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Next*Connect for VW

VW New Beetle


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Situation Analysis

The Beetle had always been an iconic model that transferred equity up to the
VW Marque.
Recent generations had not been well received> As a result, the model itself
was relegated to a very niche position and was not playing as powerful a role as
a hero for Marque as it should
It had become too feminine and cute
The New generation Beetle is more masculine, with more edge.

There is a need to surprise people with a new model launched for the 21st
century that should help make the Beetle a model one should not rule out
Make it a model you want to find out more information about
Campaign objective

Objective of the
TV Advertising:

To launch the
brand new iconic
VW Beetle to a
broader audience
than ever before'
Our Point of View on the Objectives of the work

The launch execution is model focused: the idea plays on memories and
associations of the Beetle at its best if you are good in one life you will be
rewarded in the next
The aim is to revive memories and nostalgia from the past, and bring those right
up to date with a model that has returned to form, whilst still delivering the fun
and pleasure and associated good memories from past experiences
Innovation aligned to long standing VW heritage
Giving the Marque a dash of exuberant joy in a way no other model can
To ensure that the Model will also transfer equity up to VW

We should remember we are interviewing a broad sample of new car buyers

they will not all want a Beetle, but
Brand Resonance for VW is also a key objective
Next*Connect Methodology for the New VW Beetle TVC test :
Recruit Sample Consumer Watches Ads Retained Branded Forced Exposure
& Start Interview In Multimedia Environment Recognition
Is the ad Intent Ratings
Test Is it associated
& Diagnostics
with the brand?
Brand & Equity Ratings

Test vs. Control

Experimental Design

Recruit Sample No Ad Exposure

& Start Interview Image of Vehicle(s) only
Matched Control
Control Group
Intent Ratings
Brand & Equity Ratings

120 respondents in test cell + 120 respondents in control

cell. All to have bought a car from new in the last 3 and/or
Sample: intend to in the next 3 years worth at least $12,000.
Hatchback or Cabriolet body style
age (40% 18-34 /40% 35-49 / 20% 50-65), gender (50 %
Quotas female 50% male ), region

Fieldwork July 2012

New VW Beetle :30s TVC

Insights from
the Test

Insights from our Multi-Media Environment

As a result of placing the New VW Beetle :30s TVC in our multi-media

environment, we know that:
It demonstrates strong potential to capture selective attention and to stand out
in market.
In addition, it will be strongly connected to both the VW Beetle and VW Marque
as the use of the iconic scenes ensures that there is very little misattribution of
the Marque and Model. The overwhelming majority know that it is an ad for VW
and the Beetle

Insights from our Test-Control Test Method

Thanks to our test-control experimental design test method, we know:

The New VW Beetle ad significantly improves overall feelings of closeness to the VW
Beetle (from an average of 3.53 to an average of 4.84 ), which should work to limit
further rejection of the model.
The ad positively contributes to potential increases in Brand Equity for the VW Marque,
driven by improvements in perceptions in popularity and quality.
Brand image perceptions are also positively improved with viewers feeling the VW
Beetle is now more modern, and dynamic and could be a car people would love to own
and be proud to drive.
After viewing the ad, emotional motivations for the VW Beetle shift from more niched
associations of being unique and distinctive to deliver playful and fun experiences with a
renewed sense of energy. Driving joy and pleasure are delivered more distinctly.
The ad helps to shift significant rejection of the Model to neutral consideration, and
positively impacts the level of overall recommendation of the new VW Beetle. In
addition, viewers indicate the likelihood to take positive steps towards stronger
consideration (like looking out for the New Beetle on the road, visiting the products
website, and taking the car for a test drive.)

Insights from our Emotional Measures

Our emotional measures have demonstrated that the New Beetle TVC Is
characterized by its strong Emotive Power , the nature of which is
happiness (puts a smile on peoples faces) and entertainment (an ad
people feel is humorous and stirs emotions, which ensures they would
watch again).
This is not unexpected as the ad reminds viewers of personally relevant associations,
like nostalgia, family memories and happy times from the past, in addition to enjoyable
memories like fun, adventurous holidays, consumers first cars, and more deepseated
motivations around pleasure in driving and freedom.
As a highly likeable ad, viewers are engaged with the storyline throughout from the
nostalgic scenes of the model at its best to the unveiling of the New Beetle.
Its highly entertaining story line results in the strong potential for the ad to be shared
and spoken about: it will be retransmitted.
These positive emotions are ultimately transferred to the Marque, working to
reinforce brand closeness and overall resonance.


