Lecture 5

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MECH4450 Introduction to Finite

Element Methods

Finite Element Analysis (F.E.A.) of 1-D

Problems Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer Mechanisms
Conduction heat transfer by molecular
agitation within a material without any motion
of the material as a whole.
Convection heat transfer by motion of a

Radiation the exchange of thermal

radiation between two or more bodies. Thermal
radiation is the energy emitted from hot
surfaces as electromagnetic waves.
Heat Conduction in 1-D
Heat flux q: heat transferred per unit area per unit time (W/m2)
q k
Governing equation:

x x t

Q: heat generated per unit volume per unit time

C: mass heat capacity

: thermal conductivity

Steady state equation:

d dT
A AQ 0
dx dx
Thermal Convection

Newtons Law of Cooling

q h(Ts T )

h: convective heat transfer coefficient ( W m C )

2 o
Thermal Conduction in 1-D
Boundary conditions:
Dirichlet BC: Temperature is prescribed

Natural BC: Heat flus is prescribed

Mixed BC: Combination of temperature and flux is prescribed

Example: A solid being exposed in air:

= 1000 C

+ = 0

Weak Formulation of 1-D Heat Conduction
(Steady State Analysis)
Governing Equation of 1-D Heat Conduction -----
d dT ( x )
( x ) A( x ) AQ ( x ) 0 0<x<L
dx dx

Weighted Integral Formulation -----

dT ( x )
0 w( x ) ( x ) A( x) AQ( x ) dx
0 dx dx

Weak Form from Integration-by-Parts -----

dT dT
0 A wAQ dx w A
dx dx dx 0
Formulation for 1-D Linear Element
T1 AQ(x) T2

x f1 f2
1 2
x1 x2

f1 ( x) A , f 2 ( x) A
x 1 x 2

Let T (x) T11 (x) T22 (x)

x2 x x x1
1 ( x ) , 2 ( x )
l l


1 1
Formulation for 1-D Linear Element

Let w(x)= i (x), i = 1, 2

2 x2 di d j 2

0 T j A dx i AQ dx i ( x2 ) f 2 i ( x1 ) f1
j 1 x1 dx dx x1
KijT j Qi i ( x2 ) f 2 i ( x1 ) f1
j 1

f1 Q1 K11 K12 T1

f 2 Q2 K12 K 22 T2

di d j
x2 x2
dT dT
where Kij A dx, Qi i AQ dx, f1 A , f2 A
x1 dx dx x1
dx x1 dx x2
Element Equations of 1-D Linear Element

T1 AQ(x) T2

x f1 f2
1 2
x1 x2

f1 Q1 A 1 1 T1

f 2 Q2 L 1 1 T2
dT dT
where Qi i AQ dx, f1 A , f2 A
dx x x1 dx x x2
1-D Heat Conduction Example 1
A composite wall consists of three materials, as shown in the figure below.
The inside wall temperature is 200oC and the outside air temperature is 50oC
with a convection coefficient of h = 10 W(m2.K). Find the temperature along
the composite wall.
1 70W m K , 2 40W m K , 3 20W m K
t1 2cm, t2 2.5cm, t3 4cm

1 2 3 Use one linear element per material.

T0 200 C
o T 50o C
Element equations:

t2 t3 (1) 3500 3500

t1 =
x 3500 3500

(2) 1600 1600

1600 1600

(3) 500 500

500 500
1-D Heat Conduction Example 1
A composite wall consists of three materials, as shown in the figure below.
The inside wall temperature is 200oC and the outside air temperature is 50oC
with a convection coefficient of h = 10 W(m2.K). Find the temperature along
the composite wall.
1 70W m K , 2 40W m K , 3 20W m K
t1 2cm, t2 2.5cm, t3 4cm

1 2 3
T 50o C
Assembled system:
T0 200 C

3500 3500 0 0 1 1
3500 5100 1600 0 2
t1 t2 t3 = 2
0 1600 2100 500 3 3
x 0 0 500 500 4 4

Boundary conditions and loading conditions:

1 = 0 = 200 C 2 = 3 = 0 4 = 104 + 500

Condensed system:
5100 1600 0 2 3500 200
1600 2100 500 3 = 0
0 500 500 4 104 + 500
1-D Heat Conduction Example 1
A composite wall consists of three materials, as shown in the figure below.
The inside wall temperature is 200oC and the outside air temperature is 50oC
with a convection coefficient of h = 10 W(m2.K). Find the temperature along
the composite wall.
1 70W m K , 2 40W m K , 3 20W m K
t1 2cm, t2 2.5cm, t3 4cm

