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Bureau of Education Assessment


Testing Center Requirements
Listed below are the testing center requirements:
1. There must be a distribution room for the test
materials to ensure the security and confidentiality
of the test. It must be accessible to all testing rooms
to facilitate the release and retrieval of test
2. There must be enough testing rooms to
accommodate the examinees.
3. The testing rooms must be well-ventilated and
well-lighted, and free from any kind of noise that
may distract the examinees while taking the test.
4. The List of Actual Examinees should be posted in each
testing room the day before the exam. The list should be
in alphabetical order, regardless of gender.
5. The first and last rows of seats should be close to the
classroom walls to ensure enough spacing in between
6. Seats of absentees should be left vacant.
7. There must be a comfort room accessible to the
examinees and testing personnel in the area.
8. Instructional materials/aids posted on the classroom
walls should be covered.
9. Each testing room should have the following materials:
Test materials enough for all examinees in the room in
Table and chair for the Room Examiner
Enough seats for the examinees
Name grid
Board work
Extra sheet of paper for computation
10.Other requirements are stated in detail in the Examiners
Handbook, which will be released during the National
Conference/Consultative Workshop to be scheduled by BEA.
11.Test accommodations for learners with special needs must be
Testing Personnel
SDS - Schools Division Superintendent
RTC -Regional Testing Coordinator
DTC -Division Testing Coordinator
PSS -Private School Supervisor
SH -School Head
STC -School Testing Coordinator
CE -Chief Examiner
RS -Room Supervisor
RE -Room Examiner
LRN -Learner Reference Number
TMs -Test Materials
TB -Test Booklet
AS -Answer Sheet
EH -Examiners Handbook
SSH -Scannable School Header
ETRE -Examiners Transmittal Report Envelope
CETRE -Chief Examiners Transmittal Report Envelope
COR - Certificate of Rating

The Testing Staff and
Their Roles and Responsibilities

The Testing Staff at the Division Level
Division Level SDS*


School Level

School Head/ Chief Examiner

School Head of the Testing Center

School Testing Coordinator

Guidance Counselor or designate

Room Supervisors
RE 1 RE 2 RE 3 RE 4 RE n

Notes: 1. Assignment of the testing staff shall be done by the SDS.

The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS)

The SDS shall oversee the test administration

and shall be responsible for the smooth
conduct of the test in the Division.

He/she shall also designate the Education

Program Supervisors/Qualified Personnel
who shall serve as Division Testing
Coordinator and Private School Supervisor.

The Regional Testing Coordinator (RTC)
He/she shall provide Division Offices
the list of private schools operating
with permit that are to be included in
the test administration.

He/she shall also prepare a team to

monitor the test in the whole region.

Division Testing Coordinator (DTC). He/she
shall supervise the administration of the
test in public schools.
Private School Supervisor (PSS) or Division
Testing Coordinator Assistant (DTCA).
He/she shall supervise the administration of
the test in private schools.
Chief Examiner (CE). The School Head shall
serve as the Chief Examiner and shall
oversee the conduct of the test in the
school. 11
School Testing Coordinator (STC). The Guidance
Counselor/Department Head shall serve as the
School Testing Coordinator whose task is to assist
the Chief Examiner in the overall conduct of the test.
Room Supervisor (RS). Teachers from other schools
shall serve as Room Supervisors. They shall monitor
and supervise in the rooms assigned to them.
There must be 1 RS assigned in every 10 testing rooms
if there are 20 examinees per room;1 RS in every 5
rooms if there are 30 examinees pe r room.
They shall conduct ocular inspection the day before
the test to familiarize themselves with the layout of
the school.
Room Examiner (RE). Teachers from other schools
shall serve as Room
They shall conduct the test in accordance with the
standardized test administration guidelines. RSs
and REs must NOT come from the same school.
Transportation and other incidental expenses shall be
charged to their schools Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses (MOOEs)/local funds.
Support Staff (SS). Administrative support staff shall
provide any test-related assistance to the School
Head, such as preparation of testing rooms.
Monitoring and Evaluation
of Test Administration

The national test administration shall be
monitored and evaluated in levels:
by the Central Office through BEA and
by the Regional and Schools Division Offices
and schools through their field personnel.
For the
Tests, the test administration shall also be
monitored and evaluated by the Bureau of
Learning Delivery.

