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Proteins that help reactions occur

Catalysts in our body
Enzymes are proteins act as CATALYSTS They
allow reactions to occur
If I put a piece of paper on the desk, why
doesnt it burn up?

Energy is needed to cause this reaction

In the same way, energy is needed to

cause reactions to occur in your body
Why is it important that reactions need help
to occur?

We dont want things breaking down and

building up all the time it needs to be

Rather than adding energy, enzymes serve

to lower the energy needed for reactions
to occur.
Activation Energy
We call the energy needed Activation energy
So enzymes LOWER the activation energy

The molecule being changed is called the

The substrate bonds to a location on the
enzyme called the ACTIVE SITE
Each enzyme works only on a specific
They fit together like a lock and key
Things like temperature, pH can change the
shape of the enzyme and it will no longer fit
the substrate.

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