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is a city in northern
Venice is city of canals
and lagoons
It is the capital of the
Veneto region.
Venice with its canals and
lagoons is very romantic
city and there are many
poets, artists.
Grand Canal
The Grand Canal is a
canal in Venice, Italy.
It forms one of the
major water-traffic
corridors in the city.
Public transport is
provided by water
buses and private water
taxis, and many
tourists explore the
canal by gondola.
Transport in Venice
Venice is built on an archipelago of 117 islands formed
by 177 canals in a shallow lagoon, connected by 409
So if you want to get somewhere in Venice you can use:
gondola,water taxi and water bus
Piazza San Marco
Piazza San Marco is a fascinating place day or night, and leaves visitors spell-
bound by its beauty and elegance.
St Mark's square was described by Napolean as the most beautiful dining
room in Europe.
St Mark's Basilica
It is the most famous of the city's churches and one of the
best known examples of Byzantine architecture. It lies at
the eastern end of the Piazza San Marco.
Realto Bridge
It is the oldest bridge
across the canal, and was
the dividing line for the
districts of San Marco and
San Polo.
Murano island
Murano is a series of islands linked by bridges.
It is famous for glass making.
Burano island
Burano is an island in the Venetian Lagoon, northern
It is famous for lace works and brightly coloured homes.
Doges palace
The Doge's Palace is a palace built in Venetian Gothic
one of the main landmarks of the city of Venice in
northern Italy.
Beautiful venice

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