking plan
.3 EEF .3 Organizational
.4 OPA theory
.4 Expert judgment
.5 Meetings

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

1 Project mgt plan

2 Activity resource requirements
Used to determine the human resource needs for the project
.3 EEF
Existing human resources,
Geographical dispersion of team members,
Personnel administration policies, and Marketplace conditions.
Organizational culture and structure,
Organizational standard processes, policies, and role descriptions;
Templates for organizational charts and position descriptions;
Lessons learned on previous organizational structures
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and Techniques
Hierarchical-type charts
(OBS) is arranged with the work
packages listed under each
Matrix-based charts
One example of a RAM is a RACI
(Responsible, Accountable,
Consult, and Inform) chart
Text-oriented formats
Responsibilities that require
detailed descriptions can be
specified in text-oriented formats

1. Roles and Responsibility Definition

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
RACI Chart

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and Techniques
.2 Networking
The formal and informal interaction with others in an organization, industry, or
professional environment
e.g. Events, conferences

3 Organizational Theory

Organizational theory provides information regarding the way in which people, teams, and
organizational units behave

4 Expert judgement 6 Meetings

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

.1 HR mgt PLAN oCompetency (skill and capacity

Guidance of how project HR should required)
be defined, staffed, managed, and B. Project org. charts
eventually released. C. Staffing mgt plan
it includes: oStaff acquisition
A. Roles and responsibilities oResource calendars
oRole (function assigned to a oStaff release plan
person e.g. civil engineer,
business analyst) oTraining needs
oResponsibilities (duties and oRecognition and rewards
oAuthority (right to apply
resources,..) Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Resource Histogram

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
9.2 Acquire Project Team

Definition Key Benefit

The process of: consists of outlining and

guiding the team selection
confirming human resource
and responsibility assignment
to obtain a successful team
obtaining the team necessary
to complete project activities.

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Project staff
.1 Pre- assignments
assignment .2 Resource
.1 HR mgt plan .2 Negotiation
.2 EEF .3 Acquisition
.3 OPA .4 Virtual teams .3 Project mgt
.5 Multi-criteria plan updates

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 HR mgt plan
Roles and responsibilities , skills, and competencies that the project
Project org. charts indicating the number of people needed for the
Staffing management plan delineating the time periods each project
team member will be needed
.2 EEF
Existing information on human resources including availability,
competency levels, prior experience,
interest in working on the project and their cost rate;
Co-location or multiple locations
.3 OPA
(policies, processes, and procedures)
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and Techniques
.1 Pre-assignment .4 Virtual teams
When project team members are groups of people fulfill their roles with
selected in advance little or no time spent meeting face to
.2 Negotiation face.
the project mgt team may need to e-mail, audio conferencing, social
negotiate with: media, web-based meetings and video
o Functional managers, .5 Multi-criteria decision analysis
o Other project mgt teams to assign Availability
scarce HR
o Ext. orgs, vendors, suppliers, Cost
contractors Experience
.3 Acquisition Ability
When the org. is unable to provide the Knowledge.
staff needed for the project (out Skills
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

.1 Project staff assignments .2 Resource calendars

The project is staffed when Resource calendars document the
appropriate people have been time periods that each project
assigned to the team. team member is available to
The documentation of these work on the project
assignments includes: .3 Project mgt plan updates
a project team directory, e.g. HR mgt plan
names inserted into project org.
charts and schedules.

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
9.3 Develop Project Team

Definition Key Benefit

The process of improving: it results in:

competencies, improved teamwork,
team member interaction, enhanced people skills and
and overall team
motivated employees,
reduced staff turnover rates,
to enhance project
performance. and improved overall project
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Interpersonal .1 Team
skills performance
.1 HR mgt plan .2 Training assessments
.2 Project staff .3 Team-building .2 Enterprise
assignments activities Environmental
.3 Resource .4 Ground rules Factors
calendars .5 Colocation updates
.6 Recognition
and rewards
.7 Personnel
assessment tools
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 HR mgt plan
It identifies:
training strategies and plans for developing the project team.
.2 Project staff assignments
Team development starts with a list of the project team
.3 Resource calendars
identify times when the project team members can participate
in team development activities
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and Techniques
1 Interpersonal skills (soft skills) .3 Team-building activities
communication skills, Used to help individual team members
conflict resolution, work together effectively.
negotiation, Informal communication and activities
can help in building trust and
influence, establishing good working
.2 Training relationships.
all activities designed to enhance the 5 stages of teams development are :
competencies of the project team. 1. Forming
e.g. classroom, online, computer- 2. Storming
based, OJT and coaching
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Adjourning
Tools and Techniques