The Regional and Division Offices shall form a
committee to monitor and evaluate the
processes done before, during, and after the
conduct of the test using a monitoring tool.
A monitoring tool is provided to every test
monitor to ensure that the standard
procedures are followed.
The monitoring and evaluation to be
conducted in random schools in select
divisions shall be part of the research on the
effectiveness of the test administration
scheme and utilization of data.

The Regional Office committee shall be
composed of personnel from the
Curriculum and Learning Management
Division (CLMD) and Quality Assurance
Division (QAD), while the Schools
Division Office committee shall be
composed of personnel from the
Curriculum and Instruction Division
(CID) and the School Governance and
Operations Division (SGOD).

The Forms
Oath of Confidentiality
Form 1 List of Actual Examinees
Form 2 Seat Plan
Form 3 Test Materials Accounting Form
Form 4 Chief Examiners Report Form
Form 5 Test Booklet Quantity and Completeness Verification Sheet
Form 6 Answer Sheet Quantity and Completeness Verification
Form 7 Room Examiners Test Administration Evaluation Report
Oath of Confidentiality
As part of the testing staff nationwide, tasked to receive,
administer and retrieve the Test Materials for the ____________
(testing program), I hereby solemnly swear that I will strictly
observe security measures to maintain the confidentiality of said

Received from: Received by:

(The Division Testing Coordinator) (School Head/School Testing
________________________ ________________________
Printed Name and Signature Printed Name and Signature
____________________ ____________________
Date Date

The Generic Forms
Form 1

Form 2

Note: Only 20 examinees for NAT-Grade 3. 21

Form 3

Form 4
Post Test

Describe the procedure adopted by the Examiner in the retrieval of test Evident Not Evident
booklets and Answer Sheets
1. Examiners required each examinee to insert first the Answer Sheet in the test
booklet before he/she submits to the examiner ...................................................... .................... .
2. Examiners checked the number of test booklets and Answer Sheets before
he/she dismisses the examinees . .................... .
3. Examiners arranged the TBs and ASs according to serial numbers .
4. Examiners placed the used Answer Sheets in original plastic bags. .
5. Examiners sealed the ETRE while still inside the examination room .. .

E. Specify the problem(s) encountered, solution(s) you gave and recommend measures to
improve the conduct of future national test.

Problem 1: ___________________________________________________________________________
Solution/s made: ______________________________________________________________________
Recommendation/s: ___________________________________________________________________

Problem 2: ___________________________________________________________________________
Solution/s made: ______________________________________________________________________
Recommendation/s: ___________________________________________________________________

Problem 3: ___________________________________________________________________________
Solution/s made: ______________________________________________________________________
Recommendation/s: ___________________________________________________________________

Problem 4: ___________________________________________________________________________
Solution/s made: ______________________________________________________________________
Recommendation/s: ___________________________________________________________________

Prepared by: Attested by:

_______________________________ _________________________________
Name of the Chief Examiner Name of the Monitor (NETRC Rep.)
(Signature over Printed Name) (Signature over Printed Name)

________________________________ __________________________
School Designation/Position

Forms 5 and 6

Form 7 This will suffice the narrative report of the RE

Room Examiners Transmittal Report Envelope

Chief Examiners Transmittal Report Envelope

On Photocopied Answer Sheets
In case there will be a shortage of Answer Sheets (ASs) in
one testing center, Scannable Answer Sheets (SASs)
may be photocopied.
RESPECTIVE ETRE corresponding with the list of actual
examinees in Forms 1 and 2.
No Examinee Number should be written in Form 2 (Seat
Plan) for the examinees with photocopied ASs. Instead,
indicate in the blank (Photocopied).
Name Kristina M. Dela Cruz

Exam. No. (Photocopied)

TB No. 016657
On Photocopied Answer Sheets
Using a red marker, indicate at the upper
right corner of the ETRE this note:
With _______Photocopied Answer Sheets


(Brown Envelope)

The instructions above are important in order

for BEA to locate, transcribe and electronically
process the photocopied ASs.
On the Storage of Examiners
Handbook, Replicas of Name Grid and
Board Displays
1. EHs will be stored in the Division Office. Name
Grid replicas and Board Works will be stored in
the schools or testing centers. These documents
are for future use.

