A Presentation On Cyber Crimes and Preparedness of Indian Govt To Combat Under Various Act

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Cyber Crimes and preparedness of
Indian Govt to combat under
various Act.
What is Cyber crime???

Cyber crime is simply defined as crimes

that are directly related to computers and
using computers.

An increasing number of domestic and

international criminal activities are using
the Internet. Computers and other
electronic devices can be tools to commit
crime or are targeted by criminals. A
personal computer connected to the
Internet without protection may be
infected with malicious software in under
a minute.
Cybercrime is one of the fastest-
growing criminal activities on the
planet. It covers a huge range of
illegal activity including financial
scams, computer hacking, virus
attacks, stalking by e-mail and
creating websites that promote
racial hatred.

Cybercrime has been used to describe

a wide range of offences, including
offences against computer data and
systems (such as hacking), computer-
related forgery and fraud (such as
phishing), content offences and
copyright offences (such as the
dissemination of pirated content).
173 % 2015
61 %
45 %


The percent of The percent of fraud Increase in mobile

transactions attempts originating fraud between
originating from a from a mobile device 2013 and 2015
mobile device in 2015 in Q4 2015
Cyber crime In India
Phishing/Spam/ DDoS
services 3 % 2 % Mobile
Cashout and
muling services
7 %
hacking 8 %

9% 53 %

16 %
Types of cyber crime
Hacking Cyber stalking
SQL Injections Data diddling
Theft of FTP passwords Identity theft & Credit card fraud
Cross site scripting
Salami slicing attack
Virus dissemination
Software piracy
Logic bombs
Denial-of-Service attack (DoS)
Social Engineering
Email Bombing & Spamming
Web jacking
Denial of


Computer Transmission Computer Terrorize

Viruses of indecent Vandalism international
material Govt.
Harassment Transmission Cracking into
(sexual, of harmful military
racial, programs maintained
religious etc.) website

Kids (age group 9-16 etc.)
Organized hack activists
Disgruntled employees
Professional hackers (corporate espionage)
Cyber Laws in India
Under The Information
Technology Act, 2000

CHAPTER XI OFFENCES 66. Hacking with

computer system.

(1) Whoever with the Intent to cause or knowing

that he is likely to cause Wrongful Loss or
Damage to the public or any person Destroys or
Deletes or Alters any Information Residing in a
Computer Resource or diminishes its value or
utility or affects it injuriously by any means,
commits hack.

(2) Whoever commits hacking shall be punished with imprisonment up to three years,
or with fine which may extend up to two lakh rupees, or with both.
Cyber Laws
Cyber Law is the law governing cyber space.
Cyber space is a very wide term and includes
computers, networks, software, data storage
devices (such as hard disks, USB disks etc),
the Internet, websites, emails and even
electronic devices such as cell phones, ATM
machines etc.

Needs for Cyber Law

Laws are necessary in all segments of society, and e-commerce.
All Internet users, including minors, need to be assured of their privacy and
the safety of their personal information online.
A few positive developments
Recently, a few regulatory changes were introduced to improve
transparency and promote ethical business practices.
With the introduction of the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and
Assets) Imposition of Tax Act, 2015, the Benami Transaction (Prohibition)
Amendment Bill, 2015, and the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015,
measures are in place for the penalisation of prohibited and unethical
business activities.
These are steps in the right direction. In this environment of rising economic
crime and regulatory changes, it is interesting to see self-regulation emerge
as one of the key trends.
As businesses interact with the government and civil society in new ways,
we find that they are voluntarily adopting rules related to ethics and

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