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What is Game Sense?

Game sense is the most recent teaching approach that teachers

utilise in physical education classes in order to teach games for
understanding (Pill, 2011). Game sense allows students to develop
cognitive skills and become rationale players (Pill, 2011). Teaching
students sporting activities through the game sense approach allows
students to become more mindful of their cognitive awareness
along with the fundamental aspects of physical education (Pill,
More info on game sense
Game sense consists of multiple skills, however the technique of a
game play and its context is one major skill within the teaching
approach of game sense (Pill, 2011). To enhance students
understanding of game play it is vital to present the correct
instructional strategies in order for the students to perform and apply
movement skills on the field, rather than technique practice (Pill, 2011;
Towns, 2002). Game sense allows students to combine movement
skills, tactical, athletic ability and become more independent (Pill,
Rationale in using game sense in PDHPE
As a teaching approach Game Sense correlates with the teaching and
understandings of both the content and outcomes that are available
and taught in the NSW Board of Studies Personal Development , Health
and Physical Education K-6 Syllabus.
The importance of game sense in physical education classes allows
students to become motivated, physical and participate in more
sporting activities (Board of Studies, 2007).
It allows students to participate in team play and develop decision
making skills, relationship with peers and be involved in safe and secure
activities (Board of Studies, 2007).
More info on why to teach Game Sense
It is not all about technique and strategic moves, students will focus on
their movement through game play, requiring the minimal of strategic
Students tend to stress and become emotional and demotivated if they
can not perform a particular strategic movement in sporting activities,
however, with Game Sense students will become aware of their own
movement through game play rather than focusing on technique.
As a teacher I will ensure all students are able to participate and have
fun, as all students must be involved in playing the game.
Strengths of Game Sense
Game Sense does not require any technique in game play.
All students are involved and motivated within the activity.
Students will have more fun and enjoy their physical education
Game Sense promotes students cognitive and movement skills.
The approach assists students to live a more healthy and active
Board of Studies, NSW. (2012). Personal Development, Health and
Physical Education K6 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies. Retrieved
menthealthandphysical educationpdhpe
Pill, S. (2011). Teacher engagement with teaching games for
understanding - game sense in physical education. Journal of Physical
Education and Sport, 11(2), 115-123.
Pill, S. (2016). An appreciative inquiry exploring game sense teaching in
physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 21(2), 279-297.
Towns, J. (2002). About game sense. University of Wollongong.

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