Sushi Origen

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The History of sushi describes a food that was born in Japan in the
fourth century a. C. as a desire to preserve fish through mold
(Aspergillus oryzae or kji-kin) arising from rice. Later the custom of
conservation was abandoned in China and moved to Japan where it
evolved and became popular until the plate, and the preparation, that we
know today.

The sushi begins to be known outside of Japan due in part to the
migrations of Japanese to other countries, among them EE. UU. to
work on the construction of railroad tracks. It was in 1910, when
about 40,000 Japanese emigrated to do the work .1 The concept of
sushi began to be known in California

At present, efforts are being made to improve the varieties of rice
used in the production of sushi. In Japan a variety of rice called
koshihikari ( , ) is used, its capacity to compact is
found in the typology of glutinous rice. This type of rice is ideal for
making sushi, but is recent in the history of sushi since it was
created in 1956, by the combination of two different strains of Nourin
No.1 and Nourin No.22.
The first thing that must be done is to get a quality rice. japons(Oryza
sativa var. japonica) rice
Rice should wash it with cold water (of the time). We will have to do so
until it is almost no starch (usually about 8 times). We will notice that the
water comes out clean.Se echa el arroz en la arrocera y se le aade
agua de manera que por cada medida de arroz se le aade una
medida de agua y un 20% ms.
Heated at medium-high power in a pan quickly, stuffy but with the valve
open, until it begins to steam out, they will be 5 minutes. This will be 1/3 of
the total time. We let another 5 minutes on medium-high power without
uncovering the pot. To finish cooking we will have low power for another 5
minutes. The times are approximate, there are no two equal kitchens. At
the end of time carefully open the pot and if we have missed you kombu
remove it at this time. Maybe the kombu to slightly stain the rice. Kombu is
acquired dehydrated so we will have to hydrate it by placing it half an
hour in a little water
With sushi-zu we give flavor to the rice for sushi. It is a mixture of vinegar
rice, sugar and salt. What is recommended is to start from the following
proportions and from there to add more sugar to the mix. We must use
a rice vinegar that is soft, and there are some who are very strong.
Sushi-zu base that can be used will contain:

70 ml of rice vinegar.
70 g of sugar
14 g of salt
Warms everything in a ladle unless it reaches a boil stirring just a
little at the beginning and we wait until the sugar and salt dissolve. If
you add a piece of Kombu seaweed, we explore its taste. Kombu is
removed before mixing with rice dressing. The standard amount of
sushi-zu to be used would be 1/4 cup for each cup of uncooked rice, a
quantity which you can change if you want a more or less intense
flavor. Also you can add a little mirin rice. Once we have the dressing
we uncovered rice and we are mixing them. Appropriate spoon go
banging "of axe" for mixing the rice with the dressing. You should avoid
breaking the bead.

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