Knights Knighthood

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What do the terms KNIGHTS and

KNIGHTHOOD refer to?

Knight is a person granted an honorary title of

knighthood by a monarch or other political leader
for service to the monarch or country, especially in
a military capacity.
Knighthood is the rank or title of a knight that is
given by a British king or queen for his
achievements or his service to his country.
i. What do the terms KNIGHTS and
KNIGHTHOOD refer to?

Knight is a term to refer to a warrior or nobleman in former

times, or today to refer to a person who has been given a
royal recognition. During the middle ages, the term knight
referred to a mounted and armored soldier.

Originally, knights were warriors on horse-back, but the title

became increasingly connected to nobility and social status,
most likely because of the cost of equipping oneself in the
cavalry. Knighthood eventually became a formal title
bestowed on those noblemen trained for active war duty.
ii. What caused the rise of the knights during
the Middle Ages?

In the chaos and danger of post-Roman Western

Europe, the population had very little organized
governmental protection from brigands and conquering
warbands. Knowing there was safety in numbers, local
lords (who could afford it) gathered around them young,
fighting-age men to fend off rebellious vassals or
conquering neighbors. These men, in return, were
rewarded with war booty for their service and loyalty.
Soon, grants of land were made so the young soldiers
could receive an income from those lands and afford the
high cost of outfitting themselves with the
accoutrements of war, such as horses, armor, and
weapons. The era of the medieval knight had begun.
ii. What caused the rise of the knights during
the Middle Ages?

it had an impact on feudalism, impacts such as

bond between vassal and lord, improved military,
improvement of social rankings, system of
manorialism, being a knight became an honor.
Chivalry began that time. Knight had an overall
impact because of their role in feudalism war and
iii. How did the rise of the knights affect the
life of the people of the Middle Ages?

Chivalry was the honor code of the knight. An

important part of chivalry was to show respect and
gallantry towards women. The Code of Chivalry was
an important part of the society and lives of people
who lived during the Medieval times and era. The
Code of Chivalry was admired and understood by
all. It also emphasis social and moral virtues.
iii. How did the rise of the knights affect the
life of the people of the Middle Ages?

Affected gender roles

- women was treated with honor and great respect
Improvement values
- knights are sworn to help poor, and put others lives
before own
Increased popularity of the church
- worship of God above all
Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199)
He was the favored son of Eleanor of Aquitane and
a central figure in the third crusades. He was the
Duke and Lord of many various lands such as
Normandy and eventually became King of England.
The military battles of the third crusades are his
largest claim to fame yet he never achieved his goal
of recapturing Jerusalem. He is also well known for
some other things including the fact that he
became to be known as the first King who was also
a knight. And he spent much time and resources
building fortresses and castles throughout his lands.
William Wallace (Died 1305)
He is the figure now made very famous by the
movie Braveheart. He was a Scottish knight and
landowner who was a leading figure in the Scottish
Wars for Independence. There are three notable
occurrences in his life which are remembered. The
first of which is that he was eventually captured
and executed in a very brutal manner. He is also
remembered for his famous victory in the battle of
Stirling Bridge at which his forces were vastly
outnumbered. And he is also remembered for his
loss a year later at the Battle of Falkirk.
Charlemagne (742-814)
He was an Emperor and King who brought most of
Western and Central Europe under his reign by a
variety of means including military conquest. But he
is not famous for just this. He was also a main force
in something called the Carolingian Renaissance
which changed much of Europe by bringing about a
new monetary system, educational reform and a
renaissance of the arts including military arts and
the art of siege. He is often considered to be the
father of what is now modern Europe.
Joan of Arc (1412-1431)
She was captured and executed by burning at the stake
at the age of 19. She is also a national heroine in France
and has been canonized a saint.

She asserted that she had visions from God directing

her to free her homeland from the English. And she
started out as a missionary but quickly became a
military leader who lead French troops in decisive and
aggressive military battles the first of which was the
lifting of the siege of Orleans in only 9 days.
King Arthur (5th-6th Century?)
There is a lot of debate as to whether King Arthur actually
existed. Some evidence says yes. If he truly existed it was
believed to be somewhere in the 5th or early 6th century. Some
evidence points to him being a soldier while other evidence
points to him being a King. The first viable written evidence of his
existence showed up in the 9th century in a book called "Historia
Brittonumwhere he was purported to have won 12 military
battles. The legend of King Arthur peaked and waned over the
centuries and made another strong appearance in Sir Thomas
Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur which was first published in 1485.
This book has been reprinted many times over the centuries but
a strong and lasting fascination. This was part of a very strong
Gothic revival. Since then the legend has firmly taken hold and
only grown. Whether or not King Arthur really existed is still up
for debate but his legend does live on. He is one of the most
famous medieval person ever to have lived (or not!).
William the Conqueror (1028-1087)
His Normans were the last foreign force to conquer
what is now Great Britain. He was King (William I) He
began this conquest with the famous battle of Hastings
in 1066 and in subsequent battles mostly to repress
revolts and uprisings. His reign and influence had much
impact on England. He brought about a lot of reform
including adoption and English as the official language
and adoptions of church reform. He instituted a wide
plan for building castles and fortresses all over England
to fortify his military strength and to control revolts and
rebellions. The most famous of these buildings is the
Tower of London.

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