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Biotechnology Definition

Biotechnology is defined by different

organizations in different ways.
Biotechnology is the application of scientific
and engineering principles to the processing of
materials by biological agents to provide goods
and services
History of biotechnology

The history of biotechnology begins with

zymotechnology with a focus on
brewing techniques for beer.
The Hungarian Karl Ereky coined the word
During 1919 to describe a technology based on
converting raw materials into a more useful
For Ereky, the term "biotechnologie" indicated the
process by which raw materials could be biologically
upgraded into socially useful products.
In 1920, Leads city council, U.K. established the
Institute of Biotechnology.
During 1970s, Biotechnology emerged as a new
discipline, as a result of marriage of biological
science with technology.
In 1978, European Federation of Biotechnology was
In 1982, Government of India set up, the National
Biotechnology Board.
In 1986, it became a separate department, Department
of Biotechnology in the Ministry of Science and

In 1988 United Nations proposed for the

establishment of International Centre for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). It has 2
centres, New Delhi (India) and Trietse.
Origins of Biotechnology
With the birth of genetic engineering.

There were two key events as scientific breakthroughs beginning

the era that would unite genetics with biotechnology.

the 1953 discovery of the structure of DNA, by Watson and

the 1973 discovery by Cohen and Boyer of a recombinant
DNA technique
By which a section of DNA was cut from the plasmid of an E. coli
bacterium and transferred into the DNA of another. This approach
referred to as "genetic engineering," it came to be defined as the
basis of new biotechnology.
The work of Swiss molecular biologist Werner Arber
focused on specialized enzymes that digest, or restrict, the
DNA of viruses infecting bacteria.
In 1970 American molecular biologist Hamilton Smith and
colleagues determined that restriction enzymes could cleave
DNA molecules at precise and predictable locations.
Hamilton concluded that the enzymes were able to recognize
specific nucleotide sequences.
In 1973 American biochemist Herb Boyer used restriction
enzymes to produce a DNA molecule with genetic material
from two different sources. This splicing technique is now
known as recombinant DNA.
Boyer inserted foreign genes into plasmids and observed that
the plasmids could replicate to make many copies of the
inserted genes.

Boyer, American biochemist Stanley Cohen, and other

researchers demonstrated that inserting a recombinant DNA
molecule into a host bacteria cell would lead to extremely
rapid replication known as cloning.

In 1980 American biochemist Kary Mullis developed PCR

The speed and efficiency of DNA cloning were vastly

improved in the 1980s with the invention of polymerase
chain reaction (PCR).
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, British biochemist Frederick
Sanger and his associates developed DNA sequencing techniques.
Sangers methods used special compounds called dideoxy
nucleotides, rapidly yielded the exact nucleotide sequence of a
desired sample.
With the use of automated equipment, the new techniques
transformed genetic sequencing into a speedy, routine laboratory
Many of the new techniques for isolating, sequencing, and
replicating DNA have been put to practical use through the field of
genetic engineering.
Agricultural biotechnology
Agricultural biotechnology is usually dated back to 10,000
BC when farmers began to select the most suitable plants
and animals for breeding

1860s, Gregor Mendel methodically recorded the passing of

traits from one generation to the next by crossing different
pea plants to produce offspring with red or white flowers,
and wrinkled or smooth peas.

He identified the principles of inheritance and marked the

beginning of conventional biotechnology.

Major advances in plant breeding followed the revelation of

Mendels discovery
A few of these traits can arise spontaneously through a
process called mutation,
In the late 1920s it was discovered that exposing plants to x-
rays and chemicals could increase the rate of genetic
Pure lines are plants that produce sexual offspring that closely
resemble their parents.
By crossing pure lines, a uniform population of first
generation hybrid seed can be produced with predictable
A key problem of hybrid breeding and conventional
biotechnology in general is that genes are transferred
randomly from the parents to the new variety.
A Biotechnology Timeline
Technology Era Genetic interventions

Early farmers domesticated crops and animals from

About 10 000 years BC available biodiversity, began to select plant materials for
Traditional propagation and animals for breeding

About 3 000 years BC Beer brewing, cheese making and wine fermentation
Identification of principles of inheritance by Gregor
Late nineteenth century Mendel, laying the foundation for classical breeding
1930s Development of commercial hybrid crops

Conventional Use of mutagenesis, tissue culture, plant regeneration.

Discovery of
transformation and transduction. Discovery by Watson and
1940s to 1960s
Crick of the structure of DNA.
Identification by Barabara McClintock of genes that detach
and move (transposons)
Technology Era Genetic interventions

Advent of gene transfer through recombinant DNA techniques.

1970s Use of embryo rescue and protoplast fusion in plant breeding
and artificial insemination in animal reproduction

Insulin as first commercial product from gene transfer. Tissue

culture for mass propagation in plants and embryo transfer in
animal production.
Transgenic animal and fish production.

Extensive genetic fingerprinting of a wide range of organisms.

First field trials of genetically engineered plant varieties in
1990s 1985 followed by the first commercial release in 1994.
Genetically engineered vaccines and hormones and cloning of
animals, marker-assisted breeding

Bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, gene silencing

Modern biotechnology
Modern biotechnology is the latest stage in the development of
plant breeding technology.

Crick and Watsons discovery of DNAs double helix structure

in the 1950s held the key to cracking the genetic code that
determines the characteristics of all living organisms.

Techniques such as genetic modification enabled plant

breeders to transfer solely the gene of interest and allowed
them to choose genes from any organism.

As a result, desired genes can be transferred more quickly than

through the time-consuming variety-crossing process entailed
in conventional biotechnology,
Aquaculture Biotechnology
Since the 1980s, there has been a burst of biotechnology activity in
research and development related to various fish species, in particular those
used in aquaculture production.

Traits that are being tested in fish species such as carp, trout, salmon and
channel catfish include growth rates that are three to eleven times faster
with more efficient feed utilisation, increased tolerance to cold water
and improved disease resistance.

The use of human interferon gene to improve disease resistance in carp,

which could reduce the amount of antibiotics needed to keep fish healthy
and reduce the costs incurred from losses due to disease.

The first genetically engineered fish to be sold commercially is the

fluorescent Glofish, a zebra fish modified to glow red, which came onto
the US market in 2004.

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