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The Egyptian

Book Of The
The Egyptian
Book of the Dead
The great Egyptian funerary work
called pert em hru properly
meaning "coming forth by day" or
"manifested in the light." The
work consists of collections of
spells which was believed to aid
the dead in the crossing to the
next life.
Its theme is thaumaturgic as its
purpose is to protect the dead
from dangers which they face
when attempting to reach the
other world. The spells were
usually found on papyrus or
leather in intimate association
with the corpse - - beside of it
in the coffin, actually inside the
mummy wrappings, or inserted
inside of a small statue of a
funerary deity.
Origin and Development
• The earliest examples of the Book of the Dead
are from the 18th dynasty (1570-1304 BC).
• These were the so-called Pyramid Texts
inscribed on inner chamber walls of 5th, 6th,
and 8th dynasty rulers. These Pyramid Texts
insured the survival only of the pharaoh whose
name they contained and his subjects over
whom he would rule in the Hereafter.
– Until the final era of the Old Kingdom
(2664-2155 BC) there is little
knowledge of the funerary liturgy for
the ordinary Egyptian. His hope for
survival is suggested by the fact from
earliest times he was buried in a
substantial grave which his wealth
would provide; and accompanying his
body would be ornaments, weapons,
food and beverage, clothing and
• The Coffin Texts, which are selections from
the Pyramid Texts, were found in coffins
from the late 6th dynasty (2341-2181 BC)
until the Middle Kingdom (2051-1756 BC).
When coffins became mummy-shaped at the
beginning of the 18th century it was more
convenient to set the incantations on
papyrus, and the Book of the Dead proper
began developing. There are discovered
copies from all sequential periods of Egyptian
history, with the latest being Roman in date.
Form: • Most of the texts of the Book of the
Dead are arranged in vertical
columns and often are written in
simplified linear hieroglyphs or in
old-fashioned hieratic script.
• The number and order of the spells
varied greatly in the 18th and 19
dynasty versions of the Book of the
Dead apparently on the command
or wishes of the person
commissioning the copy.
• There are presently over 200 spells,
but not all are contained in any one
discovered papyrus.
Concepts of the Hereafter:
• A New Kingdom book (1554-1075 BC)
entitled the Book of What Is in the
Netherworld describes Hereafter as a
subterranean region completely devoid of
light during the day. An area divided into 12
regions, each called a "cavern" and ruled by a
king whose subjects are "spirits."The many
sections are connected by a great river
similar to the Nile. Along this river during the
night, sails a boat of the sun god bringing
light and joy to the dwellers of the
underground regions.
• In one part were several islands, and Osiris held court
on one of them. It was in the "Hall of the Two Truths"
that the trails of the deceased were held. If the
deceased could prove his worthiness he was ferried
across the waters where he could pursue a peaceful
existence of plowing, reaping, and threshing, or having
these things done for him by servants who was bound
to work for him at his request.
Selected Spells:
• The Book of the Dead contains a variety of
hymns, magic formulae, litanies,
incantations, prayers, and words of power
which clearly was to be recited with the
intent of helping the decease to overcome
obstacles which might prevent him from
achieving the above objectives.
• Spell 1b, gives the body power to enter the
Hereafter immediately after burial.
• Spells 2-4 give the decease the power to revisit the
earth, visit the gods, and travel in the sky.
• Spell 6 binds the funerary statuette on which it was
painted or carved to "volunteer" to perform any
labors required of its master or mistress in the
• Spells 21-23 secured the help of several gods
in "opening the mouth" of the deceased,
enabling him to perform such functions as
breathing and eating.
• Spell 25 restored the deceased’s memory, 42
put every part of the body under the
protection of a god or goddess, 43 protected
the body from decapitation, 44, prevented
the deceased from dying a second time, and
130-131 enable to use the boats of sunrise
and sunset.
• Spell 154 has an address to Osiris by the
deceased that partially said: "I continue to
exist, I continue to exist, alive, alive,
enduring, enduring. I awake in peace
untroubled. I shall not parish younder… My
skull shall not suffer, my ear shall not become
deaf, my head shall not leave my neck, my
tongue shall not be taken, my hair shall not
be cut off, my eyebrows shall not fall off. No
harm shall happen to my corpse. It shall not
pass away, it shall not parish, from this land
forever, and ever."
• The deceased is required to make his
own defense. He first addresses Osiris in
words that are part hymn and part spell.
• Next he begins addressing the 42 deities
denying various faults to each.
• Lastly the dead person addresses his
heart, beseeching it not to bear witness
against him. It is at this point in his trial
that the deceased loses all control of his
• So it can be seen that according to the general outline of the
Book of the Dead that it was thought that even in the afterlife
the person still might scheme and coerce if he possessed the
right knowledge. Such knowledge laid in the spells and hymns
of the book which a few was along with him least he would
not forget them. First he needed the knowledge to fight off
the dangers which he probably would face along his journey
to the realm of the blessed. As in most Egyptian mythology
the dead would combat malignant spirits and other dangers.
Also, he needed the knowledge to influence or coerce the
deities judging him at his trial in the Hall of Two Truths. The
work abounds with magical references. This is why many are
of the opinion that the material in the work gives the
conception that stipulation is mingled with the idea of
circumvention by sorcery in the most extraordinary manner.
Thank you!
Cricelyn D. Magamong

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