This ad delivers a Strong increase in VW Beetles image perception.

VW Beetle starts in a deficit position with many consumers having really no
impressions about the brand or even negative ones.
This hugely entertaining and likeable ad helps the VW New Beetle lay the
ground work to make this car more intriguing and acceptable by playing on
feelings of nostalgia & freedom which resonates in a very emotional way with
consumers .
Perceptions of the model on key dimensions are significantly improved
(modern, proud to own)
It gets consumers talking, and substantially improves impressions about
the brand.
The ad also halos quite strongly onto the parent VW brand.

The result is that levels of rejection are substantially eroded. But the ad
cannot manage to give the Beetle an increased prescence in more serious
consideration sets amongst this broad car buying sample

Detailed Insights

The New Beetle ad
connects strongly to
viewers on an
emotional level

And creates
significant levels of
personal resonance
A substantial number of
consumers suggest that the ad
reminds them of things they
care about and enjoy

The ad reminds viewers of families, youth and happy times from the past (with the
brands heritage at the center), suggesting the ad is reviving positive memories
linked to the Marque.
Reminds you of things you CARE ABOUT What things you really CARE ABOUT

the good old

community, peace,
friends, Beetle!!! 50

Old values still

retain their
validity 17


Care about

Question: To what extent, if at all, does this ad remind you of things you
Note: size of bubble % of comments with topic/theme. Lines
<really care about> <really enjoy>? (7-point-scale) [prc] / What indicate association between themes. Thickness of lines =
things that you <really care about> <really enjoy> did the ad strength of association. Open asked for Top 3 box only
bring to mind, and which aspects of the ad made you think about
these things? [prcp] 19
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle n=120 / 60
It also triggers memories of fun, adventurous holidays, consumers first cars in
addition to more deepseated motivations around pleasure in driving and freedom.

Reminds you of things you ENJOY What things you really ENJOY

tradition, sense
of togetherness

Summer, sun,
holidays 17



Question: To what extent, if at all, does this ad remind you of things you
Note: size of bubble % of comments with topic/theme. Lines
<really care about> <really enjoy>? (7-point-scale) [prc] / What indicate association between themes. Thickness of lines =
things that you <really care about> <really enjoy> did the ad strength of association. Open asked for Top 3 box only
bring to mind, and which aspects of the ad made you think about
these things? [prcp] 20
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle n=120 / 60
Thanks to these strong
emotional connections,
the ad will be highly
visible and it is also well
connected to the Model
& Marque

Brandedof visibility and memories linked to the Bransd which will ensure the
= Retained Recognition x Brand Attribution Ratio
- in %*- impacts on the brand are received in the real world.

VW New Beetle
Ipsos ASI Auto Norm

66 68 69

Retained Branded = Visibility:
Retained Recognition
x Brand Linkage:
Brand Linkage Ratio

Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle (A) n=120

Significance: higher/lower than benchmark, confidence level: 90%
* Retained Recognition = Recognition (%) x Specific Memories Rating x 0.1; Brand
Linkage Ratio x 100 24
The level of model-specific playback for this ad is impressive, with nearly 60%
mentioning either VW New Beetle or VW Beetle 21st Century. It does a good job at
announcing the new model has arrived

Recognition in
Detail CORRECT 97

VW New Beetle 39

VW/ Volkswagen 33

(VW) Beetle 21st century 20

VW Kfer (TC 2) 4

Beetle 1

New Beetle 1


Question: Do you remember seeing this ad among the ads you just saw? /
What brand was this ad for? Please be as specific as possible ()
[irbrd] 25
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle n=120
The resonance also translates into good Retransmission Potential and is likely to
get people talking and sharing the ad with friends and family. In contrast, another
auto ad on air at the same time does not show the same strong social potential

Ipsos ASI Retransmission potential score

Top 20

Mid 20
28 28

VW New Beetle BMW Norm

Retransmission means ad content gets passed along, or helped along or

otherwise shared in some way by consumers.
Retransmission is a reward : an ad can be good without it but having
potentially increases ad effect.

