Stress Management

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Stress Management

The art of taking care of

To understand the nature of stress
and how it affects us.
To understand stress associated with
crisis counseling.
To develop a personal stress
management program
What is Stress?
Stress is tension, strain, or pressure from
a situation that requires us to use, adapt,
or develop new coping skills.

Stress can be positive or negative.

Perception plays a key role in interpreting

how stressful situations are.
Why Do We Need to Be Concerned
about Stress?
The biochemistry of stress
The conflict between modern life and
primitive instincts
Stressors are multiple and overlap or
occur simultaneously
The influence of beliefs, attitudes, and
motivations and our interpretation of
Stress results in wear and tear on the
body Hans Selye
An event occurs
of neutral value
or meaning

The individual
After a period of rest, appraises whether
the individual is able to the event is a threat
prepare for and meet a or a challenge
new threat or challenge

Bio-chemicals are
Fatigue follows released to enhance
the depletion of the ability of ones
bio-chemicals mind and body to respond
from the exertion

The bio-chemicals are The individual responds

depleted through the to the threat or challenge
exertion to meet the through fight or flight
threat or challenge
Common Stress Reactions
A Self-assessment

Patterns in Stress Responses
Individual stress responses tend to cluster
and form a repeated pattern
sleeplessness, upset stomach, isolating,
The greater or lengthier (intensity or
duration) the stress, and the less likely
that relief is nearby, the more likely that
responses will broaden beyond those of
which we are most often aware.
Positive versus Negative Stress
Positive stress Negative Stress
Feelings of excitement Feelings of anxiety and
& anticipation uncertainty
Creativity is heightened Creativity is stunted
Coping skills learned Coping skills are
and adapted quickly overwhelmed
Ability to process Ability to process
information rapidly information is stunted
increases Perception narrows
Perception narrows, Easily distracted by
concentration increases surrounding stimuli
Heightened physical Somatic symptoms
stamina Conflict and blaming
Bonding increases occur
Other Factors that Influence Stress
Personal resilience healthy
Perception of threat or challenge
Compounding events
Cumulative stimuli
Historical similarities
Thoughts and images
Stress and the Crisis
Counseling Role
Stress Vulnerabilities of Crisis
Cumulative stress from repeatedly hearing the
stories of victims, survivors, bystanders, and
Chronic stress from approaching strangers whose
responses to the offer of help cannot be
Feeling overwhelmed by the depth of others grief
and sadness.
Over-identification with the consumer.
Feeling helpless to take the pain of loss away.
Uncertainty about whether or how talking helps.
Disturbing images from the stories people share.
How Do You Know You Are in
You start providing concrete services.
You cant shake the images from
your mind.
You work increasingly long hours.
Work becomes more important than
family and friends.
You feel angry at the system.
You are irritable and impatient.
Coping with Stress
Developing a personal Stress Management Program

Self-awareness and self-monitoring

A balanced lifestyle

Nutrition, exercise and rest

What combination of symptoms do I seem
to experience habitually when under
How do my thoughts, attitudes, and
reactions seem to change under stress?
How long a period of time can I work
under stress before my performance
begins to suffer?
How do I develop a conscious awareness
of how I am thinking, feeling, reacting,
and functioning under stress?
A Balanced Lifestyle
Each day we need to:

Engage in productive activity

Address our spiritual needs

Seek intellectual challenge

Productive Activity
Productive activity can encompass paid
employment, volunteerism, hobbies,
We derive a sense of accomplishment
from the tasks performed
We derive a sense of contribution or
completion from the activity
Spiritual Needs
Spiritual activities feed the soul and
are often contained in daily rituals or
comfort routines.
They can encompass meditation,
prayer, poetry, formal religious
services, a 12 step meeting, etc.
They can be the wow of a sunrise,
the calm of a warm bath, or the
wisdom of a childs observation.
Intellectual Challenge
Intellectual challenge opens us up to
new ideas and perspectives new
approaches to familiar problems.
Intellectual challenge encompasses
learning something new each day,
gaining mastery over a new skill, or
exercising our minds beyond what
we commonly experience in our daily
Leisure is to be engaged in an
activity in which the process is more
important than the product.
In leisure, we lose ourselves and our
In play, we celebrate the child in all
of us.
Additional Considerations


Stress Suppresses the Immune System

Avoid fat, sugar, caffeine, nicotine,

and alcohol.
Eat many small meals rather than
one or two big ones.
Increase the intake of fruit,
vegetables, and whole grain foods.
Carry healthy snacks fresh fruit,
nuts, granola, trail mix.
Drink lots of water.
Exercise depletes the bio-chemicals
produced under stress.

Exercise can also serve as a form of


Exercise increases mental acuity.

Rest counteracts the depression that
follows the adrenalin rush,
especially if the rush has been
sustained over several days.
Cant sleep? Resting quietly can still
be an effective alternative.
Develop relaxation routines if sleep is
Strategies to Counteract Stress
Realistic expectation help versus responsibility.
Buddy systems
Maintain fundamental priorities self, family, and
friends first.
Stay within established work hours.
Discuss concerns with supervisors
Participate fully in stress management related
activities in staff meetings and training events.
Be clear with family and friends about what you
are comfortable discussing about your work.
Practice a personal stress management program

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