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Presented by: Rohan Lyall


-To explain what a centrifugal governor is

-To explain how it works

-To present its applications and benefits

What is a Centrifugal Governor?
-The first governor was designed by James Watt in 1788

- A Governor is a feedback device on a machine or engine that

is used to provide automatic control, as of speed, pressure, or

- A Centrifugal Governor (also known as Watt or fly-ball

governor) is a specific type of governor, that controls the speed
of an engine, by regulating the fuel admitted
How Does it work?
-Uses the principal of proportion control
-A proportional control system - a type of linear feedback
control system.
-output signal of a system is passed back to the input

-Two rotating masses that indirectly control the speed of the engine

-These rotating masses are based on centrifugal force

- As engine speed increases, Centrifugal force increases on masses

which causes an upward lift.

-The rotating masses are attached to valves that control the fuel flow
into cylinders, which then controls the speed of the engine.

- Governors are used frequently in a variety of machine applications.

- They are seen on steam engines, internal combustion engines and

variously fueled turbines

- They are used in:

- Automobiles to restrict/maintain engine RPM, total speed
- Governors protect engine from excessive rotational speed
- used in some high performance cars to limit vehicle speed

- Used in a spring-loaded record player, and telephone dials to

limit the speed.

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