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Business Communication for

Robert Frost
Something there is that doesnt love a wall
I let my neighbor know beyond
He is all pines and I am apple orchard
My apple trees will never get across and eat the cones
under his pines
I tell him
He only says, Good fences make good neighbors
I wonder if I could put this notion in his head
Why do they make good neighbors
Something there is that doesnt love a wall
That wants it down
Aristotle: The Art of Rhetoric
Rhetoric: the use of language to
persuade the listener to do
Aristotle taught in Athens from 367-
347 B.C.
Every communication is composed of
three parts: the speaker, the subject
and the person to whom it is
Who is a manager?
Managerial Communication is, in a
sense, managing people. What we
say communicates. What we dont
say communicates. What we do
communicates. What we fail to do
communicates. The message we want
to share with one person may go to
others even if we dont want.
Roles that a Manager performs in
the organization
Interpersonal Roles Figurehead,
Leader, Liaison

Informational Roles Monitor,

Disseminator, Spokesperson

Decisional Roles Entrepreneur,

Disturbance handler, Resource
allocator, Negotiator
Why managers need to
communicate effectively?
To give and receive information
To provide advice
To provide counselling
To issue orders and instructions
To impart education and training
To convince and persuade people
To issue warnings and notices
To motivate people
To receive suggestions
Seven Cardinal mistakes Managers
make while communicating
Communicating without adequate
Underestimating the intelligence of
Using inappropriate channels of
Believing that words speak louder
than action
Seven Cardinal mistakes Managers
make while communicating
Listening only to good news
Playing guessing games with
Rarely talking to employees
Facilitating Effective
Develop a genuine desire to
Understand Oneself and Others
Encourage an open climate
Develop strong internal
Practice effective listening
Sri Ram analysing Hanumans

nuunam definitely; anena = by

him; vyaakaraNam kR^istsnam =
grammar, comprehensively; bahudhaa
shrutam = severally, heard
[learnt]; bahu vyaaharataa anena =
much, said, by him; na kimchit = not, a
single word; apa shabditam = amiss,
Sri Ram analysing Hanumans

mukhe netrayaoH vaa api = on face, in

eyes, or even; lalaaTe = on
forehead; tathaa bhruvoH = like that,
on eyebrows; anyeSu api ca = other
parts [of face,] even, also; sarveSu
kvachit doSaH na samviditaH = in all
[faculties,] at the least, fault, is not,
Sri Ram analysing Hanumans

31. vaakyam = [his] sentence; a

vistaram = un, expanded; a
sandighdham = un, doubtful; a
vilambitam = un, delaying; a vyatham =
non, dissonant; urastham kanThagam =
in chest, in throat; vartate madhyame
svare = comports, [speech,] in medium,
Sri Ram analysing Hanumans

samskaara krama sampannaanaam =

refinement, orderly, he
has; adbhutam = remarkable; a
vilambitam = un-delaying; uccaarayati
kalyaaNiim vaacha = speaks, propitious,
words; hrR^idaya harSiNiim = heart-
pleasing ones.
7 Cs of Communication
Marshall McLuhan:
the creation of a world so
interwoven by shared knowledge that
it becomes a global village.
Video Conferencing
E mail
Web conferencing
Social Networking
Text Messaging
Online Chat

Atomic 212- Australian Advertising

company in news for banning E-mail
communication (November 2015)
Launched Talk First Campaign
Jason Dooris- CEO Atomic 212
Emails lead to what he calls
professional inconsideration. In the
old world if I was going to ask you to
assist with something like writing a
report, Id walk up to you and talk to
you, look you in the eye, and that
would engender empathy, he said.
When you flick an email you lose
that connection.
McDonald Brothers
Listening to stay on trend
Remaining authentic and transparent
Personal social engagement
Quality content
Thomas J Bata
Ivrcl Hyderabad
Formal communication
Informal communication
Types of Communication- Informal
Its just a casual talk.
It happens among friends and family.
In informal communication use of slang words, foul
language is not restricted.
Usually, informal communication is done orally and
using gestures.
Informal communication, Unlike formal
communication, doesnt follow authority lines.
In an organization, it helps in finding out staff
grievances as people express more when talking
Informal communication helps in building
Types of Comm. - Verbal
Types of Comm. Non-Verbal
Channels of Communication
Upward Flow- Messages containing
requests, reports, proposals, and
Downward Flow- Information,
Instruction, Direction, Order,
Horizontal Flow
Diagonal Flow
Merits of Upward flow
To elicit feedback/ response
To convey problems and performances
To express understanding
To share their views and ideas
Merits of Upward flow
Leads to a more committed and loyal
Managers get to know about the employees
Merits of Upward Flow
Grievance Redressal System, Complaint and
Suggestion Box, Job Satisfaction surveys etc.
all help in improving upward communication.

Other examples of Upward Communication are

performance reports made by low level
management for reviewing by higher level
management, employee attitude surveys,
letters from employees, employee-manager
discussions etc.
Demerits of Upward flow
It occurs far less frequently than
downward communication.
Communication is short.
Inaccurate information.
Merits of Downward flow
Providing feedback on employees performance
Giving job instructions
Communicating the organizations mission and
vision to the employees.
Highlighting the areas of attention.
Demerits of downward flow
Messages gets distorted.
Takes a lot of time.
Becomes less accurate.
Horizontal or Lateral Flow
Communication that takes place at same levels
of hierarchy in an organization is called lateral
It facilitates co-ordination of the task.
It facilitates co-operation among team
It provides emotional and social assistance to
the organizational members.
It helps in solving various organizational
Horizontal or Lateral Flow
It is a means of information sharing
It can also be used for resolving conflicts of a
department with other department or conflicts
within a department.
It is time saving.
It is very friendly in nature.
More casual in tone and occurs more
Diagonal Communication
Communication that takes place between a
manager and employees of other workgroups
is called diagonal communication.

For instance - To design a training module a

training manager interacts with an Operations
personnel to enquire about the way they
perform their task.
External Communication
Communication that takes place between a
manager and external groups such as -
suppliers, vendors, banks, financial institutes

For instance - To raise capital the Managing

director would interact with the Bank Manager.
Importance of Feedback
To know whether the receiver has
understood the message or not.
Enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of
Enables us to identify the problems and
improve products and services.
Enhance productivity.
Sustain Customers.
To create a healthy corporate environment
To motivate employees.
What should a manager do while
He should stay focused. Should
subdue his inner thoughts.
He should not dominate
He should not plan responses.
He should not interrupt the speaker.
He should take mental notes while
He should not jump to conclusions.
He should engage in open-ended
He should indicate his engagement by
correct gesture and proper eye
He should occasionally nod his head
to show his understanding.
He should jot down the key points
while listening.
He should clarify points that he does not
Ignore distractions.
Build Rapport with the clients.
Build humor into the talk.
Repeat the key points frequently to
Use ample illustrations, graphics, examples
to appeal to all kind of customers

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