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By Erlandas Barkauskas
Andre Pierce fell asleep on his sofa whilst playing one of his old video
games which he has mastered multiple times. He awakes to someone
standing in front of him with a knife, ready to kill him. Andre stops his
assassin and runs out of his house to face other mercenaries. After
beating several henchmen, he realizes the world hes living in is no real
world. He beats two other stages and faces off with the final boss, John
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Target Audience
This film will be aimed at those of 15-30 years of age in the socio-
economic group of C1-E, as there will be violent scenes with weapons
only suitable for mature audiences.

Narrative Structure
Todorovs Equilibrium Theory will be the narrative structure of this film.

Lighting- The lighting in the film will have a dark tone in order to
present danger. Coloured accents will also be used to portray danger
and violence such as blue.
Costumes- The costumes throughout the film will vary upon the
location. The costumes will match the locations accordingly to the
atmosphere of the film.

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