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A work of Art

a painting, sculpture, poem, piece of music, or other product of the

creative arts, especially one with strong imaginative or aesthetic
something that is very attractively presented or intricately detailed.
Used more broadly, the term is less commonly applied to:
A fine work of architecture or landscape design
A production of live performance, such
as theater, ballet, opera, performance art, musical concert and
other performing arts, and other ephemeral, non-tangible creations.
the work of art should be a unique product of an artist's labor,
representational of their technical skill or artistic caprice. Theorists
have argued that objects and people do not have a constant meaning,
but their meanings are fashioned by humans in the context of their
culture, as they have the ability to make things mean or signify
Some art theorists and writers have long made a distinction between
the physical qualities of an art objectand its identity-status as an
artwork.[7] For example, a painting by Rembrandt has a physical
existence as an "oil painting on canvas" that is separate from its
identity as a masterpiece "work of art" or the artist's magnum
opus.[8] Many works of art are initially denied "museum quality" or
artistic merit, and later become accepted and valued in museum and
private collections. Works by the Impressionists and non-
representational abstract artists are examples. Some, such as
the "Readymades" of Marcel Duchamp including his infamous
urinal Fountain, are later reproduced as museum quality replicas.

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