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Mexico Flag

The flag of Mexico is

three equal vertical bands
of green , white, and red;
the coat of arms (an eagle
perched on a cactus with
a snake in its beak) is
centered in the white
Mexico city is the capital
of mexico country.
Geographic Influence
Natural Resources petroleum, silver, copper, gold,
lead, zinc, natural gas, timber
U.S.-Mexican Border 2,000 mile long border means
relationships are inevitable (migration, dependency,
Over 112 million people live in Mexico
60% Mestizo
30% Amerindian (Indigenous)
10% other (European, Asian)

Most populated Spanish-speaking country in the world

75% of Mexicos population lives in urban areas

(Mexico Citys population is nearly 9 million; it is the
16th largest city in the world)

Population in the northern part of Mexico is more

prosperous than central and southern Mexico. The
farther south, the greater the poverty.
The Aztecs were the
original inhabitants of
Mexico. In 1520, a
Spanish Conquistador
named Hernando
Cortez took control of
Mexico. Mexico today is
a combination of Aztec
and Spanish cultures.
Mexican homes are
simple with hand-
crafted furniture and
Traditionally, Mexican
families are close-knit.
Children learn at an
early age to help out
around the house, with
siblings and possibly
Days of the Dead
Mexicans believe dead souls
return to visit the living
between October 31 and
November 2.

Called the Days of the Dead

Families set up altars in the

corners of their homes with
candles, photos and favorite
foods and drinks of the dead
loved ones.
Agriculture in mexico
Corn is major crop

Beans are second

Other important crops

include sugarcane, coffee,
tomatoes, green peppers,
peas, melons, citrus fruits,
strawberries and cacao

In the North cattle are

raised and wheat is grown
Mexican Cuisine
Aztec and the Spaniards made contributions to Mexican cuisine.

The Aztecs:
chocolate, vanilla, corn, The Spanish:
peppers, peanuts, oil, wine, cinnamon,
tomatoes, avocados, cloves, rice, wheat, beef
squash, beans, sweet and chicken.
potatoes, pineapple and With the introduction of
papayas. oil many of the foods
Aztecs boiled, broiled or could be fried.
steamed their food. Frying is an important
part of Mexican cooking.
Beautiful mexico
Beautiful mexico

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