4 Ground rules
prevent problems between team members ,it helps everyone see what's important to their
.5 Co-location (war room)
placing the most active project team members in the same physical location to enhance their
ability to perform as a team)
.6 Recognition and rewards
money is viewed as a tangible aspect of any reward system, but intangible rewards could be
equally or even more effective
Most project team members are motivated by an opportunity to grow and apply their professional
skills to meet new challenges
.7 Personnel assessment tools
e.g. attitudinal surveys, specific assessments, structured interviews, ability tests.

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Team performance assessments
The project teams effectiveness is measured in terms of TECHNICAL
SUCCESS, finished on TIME & within BUDGET.
The teams effectiveness may include indicators such as:
Improvements in skills
Reduced staff turnover rate
Increased team cohesiveness
The result of this evaluation can identify the specific training or changes
required to improve the teams performance
.2 EEF updates
personnel administration, employee training records, and skill assessments.
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
9.4 Manage Project Team

Definition Key Benefit

The process of: It influences team behavior,

manages conflict, resolves
tracking team member
issues, and appraises team
member performance
providing feedback,
resolving issues,
managing team changes to
optimize project performance.
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 HR mgt plan .1 Change requests
.2 Project staff .2 Project mgt plan
assignments .1 Observation and updates
.3 Team conversation .3 Project
performance .2 Project documents
assessments performance updates
.4 Issue log appraisals .4 EEF updates
.5 WPR .3 Conflict mgt .5 OPA updates
.6 OPA .4 Interpersonal skills

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

.2 Project staff assignments

whom should be managed
.3 Team performance assessments
By assessing the project teams performance, actions can be taken
to resolve issues, modify communication, address conflict, and
improve team interaction (what actions should I take?)
.4 Issue log
Issues arise in the course of managing the project team.
An issue log can be used to document and monitor who is
responsible for resolving specific issues by a target date

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

5 Work Performance Reports

Used in determining future human resource requirements,
recognition and rewards, and updates to the staffing management
.6 OPA
Certificates of appreciation,
Bonus structures,

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and Techniques

1 Observation and conversation

used to stay in touch with the work and attitudes of project team
.2 Project performance appraisals
Its Objectives include:
clarification of roles and responsibilities,
constructive feedback to team members,
discovery of unknown or unresolved issues,
development of individual training plans
the establishment of specific goals for future time periods.
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and Techniques

.3 Conflict mgt Techniques For Resolving Conflict:

Sources Of Conflict : 1. Withdraw/Avoid.
scarce resources, scheduling 2. Smooth/Accommodate.
priorities, and personal work styles. 3. Compromise/Reconcile..
Conflicts Can Be Reduces Through: 4. Force/Direct.
Team ground rules, group norms, 5. Collaborate/Problem Solve.
Solid project management practices, .4 Interpersonal skills
Leadership(to inspire the project
communication planning and role team )
Effective decision making
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

.1 Change requests .4 EEF updates

include moving people to different Personnel skill updates
assignments, outsourcing some of .5 OPA updates
the work, and replacing team
members who leave Historical information and lessons
learned documentation,
.2 Project mgt plan updates
HR management plan
Organizational standard processes
.3 Project documents updates
Issue log,
Roles description, and
Project staff assignments

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Qs and As

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
1.Which EEF define how work assigned to people??

A. RACI matrix
B. Project Management Information System (PMIS)
C. Resource histogram
D. Work authorization system

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
2. you are managing a design project you find that bringing all of
your team member into a single room to work increases their
communication, and helps build a sense of community. This is
referred to as a:

A. War room
B. Virtual team
C. Socially active team
D. Common area

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
3. A bar chart shows the number and type of resources you need
throughout your project is called a _______________.

A. Organizational Chart
B. Resource Schedule
C. Resource Histogram
D. Staffing Timetable

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

Questions !!
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Thanks for your

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

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