Wed Sept 20 American History

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American History

Wednesday, September 20th

Warm Up
What in the World Wednesday
What happened and What is your
How can we pray for those involved?
Today in History
1519 Magellan and his crew depart
Spain in the first successful
circumnavigation of Earth.
1806 The Corps of Discovery arrives at
the first white settlement on the frontier
since leaving 2 years prior.
1973 Billie Jean King defeats Bobby
Riggs in a tennis match named The
Battle of the Sexes.
Other New England
The Puritans gave us a rich legacy:
Moral living
Hard work
Personal responsibility to God
Government should protect private property
Individual participation in government
Other New England
Connecticut - Founded by Thomas
Hooker in 1636.
He and his followers wanted more
political freedom than in Massachusetts.
He helped establish the Fundamental
Order of Connecticut in 1639.
Considered the 1st written constitution in
America and established a representative
Other New England
Rhode Island - Established by Roger
Williams in 1636 because he disagreed with
the leaders of Massachusetts over several
He wanted the church to break away from
the Church of England, unlike other Puritans.
He wanted separation of Church and State.
He wanted Native Americans to be
compensated for land taken by the European
Other New England
Rhode Island
Williams was banished from the colony for his
dangerous ideas and eventually settled in
what is now Providence, R.I.
He was friendly with the Native Americans,
learned their language and shared Christ with
Rhode Island didnt require church membership
in order to participate in government.
Other New England
New Hampshire was settled during a
religious dispute in Massachusetts.
Antinomianism the belief that out
outward obedience to scripture isnt
necessary to demonstrate an inward
relationship to God.
Those who held this belief left
Massachusetts to settle new areas,
although they remained under the
colony of Massachusetts until 1679.
Other New England
Maine was considered part of
Massachusetts until 1820 when it
became a state.
Other New England
New England Confederation - The
first voluntary American union; made up
of delegates from Massachusetts Bay,
Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven.
Colonies remained independent of one
another, but cooperated together on
important matters.
United the colonies for a common goal.
Other New England
New England Confederation
Its purposes were:
1. defense against unfriendly natives
2. defense against Dutch in New Netherlands.
3. defense against French in Great Lakes

They protected colonist against the Native

American uprising in 1675-1676 during King
Philips War.
Other New England
New England Confederation
King James of England dissolved the New
England Confederation in 1684 in an attempt to
have greater control over the colonies.
The colonies were placed under the Dominion of
New England that limited freedom and imposed
heavy taxes.
This ended in 1688 when James was defeated in
a revolution and a new monarchy came to
Other New England
New England Confederation
King James of England dissolved the New
England Confederation in 1684 in an attempt to
have greater control over the colonies.
The colonies were placed under the Dominion of
New England that limited freedom and imposed
heavy taxes.
This ended in 1688 when James was defeated in
a revolution and a new monarchy came to
Finish Pilgrims vs. Puritans

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