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Species: M.domestica

Characters Musca domestica Stomoxys calcitrans

Common name House fly, picnic fly, Stable fly

Morphology Medium sized, grey in colour Resembles M.domestica

Head Two large compound eyes Differs in that the arista is
Three segmented antenna plumed only on the dorsal
Presence of arista on the third aspect- has 8-10 bristles.
antennal segment
Arista bilaterally plumed upto
the tip
Mouthparts- lapping and Mouthparts non retractile and
sponging type of mouth part a forwardly directed baton like
Retractible into the head proboscis. Biting type of
mouth part

Morphology Grey with four longitudinal Four longitudinal stripes but

Thorax dark stripes all of which the lateral pair are narrow
extend to the posterior and do not extend upto the
border of the thorax posterior border

Wing venation is The apical cell is open

characteristic in that the 4th Wing kept at divergent angle
longitudinal vein curves
upwards at about the middle
and joins the 3rd vein to form
the closed apical

Characters Musca domestica Stomoxys calcitrans

Morphology Five segments of which 4 are Segments 2 and 3 of the

Abdomen visible. Presence of median abdomen show the presence
black longitudinal stripe which of 3 white spots
diffuses on the 4th abdominal
segment in male while in
females either side of the
abdomen is marked with a
diffuse dark band

Characters Musca domestica Stomoxys calcitrans

Lifecyle Garbage, manure- horse dung Prefers to lay eggs on the

Breeding areas preferred, decaying organic bedding material of horses-
debris that is straw which is soiled
with urine of the horses

100-150 eggs are laid at a time

Eggs and an average of 600/lifetime
Elongate creamy white, 1mm
long with two ridge like
thickenings on the dorsal
aspect- the hatching pleat

Characters Musca domestica Stomoxys calcitrans

Lifecyle Three larval stages. Larval Acephalus,apodous. The

Larvae development takes a week. larval stages last 20 days.
Long, white, maggot like with Similar to Musca spp. except
12 segments, 3 thoracic and 8 that the posterior spiracle is
abdominal segments. roughly triangular in shape
Anteriorly presence of two with three S shaped stigma
chitinised black oral hooks, slits
these are connected to the
cephalopharyngeal skeleton
On the ventral aspect of the
segments (?) is the presence
of pad like structures-aids in
Posterior spiracle are
characteristic, D shaped with 3
m shaped winding slits

Characters Musca domestica Stomoxys calcitrans

Lifecyle Coarctate, brown, oval shaped Similar to Musca spp. Pupal

Pupa This stage lasts for 3 days stage lasts for 8 days
Entire lifecycle is completed in Entire lifecycle is completed in
7 to 12 days one month.

Characters Musca domestica Stomoxys calcitrans

Effect on the host Musca is a synanthrope and Mechanically transmits

Indirect effect hence has a high vector Trypanosoma evansi
potentiality Also is a mechanical vector for
Bacterial diseases such as anthrax, rinderpest, tetanus
cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, bacteria and poliomyelitis
T.B, salmonella, E.coli virus
dysentery, anthrax etc., Its an intermediate host for
Viral diseases such as Habronema majus
poliomyelitis and infectious
Protozoan diseases such as
amoebic dysentery, giardiasis
It acts as the intermediate
host for the following
Habronema muscae, Draschia
megastoma, Thelazia rhodesii,

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