1 2 3
T 50o C
T0 200 C

2 199.58 C
3 = 198.67 C
t1 t2 t3 4 195.76 C
1 = 1457.6 W 4 = 1457.6 W

2 1
For each element: = + 1

For material 1: = 21 + 200
For material 2: = 36.4 0.02 + 199.58
For material 3: = 72.75 0.045 + 198.67
Thermal Conduction and
Convection- Fin
Objective: to enhance heat transfer

Governing equation for 1-D heat transfer in thin fin

d dT

c A AcQ 0
dx dx
w t
2h(T T ) dx w 2h(T T ) dx t 2h(T T ) w t
Ac dx Ac
d dT
Ac Ph T T AcQ 0
dx dx

where P 2w t Ac w t
Fin - Weak Formulation
(Steady State Analysis)
Governing Equation of 1-D Heat Conduction -----
d dT ( x )
( x ) A( x ) Ph T T AQ 0 0<x<L
dx dx

Weighted Integral Formulation -----

dT ( x )
0 w( x ) ( x) A( x) Ph(T T ) AQ( x) dx
0 dx dx

Weak Form from Integration-by-Parts -----

dT dT
0 A wPh (T T ) wAQ dx w A
dx dx dx 0
Formulation for 1-D Linear Element

Let w(x)= i (x), i = 1, 2

2 x2 d d x2

0 Tj A i j
i j dx i AQ PhT dx
j 1 x1 dx dx x1
i ( x2 ) f 2 i ( x1 ) f1
KijT j Qi i ( x2 ) f 2 i ( x1 ) f1
j 1

f1 Q1 K11 K12 T1

f 2 Q2 K12 K 22 T2
di d j
x2 x2

where Kij A i j dx, Qi i AQ PhT dx,

dx dx x1

dT dT
f1 A , f2 A
dx x x1 dx x x2
Element Equations of 1-D Linear Element

T1 T2

x f1 f2
1 2
x1 x2

f1 Q1 A 1 1 PhL 2 1 T1

f 2 Q2 L 1 1 6 1 2 T2

dT dT
where Qi i AQ PhT dx, f1 A , f2 A
dx x x1 dx x x2
1-D Heat Conduction Example 2
A metallic fin extends from a plane wall whose temperature is 235oC. Determine
The temperature distribution and amount of heat transferred from the fin to the air
At 20oC .
360W m oC , h 9W m 2 oC
T 20o C l 10cm, t 0.1cm, w 1m

Use three linear elements for the fin, = 3.3cm.

T0 235o C t
l = 2 + = 200.2cm

Element equation:

360103 1 1 2.00293.3102 2 1 1 1 1
+ = +
3.3102 1 1 6 1 2 2 2 2

= = = 6.006

1 1 2 1 1 1 6.006
10.8 + 0.1001 = +
1 1 1 2 2 2 6.006
1-D Heat Conduction Example 2
A metallic fin extends from a plane wall whose temperature is 235oC. Determine
The temperature distribution and amount of heat transferred from the fin to the air
At 20oC .
T 20o C 360W m oC , h 9W m 2 oC
l 10cm, t 0.1cm, w 1m

T0 235o C t
Assembled system:

1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 1
10.8 1 2 1 0 + 0.1001 1 4 1 0 = 2 + 6.006 2
0 1 2 1 0 1 4 1 3 3 2
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 4 4 1

Boundary conditions and loading conditions:

1 = 235 C 2 = 3 = 0 4 = 0 (Assume4 is insulated)

Condensed system:
2 1 0 4 1 0 2 0 1 1 2
10.8 1 2 1 + 0.1001 1 4 1 3 = 0 10.8 0 1 0.1001 0 1 + 6.006 2
0 1 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 1
1-D Heat Conduction Example 2
A metallic fin extends from a plane wall whose temperature is 235oC. Determine
The temperature distribution and amount of heat transferred from the fin to the air
At 20oC .
T 20o C 360W m oC , h 9W m 2 oC
l 10cm, t 0.1cm, w 1m

T0 235o C t
l Solutions:
2 209.8 C
3 = 195.2 C
4 190.5 C

Total heat loss: 1 = 334.8583 W

Heat loss without the fin: 1 = 9 235 20 1 0.1 102 W = 1.9W

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