10 English Materiials For Presentation1

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Indonesia Latin English Usage/Pemakaian

Sulit (dyspnoea) I have difficulty in breathing

bernafas Rapid pulse I have rapid pulse
Irreg.pulse I have irregular pulse
Pucat/kurang (anemia) Pale I seem very pallor
darah Haemateme blood in my There is blood in my vomit (
sis vomit
Bibir dan Cyanosis blue lips and My friends say I have blue lips and
kuku biru nails nails
Badan kuning Icterus). Yellowish s My face is yellowish. Is it serious,
skin & eyes doctor? (Jaundice.
Shallow I have difficulty to feel my pulse
pulse (shallow pulse)
Tidak ada Anorexia I do not want to eat anything)
Sembelit obstipatio I have difficulty to defecate (he is in
B.Indonesia Latin English Usage/Pemakaian
Nafas Shallow resp I have swallow respiration
pendek I got cut on my left fee. I t leaves
mark on my skin but is not broken)
Luka memar Laceratio (lceration)
Kaki bengkak (Oedem) Feet My both feet are swelling, I think
(sembab) swelling there is much fluid in the tissue.
not in good I am not in good condition lately.
Sembelit Constipation Jackelin always have constipation
every time she gives presentation
Menceret Diarroea Diarrea Jael always have diarrhea when he
is facing examination.
ASI kurang Breastmilk I have difficulty in giving milk my
Is too little bby.
Tidak mau Difficult to My little boy cannot take the
makan obat take medicine you gave me yesterday.
medicine Doctor, what time you start your
Amnesia I remember what
happrned to me.
Donor I wantto give my blood.
Please put me as a domor.
Although I am now
Hospital diet hospilized, I really can not
fOod take food the served . Is it
a special diet?

MUST I TAKE bkood-

Antianemic increASING that consists o
food cream or milkwith some
other food such an egg?

My blood is not abel to

I hve digestive disorder.
What happens to my
intestine?May it be `
Tidak subur infertilitas infertility We have been married for
three years, but she has
never been pregnant, yet.
My blood cannot clot
My boy has a high
temperature and a red
rash, is it caused by virus
or can it be contagious
and transferable?
My blood is not abel to
What relly hahhapnes
when part of my body
Whatreally happens wen
my body attwmps to keep
the finger still?
Wgen infection in air, dust,
on common object or by
direct contact is spread
from one person in the
ward to another (Cross
How can a n infected
person spread can sporead
infection from his nose or
mouth (drop;et infection)n
in his faeces, urine,
B.Indonesia Latin English Usage/Pemakaian
I remember what happrned to me.
I wantto give my blood. Please put
me as a domor.
Although I am now hospilized, I
really can not take food the served .
Is it a special diet?
MUST I TAKE bkood-increASING that
consists o cream or milkwith some
other food such an egg?
I hve digestive disorder. What
happens to my intestine?May it be `
We have been married for three
years, but she has never been
pregnant, yet.
My blood is not abel to clot
My boy has a high temperature and
a red rash, is it caused by virus or
B.Indonesia Latin English Usage/Pemakaian
What part of adult dose must give
too this boy? He is still 7 years old?

Can this boy be given can be given

considerably smaller doses than be
given to adult.
What causes this redness on my
Oedema edema How is the swelling of my feet
What relly hahhapnes when part of
my body painfull?
Whatreally happens wen my body
attwmps to keep the finger still?
Wgen infection in air, dust, on
common object or by direct contact
is spread from one person in the
ward to another (Cross infection),
B.Indonesia Latin English Usage/Pemakaian
Droplet infection can be particular
important to wear a mask
IF SPREAD in the FAECES , hand-
wahing , han washibn must of cause
be necessary.
Exxessive fluid los can cause
Iam always thirsty, so I ttake
The blood pressuer falls and the
pulse is weak, and rapid
Exessive fluid retansion may casuse
My friend sa that my head ache is
caused by malaria. Yes, I come from
a village wher malaria disease is
common and endemic.
I often bitten by mosquito malaria
May be the are infected malaria
What part of adult dose
must give too this boy? He is
still 7 years old?
Can this boy be given can be
given considerably smaller
doses than be given to adult.
What causes this redness on
my skin?
How is the swelling of my
feet happened?
Bifurcated urine passng
My headache comes and goes
It is a premature labor
He has a bleeding nose
Ichy and burn sensation in the
vagina My hair keeps on falling,,
can I posssibly becoen bold?M
headache spread to the left side
I have difficulty I n passing uring I
think I have a problem of
digestion, I have not had
defecated since the day
before.My chest pain starts from
left hand side spreads to the
I urinat to frequent and much
I have a runny nooose, but I
have not fever, ans I still ingood
My friends say that I have a
terrible foul (bad) breath.
I have some decaying teeth
It is very ichy around my anus
Could I be attacked by virus?The
women is having an obstructed
The pain iand the fever is
I have a stomach ache, but it
releieves when I take an
antacidal remecies.
aaI have been having pain inmy
throt since last week
It seems like something stuck in
The man was gored by a buffalo
Some insect bit my feet.
He was stung by bees,I o not
know I I keep on sneezing.
His skin is scalpy.
I flatus too excessive. Sometime,
I let my fart pass iunintentionally.
And the smell is horrible,n

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