Bases: = significantly different vs norm/benchmark at

Copy A = 150 90% confidence
Copy B = 145
Copy C = 145 26
The strong emotive
power and personal
resonance also work to
increase Beetle Brand
Closeness & Image as
well as Marque Brand

Viewers feel significantly closer to the brand after seeing the ad.

Closeness Average Score

VW New Beetle

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Control Cell

Question: How close do you feel to VW New Beetle? [closb]

Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle n=120
Thus positively impacting Equity perceptions of the VW Marque.

Ad Effect on Equity
- Classification (Quintiles) -

Top 20% VW (173)

Quintile: Classification
according to
distribution of
indexes in the
Top 40%

Middle 20%

Bottom 40%

Bottom 20%

Our Equity Index measures potential to strengthen Brand Equity, compared to other ads. It
combines 5 essential components of Brand Equity that can be directly influenced by the ad:
familiarity, uniqueness, relevance, popularity and quality.
In addition, the celebration of Beetles past and present improves perceptions of the
models ability to deliver playful and fun experiences with a renewed sense of energy.
Driving joy and pleasure are delivered more distinctly. This is a move away from the
more niched motivations of uniqueness and distinctiveness.

Censydiam wheel ratings Feeling

in % Feeling carefree, Feeling playful,
passionate unrestricted having fun

Feeling open
Feeling and
energized 60
receptive to
34 Feeling
Feeling connected to
strong, others
17 9 18
Feeling 4
respected, 7 9 Feeling
8 accepted,
9 3 fitting in
Feeling Feeling
unique, caring and
distinct 45 loving
Control Test
Feeling in-
the-know, Feeling
expert relaxed, at
Feeling Feeling
organised, Feeling in safe and
efficient control reassured
Question: For each statement, please indicate how well it describes feelings you
associate with owning the New Beetle from VW [e25online] 33
Base: Diagnostic Sample; VW New Beetle n=120/ control cell n=120
The result is that the ad
helps to improve overall
brand resonance, allowing
viewers to take steps
towards consideration

The ad lays the ground work for the model making consumers feel good about the
new Beetle. The pattern suggests there is a shift in perceptions with viewers thinking
about the Beetle in a new way.

Ad Ratings (Top Box) in %

Fits with the way I feel
about VW New Beetle 42

Makes me feel good about

VW New Beetle

Makes me think about VW 24

New Beetle in a new way
VW New Beetle

Question: () please indicate whether the word or phrase describes Ipsos ASI Norm
the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. (3-point-scale:
describes completely / somewhat / not at all) [atc]
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle (A) n=120 36
Significance: higher/lower than benchmark; confidence level: 90%
The Beetles polarising status, linked to perceptual issues around more recent generations, is evident
in strong rejection in control cell. But the ad does work to shift attitudes of those who would reject
this vehicle, making them more neutral. It brings the Beetle back onto peoples radars, but struggles
to improve serious consideration amongst broader sample of car buyers.

Consideration CONTROL TEST

T2B16% T2B21%
6 6
10 15


37 30
B2B 63% B2B 46%

Question: Which of the following best describes how likely you
would be to buy (..)? (5-point-scale ) [pi1] directional
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle (A) n=120/ control
cell n=120 37
Significance: higher/lower than benchmark / confidence level: 90%
And while a significant proportion of respondents in the Control have no opinion
about the VW New Beetle, after seeing the ad, the proportion who would give a soft
recomendation (if asked), nearly doubles.

VW New Beetle
Total Recommendation (T2B)

I would recommend it without being 3

asked 3

I would recommend it if asked


I would criticize it without being asked

I would criticize it if asked
9 Control

Dont know / It depends


Question: Which of the following best describes how likely you would be
to buy (..)? (5-point-scale ) [pi1] Significantly
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle (A) n=120/ control cell higher
n=120 38
Significance: higher/lower than benchmark / confidence level: 90%
Furthermore, while consumers may be early in their consideration journey, they are
more willing to take some positive steps such as looking out for the New Beetle on
the road, visiting the products website, and taking the car for a test drive.

