As Radioactivity 2016

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Be able to
Describe the structure of an atom;
Outline Rutherford scattering results/ conclusions
State order of magnitude of the nucleus and an atom.
Use the nuclear notation.
Define and identify isotopes.
State and identity the types of forces between particles.
State and describe hadrons and Leptons.
Define radioactivity; Random and spontaneous process
Describe properties of , + - and radiations.
(charge, mass, deflection, speed, deflection, penetration.
Structure of an atom
A nucleon: A proton or a neutron.
Mass number or nucleon number (A)- Sum of protons and
neutrons of the nucleus/atom.
Proton Number( Z) Number of protons in atom.

orbit the PROTONS
nucleus and
are found in
the nucleus
Nuclear Notation
A nuclide with chemical symbol X, atomic
number A and mass number Z is written
X Element symbol

proton number

mass number or nucleon number is written as

No. of protons = A= 92
Mass number number = A = 235.

No.of Electrons = No. of protons = 92
No.of Neutrons = A-Z = 235-92 = 143

Atoms with same proton number but with a different number of neutrons:

Notice that the mass number is different. How many neutrons does
each isotope have?

Each isotope has 8 protons if it didnt then it just

wouldnt be oxygen any more.
A radioisotope is simply an isotope that is radioactive
e.g. carbon 14, which is used in carbon dating.
Rutherford Scattering Experiment
Very few alpha particles
were back scattered
Result Conclusion
Most of the alpha particles Large part of an atom was
passed through the gold actually empty space.
foil un-deviated
A few alpha particles were The alpha particles passing
deflected from their path near the nucleus were repelled
due to positive charges within
but continued through the
the foil.
gold foil
A small number of alpha An atom has a tiny, massively
particles rebounded positively charged nucleus.
The centre of an atom contains a
concentrated region of positive
charge called nucleus
Radius of an proton : 10-15m
Radius of the nucleus: -10-14-10-15m
Radius of an atom: 10-10m
Given the radius of a proton is 8x10-14m m,
calculate the density of the proton [ = 1.67 x
10-27 kg]
What do we mean by Radioactivity?
Radioactive decay is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus
loses energy by emitting radiation in the form of particles or
electromagnetic waves.
An unstable nucleus releases energy to become more stable

Is the disintegration or break down of unstable

nucleus by emitting radiations: alpha, beta, gamma.

Radioactivity is a random, spontaneous process.

Random process. All nucleus have equal chances of breaking down
and unpredictable.
Spontaneous process. The process cannot be slowed or speeded by
other physical conditions such as temperature, pressure.

Science Park HS -- Honors Chemistry

The Nuclear Stability Belt
Above the line-
Unstable Nucleus-more neutrons

On the line-
Stable Nucleus

Science Park HS -- Honors Chemistry

Speed Deflection in
Type of What is
Symb Charg x108 electric & Penetration
radiatio it made mass Ionisation
n ol from?
e m/ magnetic Into matter
s field

Alpha Helium +2 4 0.3 Deflected to Low Very

negative or
nucleus. 2 Stopped by high

south pole
protons & Paper/air
4 neutrons
2 He
Beta High -1 0 2.9 Deflected to High weak
positive or
speed Stopped

North pole
0 electron by few cm

1 e Of
High 0 0 3 No effect Very high very
a energy Stopped weak

0 by thick
of lead &
0 concrete
Deflection in Electric and magnetic fields
Alpha is positively charged and deflected to the
negative(north pole)

Beta is negatively charged and deflected to the

positive(north pole)

Gamma will go straight

They have no charge.
Penetrating Ability
The three radiations penetrate matter to different levels. Alpha has the
lowest penetration and can be stopped paper/skin. It not harmful outside
the body.
Beta and gamma haves high penetration. They both harmful as they
penetrate body tissues
Identify a, b and c. Give a reason for your


Aluminium Thick lead

Ability to remove electrons from atoms
when moving in air.

Alpha has the highest ionising radiation

because it is heavy and moves at slow

Beta has a weak ionisation while

Gamma has the weakest ionizing power
because it has no mass and moves
Kinds of Radioactivity

The three main decays are Alpha, Beta and Gamma

Science Park HS -- Honors
Radioactive decay
1. Alpha Decay: The mass decreases by 4 and proton by 2

2. Beta minus- decay: A neutron breaks down into a proton, electron

and antineutrino. No change in the mass but protons increases by 1

+ +

3. Beta-plus + decay: A neutron breaks down into a proton,

positron and neutrino. No change in the mass but protons increases by 1

Unstable New Gamma

nucleus nucleus radiation
Gamma after or decay surplus
energy is sometimes emitted. The atom
itself is not changed. Gamma radiation is
part of the EM Spectrum; a wave with a
very high frequency, very short
Geiger Counter
Used to detect radioactive substances
Particle and Antiparticles
Every particle of has an anti-particle with same mass but
opposite charge.
Example of particle and antiparticles
Proton(p+) and anti-proton(p-) Bar on top
to indicate

Electron(e-) and anti-electron(e+)


Neutron(n0) and antineutron(

Quark model

Quarks have fractional electric charge!

u electric charge + 2/3
d electric charge 1/3
proton (charge +1) neutron (charge 0)

u u u d
d d
2 2 1 2 1 1
u u d p 1 u d d n0
3 3 3 3 3 3

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