Merit and Demerits of Rain

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Rain - liquid precipitation which falls on the

Earths surface in the form of water drops with

a diameter bigger than 0.5 mm.
A cloud is necessary for rain.
Rain :
Rain is a water drops falling because of
A cloud is a collection of either drops or crystals
or both suspended in the atmosphere.
Falling rain is the result of the so-called
snow ball. A falling drop becomes bigger as it
gathers smaller drops on its way.
A cloud can be formed when
water vapour turns into liquid,
that is when humid air becomes
cooler and the process of
condensation of water vapour
on small solid particles starts.
When humid air is cooling
down, the water vapour
condensates, turns into liquid
and forms a cloud.
Measuring rain
A rain gauge is a type of
instrument used by
meteorologists and
hydrologists to gather and
measure the amount rain
over a set period of time.
It is found by Richard
Water cycle
Water droplets in the clouds keep bumping
against one another, and sometimes stick to
form bigger drops .When these become too
heavy to float in the air, they drop down back
to the Earth as rain .The water that comes
down as rain, in time, evaporates and goes up
to form clouds again. This leads to form a
cycle, known as the water cycle. Water cycle
is the cyclic movement of water from the
atmosphere through various processes.
When warm air rises, it expands and
cools. Cool air can't hold as much
water vapour as warm air, so some of
the vapour condenses onto tiny pieces
of dust that are floating in the air and
forms a tiny droplet around each dust
particle. When billions of these
droplets come together they become a
visible cloud.
Uses of rain
Rainwater can be used for
potable water (drinking,
cooking, bathing) or non
potable uses such as
landscape irrigation,
livestock watering and
Rain has a dramatic effect on
agriculture. All plants need at
least some water to survive,
therefore rain (being the most
effective means of watering) is
important to agriculture. While
a regular rain pattern is usually
vital to healthy plants, too
much or too little rainfall can
be harmful, even devastating to
Irrigate lawns
Be prepared any upcoming dry spells by
turning to your rain barrel for water to
irrigate your lawn. Naturally, rainwater is
an easy choice for watering outdoor plants
or lawns. Harvesting rainwater for irrigation
is growing in popularity in regions that face
droughts. Rain barrels with hose
attachments can be used to spray water
from directly, or you can scoop water from
the barrel with a pitcher or spray bottle to
bring to your plants and lawn manually.
Improvement in water
Rain raises ground water levels
improve available of water in
wells /tube wells during lean
period .Improves quality of
existing ground water thought
dilution. Saves Energy in lifting
of ground water one meter rise in
water level saves about 0.40KWH
of electricity.
The abnormally long period of
insufficient or no rainfall is
called drought. During drought,
rivers run dry, water level in
lakes goes down, and even the
water in the soil dries up. Most
plants die even trees due to lack
of water. Animals and humans
also die due to thirst and
dehydration. Rain is very useful
in controlling drought
Conservation of
One method of conservation of rainwater is to
avoid wastage. This can begin at home both
indoor and outdoors. Water saving can be done
from an individual level to a national level.
There are many ways for conservation.
How to make rainwater
more effective ?
For most of us, the rain that falls
on the roof runs off into the
ground or the sewer system. But
if youre motivated to save a little
water and re-distribute it on your
lawns or plants or even use it
for laundry, dishes or other
interior needs collecting
rainwater from your gutters
downspouts is a no-brainer.
Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a
technique of collection
and storage of rainwater
into natural reservoirs or
tanks, or the infiltration of
surface water into
subsurface aquifers
(before it is lost as surface
Types of Rainwater
Broadly there are two ways
of harvesting rainwater:
(i) Surface runoff
(ii) Roof top rainwater
Surface runoff harvesting
In urban area rainwater flows
away as surface runoff. This
runoff could be caught and
used for recharging aquifers
by adopting appropriate
Rainwater harvesting makes use of a
natural resource and reduces flooding,
storm water runoff, erosion, and
contamination of surface water with
pesticides, sediment, metals, and fertilizers
in controlling soil erosion
Rainwater harvesting helps in reduction of
soil erosion due to reduced surface water
Makes us self sufficient

Rainwater makes us self-

sufficiency to water
supply. It reduces water
scarcity, drought .
Dam construction
A dam is a structure built to hold back water in
order to prevent flooding, and to provide water
for irrigation and storage . It also produces
electricity. During the rains when the river fills
up, water enters the dam. Again, when water is
needed later, the gates are opened to let out
Uses of dams
To help control or mitigate
To generate electricity in
hydro-electric power
To provide a supply of water
for the irrigation of crops.
Demerits of rain
Flooding streets, shops, houses and sewerage
systems is also a problem.
Power blackouts are common features in high
rainfall seasons.
Transport problems causes by heavy rainfall.
Flooding of farms destroying the crops in their
Just as too little rain is bad,
too much rain is bad as well.
Its leads to water being
everywhere, sometimes the
entire area remains under
water or submerged. This
condition is called flood.
During a flood, rivers
overflow , water levels
Transports during rain
When there is excessively heavy
rainfall roads are washed off and
bridges collapse causing a lot of
transport problems especially in
rural areas. The few public
transport vehicles able to remain in
the roads charge exorbitantly for
even short distance journeys.
Power blackouts are common
features in high rainfall seasons.
Lightning usually cause power
blackouts. This lightning blows the
transformers which are important in
transmission of electricity to homes
and industries. Trees at times fall
across the road in their way carrying
down the power transmission lines as
well as causing long traffic jams.
Roof Top rainwater
It is a system of catching rainwater where it falls. In
rooftop harvesting, the roof becomes the catchments,
and the rainwater is collected from the roof of the
house/building. It can either be stored in a tank or
diverted to artificial recharge system.
Damage to agriculture
Especially in flat farmlands,
when there occurs excessive
rainfall cases of flooding of
homes and fields are usually
reported. The rivers serving
such regions usually overflow
breaking down the protective
dykes causing massive flooding
in their wake.
overhydration of plants
Each species of plant has its own
specific watering requirements,
and giving plants too much water
can spell disaster. Over-watering
severely damages plants, and
could lead to their overall decline.
Knowing the symptoms of over-
watering and how to correctly
determine when to water will help
keep the plant healthy.
heavy rain can also lead
to mudslides
Soil erosion by water is the
result of rain detaching and
transporting vulnerable soil,
either directly by means of
rain splash or indirectly by rill
and gully erosion.
water-borne disease
The rainy season is coming, the perfect
breeding ground for germs and bacteria
which in turn lead to water borne diseases
that affects a lot of people.
Example : Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis A,

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