Intended actions
VW New Beetle
Visit the VW New Beetle Facebook page
T2B % 19
Keep an eye out for VW New Beetle on the 49
road 36
Talk about VW New Beetle with someone 40
who knows a lot about cars 31
Research VW New Beetle online or in 34
magazines 26

Visit the VW New Beetle website 39

Visit a VW New Beetle dealer 35
Take VW New Beetle for a test drive 37
29 Control

Significantly Directionally
Question: Which of the following best describes how likely you would be
to buy (..)? (5-point-scale ) [pi1] higher higher
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle (A) n=120/ control cell
n=120 39
Significance: higher/lower than benchmark / confidence level: 90%
But, as the ad connects
more on an emotional
level, the messaging is
seen to be more
implicit than explicit

Most viewers enjoy the ad itself and find the storytelling to be interesting and
compelling. The Beetle is not universally for everyone, but on the whole a good
impression is created for the New car

Volkswagen is a traditional
brand. it has always been good
It looks quite cool, and was and is so today. The design has
certainly likable and funny. changed, more modern, but still
It is not a car for me, but its reminiscent of the familiar The ad was beautiful,the
advertising is really good. beetle. I find that funny scenes with the old VW
Kfer are very authentic.
My parents used to have a
VW Kfer. I would not buy
the new Beetle because it
is not suitable for our
purposes, and to me the
price is too high.
The ad shows how this
car has long been a
positive effect on people.
The new Beetle is the
'21st Century '...
The design has been
adapted to the present,
but from the form it has The advertisement is
remained the same. What was good before is interesting and has made
even better today. me curious. The new Beetle
will be much better than the
iconic Kfer model
Consumers ladder up the overt message in this ad They say if you are good in one life,
you are rewarded in the next by converting that in their minds to a statement about
longstanding quality (versus newness).

Main Idea
- in % -

Good Quality for Decades 54

Old values still count today 16

Beetle is as good as in the


Tradition 10

Newness 11

Question: Other than trying to get you to buy the product, what was the one
main idea of the ad you have just seen? [mi]
Base: Diagnostic sample; VW New Beetle n=120
This focus is a reflection of the integration of an iconic model throughout the ad.
The re-generation story is unique to the VW Beetle, not many cars can evoke such
nostalgic happy memories

Brand Mentions in the Ad: VW New Beetle Das Auto

Audio #1

Ad Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

#2 #4 #8


#1 #5 #7

While the relevance of this idea (longstanding quality) is low, perhaps reflecting
resistance to the model (old or new), the way it is expressed is distinctive and believable.

Relevance, Difference & Believability of Main Idea

- in % -
completely somewhat Top 2

18 53 71
of Main Idea
27 43 70

29 60 89
of Main Idea
20 52 72
VW New Beetle

42 54 96 Ipsos ASI Auto

of Main Idea Norm
35 55 90

Questions: And how different / relevant to you / believable is this idea ? (3-point
scale: completely / somewhat / not at all ) [dmi; rmi; bmi]
Base: Respondents mentioning a Main Idea; <ad1_name> (A) n=115 44
Significance: higher/lower than benchmark / confidence level: 90%

As it is hugely engaging the ad puts a smile on viewers faces and these

positive emotions get transferred across to the model
The ad is laying the ground work for the model delivering a strong increase in the
Beetles resonance and image, in a highly believable manner...
The ad ensures the VW Marque resonates with consumers reinforcing
popularity and quality dimensions as the story of the longstanding quality and
heritage of the Beetle, allied to an exciting new beefed up model plays well for
It further re-inforces the Beetle as being a car the delivers an exburent, fun
driving experience,
Levels of rejection are substantially eroded and perceptions of the model on key
dimensions are significantly improved but the ad cannot manage to give the Beetle an
increased prescence in more serious consideration sets amongst this broad car buying
Furthermore, the entertaining and personally relevant storyline evoke strong
retransmission potential this is content worth sharing

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