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Nama Kelompok:
1. Antonius Wayan Bayu
2. Arum Nur Widya Ambarwati
3. Irma Yunita
4. M. Walidi Jumaa
5. Riska Wulan Juni
6. Siska Rahmadani
7. Ulhaq Allaudin
8. Wibi Bagus Prasetyo
9. Yana Cunanda
Typical River

A tidal river is the part of a river-

estuary system where there are
strong interactions between tides and
river flow. River processes
increasingly dominate over tidal
processes farther upstream.
Typical River

In the tidal river upstream of this point, the

lowest tidal water levels will occur during
neap tides not spring tides, as would be the
case near the ocean. Usually, this boundary is
seasonally stable; whereas a definition based
on the salinity intrusion limit is not. In both
definitions, the landward tidal-river boundary
coincides with the reasonably stable
upstream limit of tidal intrusion.
Typical River
Part of this tidal river will have a water
discharge that varies according to the
prevailing season, and is highly dependent
on the water debit that exists on the upper
reaches of the river. In addition, another
influential factor in the tides in the river is
the interaction of the gravitational force
of the earth with the gravitational force
of the moon and the sun. But the
influence of the gravitational force of the
moon is greater because of the position
of the moon closer to the earth.
Types of Tide

Diurnal tides are those where one High and one

Low Water occur each 24 hours. Diurnal tides are
mainly experienced in the Pacific Ocean.
Semi-Diurnal tides have two High Waters and two
Low Waters in a 24 hour period. These are mainly
experienced in the Atlantic Ocean.
Mixed tides have characteristics of both Diurnal
and Semi Diurnal tides and are found in areas such
as the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and
Types of Tide

The astronomical tide will spread downstream of the river

and affect the change in the water level of the river. at the
time of discharge from the upstream of the minimum, the
influence of the tide of the sea will be maximum, whereas
if there is a large discharge from upstream, then the
influence of the tide will be minimum. The distance away
from the rising tide, called the tidal reach.
Types of Tide

The tidal reach is divided into three regions namely:

1. Areas where salt infiltration or intrusion occurs, there are
two flow directions on this segment.
2. the area between tidal influences and river flow from
3. The area with a fixed flow direction downstream, but with
a speed that changes according to the tide cycle. The higher
the tide, if the tides are higher, then the speed is slower
Design Approach

The structure of the building of the water must be counted

against the determination of the form of hidroliknya and in
this case must be considered also changes the morphology of
the river and the nature of hidroliknya that tend to form of
critical sub channels.
The nature of hidraulic system building refers to these
formulas which states between the phenomenon and flow
Hydrological Approach

The valley of an alluvial river typically consists of the

following topographic features:
(1) hillslopes forming the sides of the valley,
(2) one or more levels of terraces, remnants of abandoned
floodplains at higher elevations,
(3) active flood plain (inundated annually),
(4) natural levees that form along the river channel from
sediment deposited as the water velocity abruptly
decreases when the river overtops its banks,
Hydrological Approach

(5) meander scrolls, the ridge and swale topography on the

floodplain surface, that form a series of progressively
older levees (ridges) of abandoned meander bends and
the depressions (swales) between them (levees, and
therefore ridges, are usually the highest points on the
active floodplain and are composed of coarse, well-
drained soils),
(6) natural drainage channels that breach the levee, forming
connections between the floodplain and the river channel,
Hydrological Approach

(7) permanent and temporary flocdplain water bodies in

various stages of hydrarch succession. During an annual flood
of normal amplitude, only the tops of the highest levees and
ridges are above water; the remainder of the active floodplain
and the river channel are inundated by a physically continuous
aquatic milieu.
Hydraulic Approach

1. This allows for the flow of feedback

(backwater) where the waves pasut will be far into
Tidal was the most the estuary that comes with the mass transport of
important parameters sea water in a very large number of, so that the
in the blood circulation river cannot stream debitnya into the sea.
and flow pattern that
occurs in the estuari,
where the tide receded
with the delay time 2. In addition the condition of water dead (slack
12 hours very influence water) can also occur where the speed of the
on the speed of the same flow with zero. On the contrary at the time
flow in the river estuary. of the period of the water subsided, mass of
water will come out again from the estuary toward
the sea.
Thanks for
your attention!!!


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