Workplace Communication

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Communication is a vital part of
creating and maintaining a safe
and efficient workplace
environment. How we interact
with clients and staff will affect
how well the organisation
functions and how satisfying you
find your job to be.
In this day and age information
explosion is a well known
expression. While the amount
of information that is
circulating can be daunting, the
process is improved when:
all staff develop good
interpersonal skills, and
routine workplace procedures
are put into place.
Routine Workplace Protocols
All organisations have rules for the
transfer of information. Knowing how
to use the different types of
communication and following the
correct procedures helps to ensure
that information goes to the correct
place and person.
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is the
way we communicate with others.
It may be with another person, to a
group of people or to the public.
It includes written, verbal and
non-verbal communication.
Do you think communication is
mostly done through words? What if
you found out that communication
is actually 70% non-verbal? That
means its your body language
including your movements, eyes and
even hands that say things more
often and louder than your mouth
So what does that tell us?
We will already
form an opinion
based on a persons
body language
Our body language
must match the
message we are
When communicating with
others, take into consideration:
who you are talking to,
the type of information to be communicated (for example;
confidential, good news/bad news, difficult technical
information, instructions, general daily information), and
what the most appropriate type of communication to use is
(for example; verbal, email, memo, handover). This may be
determined by the type of information to be communicated.
At all times staff need to be respectful and polite to one
another and to clients. At no time should they raise their
voice, swear, or speak in a manner that makes another
person feel belittled.
Cultural Awareness
We need to recognise that people come from a
variety of backgrounds and cultures and with
them they bring a variety of different values,
attitudes and beliefs.
All staff need to be non judgemental,
respectful and tolerant of each others
differences. When communicating with people
from other backgrounds care needs to be taken
to ensure that cultural differences in both
verbal and nonverbal communication are
Disability Support
We must create a work environment that is safe and
supportive of people with disabilities.

Alternative methods of communication are

maintained and developed when appropriate
(for example; translators, voice recognition
software, browser readers).
Professional development is
provided to staff to assist in
this process.
Conflict Resolution
Step 1
The best way to reduce issues is by open
communication. If issues are identified as
possible areas for conflict and discussed, the
potential for problems is reduced or eliminated.
Regular staff meetings, where issues are raised
and discussed in an environment where staff feel
free to voice their honest opinion without fear of
retribution, help in defusing any problem areas
before they become a major event.
Conflict Resolution
Step 2
If the issue involves conflict with another person
(or persons), discuss the problem directly
between yourselves, with a witness present if you
feel that is necessary. The place to discuss the
matter is private with no one listening.
Be assertive, but not aggressive. You need to be
sure that you are calm, do not raise your voice.
Explain the issue in an objective manner and
clearly state any resolutions that you wish to see.
Conflict Resolution
Step 3
If the matter is not resolved by this method, a mediator
may be used. A mediator is someone who can objectively
get both parties to explain the issue and state their side
of the story. The mediator may be a workmate, or a
supervisor. However care needs to be taken that the
mediator, if it is a workmate, is impartial and keeps
details of the issue confidential.
When mediation is complete and both parties have
explained how they feel about the issue, they may be
able to come to some sort of agreement. At this stage
the conversation may still remain informal with no
written report being filed.
Conflict Resolution
Step 4
If the staff member involved doesnt want to speak to the
other person, then they may discuss their problem with their
supervisor. The supervisor may either discuss the problem
and the staff member decides to take the matter no further.
The supervisor can discuss the matter with the other person
and the matter is then taken no further.
The supervisor, with agreement with either of the parties,
takes the matter to the next level.
Conflict Resolution
Step 5
The next level is a more formal procedure and a
supervisor, manager or human resources
representative may be involved. Details of the
discussion may be entered into the persons work
record. The staff member may ask for a Union
representative to be present.
In this case the grievance is discussed either without
the second party present.
The grievance is discussed with the second party
Outcomes of a grievance

Better understanding and improved relations

between colleagues.
An apology- either written or verbal.
A reprimand -either written or verbal.
Counselling for one or both parties.
Disciplinary action.
Treat all fellow workers with respect and dignity
Follow workplace protocol and regulations
Consider your body language when dealing with
Follow correct grievance procedures
Know what is the best way to deliver a message
(verbal or non verbal)
Thats all!
Thank you for coming
Look forward to seeing
you next session

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