2. Replicas of the name grid intended for each

testing program should be properly stored and
utilized in school. These are generic to all testing
programs; hence, may be used in future testing
activities in case no reprints will be provided.
TMs for Retrieval by BEA thru Courier
1. All TBs packed in original boxes;

2. All used ASs in ETREs (Forms 1, 2 and 7 inside);

3. All unused ASs in CETREs (Forms 3 and 4, and School

Headers inside) packed in original boxes for ASs ; and

4. Forms 5 and 6 submitted to DTCs for proper placement in

respective boxes

Reminder: Do NOT mix up TBs with ASs. There are two

separate warehouses for these TMs. Otherwise,
misplaced TMs will not be accounted for properly.
The Forwarder of Test Materials

Dealing with the Forwarder of TMs
1. Exact addresses of Division Offices or drop-off
points should be provided to BEA to be turned
over to the Forwarder.
2. Forwarder must provide to BEA the contact
persons and numbers as well as the itineraries
of delivery and retrieval for ready reference.
3. Each Division should designate at least two
authorized staff to receive the TMs other than
the DTC.
4. The neighboring Divisions in the Region
should establish a network of communication.
Dealing with the Forwarder of TMs
4.1 Every receiving Division should take note of Forwarders
contact number and the date and time TMs will be

4.2 The next division to receive the TMs from the Forwarder
should be alerted by the Division immediately after
receiving its TMs while informing also the Forwarder that
the next division to receive has been alerted already.

4.3 The same procedure will be followed in the retrieval of


4.4 Accomplish the evaluation form on the

Performance of Forwarder and submit thru email
Evaluation Sheet on Forwarders Performance
Delivery and Retrieval Phase
(To be accomplished by the DTC)

Division: ____________________

A. Delivery Phase B. Retrieval Phase

1. Receipt of Test Materials (TMs) 1. Information about the Forwarder:

Date ____________ Time _____ A.M. /P.M. Name of Representative _______________
Received by whom? ___________________ Contact No. __________________________
Designation __________________________ Date and Exact time of Forwarders
Retrieval _____________________________

2. The Divisions designate to release the 2. Release of Test Materials (TMs)

Test Materials to the school Date ____________ Time _____ A.M. /P.M.
representative ________________________ Released by whom? ____________________
_______________________________________ Designation ____________________________

3. Were there problems encountered in the 3. Was the schedule of the Forwarder in
release of test materials? retrieval of test materials followed?
Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No _____
If no, what was the reason?

4. If yes, Please cite them: ________________ 4. How many days were the TMs in the
_______________________________________ division ready for retrieval by the Forwarder?

5. In the delivery of TMs, how would you 5. Was the forwarder informed beforehand that
rate the Forwarder in a scale of 1-5 the TMs are ready for pick up?
where 5 is the highest? _______________ Yes _____ No _____

6. In the retrieval of TMs, how would you rate

the Forwarder in a scale of 1-5 is where 5
is the highest? _________________

7. Strengths of the Forwarder: (Good Points)


8. Weakness of the Forwarder: (Weak Points)


9. What are your recommendations to improve in the service of Forwarder?

-in the Delivery Phase -in the Retrieval Phase
________________________________________ _________________________________________ 35
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
Other Concerns

Refusal of State Univ./Colleges
(SUCs) to Take National Exams
Send a communication to BEA
regarding SUCs which refused the
administration of national exams
(NCAE, NAT, etc.).

The communication will be endorsed

to the DepEd Secretary.
Good Practices as Reflected in a
School Culture
Region/Division Codes and School ID
Posting permanently in every classroom (near the
chalkboards) the information on the Region and
Division Codes and the School ID
Learner Reference Number
The LRN is used by the examinee in any form of school
and classroom-based assessments. This practice may
be adopted not only during national examinations.


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