SVP Denver Investment Selection: Pre-Application Session: Thursday, September 21, 2017

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SVP Denver Investment Selection:

Pre-Application Session
Thursday, September 21, 2017


Capacity Building Engagements with SVP Denver

Case Example: Trips For Kids

Capacity Building Engagement Guidelines


Fall 2017 Investment Selection Timeline


Capacity Building Engagements

Components of Capacity Building Engagements with SVP:

Targeted investments of our members time, professional expertise, and

financial resources.
Pro-bono consulting and peer learning
Small cash grants and leveraged co-investments.

SVP Engagements Often Include:

Organizational assessment, operating support, technical assistance,

executive coaching and professional consultation.
Growth, impact, and sustainability.

Types of Engagements SVP Supports

Board Governance
Strategic & Operational Planning
Brand Strategy, Marketing & Communications
Financial Management
Fund Development
Leadership Development
Operational Infrastructure & Efficiency
Human Resources
Measuring & Reporting Impact

Things We Look For from Applicants

Qualified Nonprofit Organization

Located Within & Serving 7-county Denver Metro region
Mission & Impact
Youre making a meaningful impact in the community
Business Model
Financial Stability
Executive Director Readiness
Capacity to Work with SVP
Values, Policies, & Practices that Promote Inclusiveness
& Equity
Clear Opportunity for SVP to Engage & Help

Case Example: Trips for Kids

Nonprofit / Social Enterprise

Mission: To empower at-risk and disadvantaged youth, using the
bicycle as a tool to foster positive life skills, healthy youth
development, and a sense of fun and adventure.
Focus Areas
Strategic Planning
Human Resources
Board Development
Measuring Impact
Successful Project to Date! Why?

Successful Engagement Characteristics

Strong interest in a peer-learning relationship

Strong support of Board of Directors
Active involvement of Board members with engagement
Strong, passionate, & stable organizational leadership
Desire to get to the next level in your organizations evolution
Willingness to self-reflect & accept external input
An appetite for change, hard work, and fun!

Completing the Application

Some Key Points to Consider:

What are your pain points?
Be real, be honest, be humble.
An engagement with SVP is all about FIT, at a
moment in time.

Investment Selection Timeline


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