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Rapid Pace of

What We Will Cover
Rapid Pace of Change
New Developments and Dramatic
Issues and Themes
Rapid Pace of Change
1940s: The first computer is built
1956: First hard-disk drive weighed a ton and
stored five megabytes
1991: Space shuttle had a one-megahertz
2006: Pocket devices hold a terabyte (one
trillion bytes) of data
2006: Automobiles can have 100-megahertz
The Complex Number Calculator (CNC)
is completed. In 1939, Bell Telephone
Laboratories completed this calculator,
designed by researcher George
Stibitz. In 1940, Stibitz demonstrated
the CNC at an American Mathematical
Society conference held at Dartmouth
College. Stibitz stunned the group by
performing calculations remotely on
the CNC (located in New York City)
using a Teletype connected via special
telephone lines. This is considered to
be the first demonstration of remote
access computing.
1956: First hard-disk drive weighed a ton and stored five megabytes

The IBM Model 350 Disk File

part of the IBM 305 RAMAC computer
50 24-inch discs that together could store about 4.4 MB of data
spun at 1200 rpm
data transfer rate of 8,800 characters per second and access time of
approximately one second
Rapid Pace of Change:
Discussion Question
What devices are now computerized
that were not originally? Think back 10,
20, 50 years ago.
New Developments
Blogs (Word made up from web log):
Began as outlets for amateurs who want
to express ideas or creativity
Appealing because present personal
views, are funny and creative, and
present a quirky perspective on current
New Developments (cont.)
Blogs (cont.):
Now used as alternatives to mainstream
news and for business public relations
Popular blogs have 100,000 to 500,000
readers per day and can peak at
several million views per day
New Developments (cont.)
Video Sharing:
Rise of amateur videos on the web
Boom of websites like Youtube and
Many videos on the web can infringe
copyrights owned by entertainment
New Developments (cont.)
Cell Phones:
Can now be used for travel, last minute
planning, taking pictures and downloading
Talking on cell phones while driving is a
Cell phones can interfere with solitude
(kesendirian), quiet and concentration
Cameras in cell phones and privacy issues
Undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 2009 tentang
lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan adalah larangan
penggunaan Handphone saat mengendarai
kendaraan bermotor.
New Developments (cont.)
Social Networking:
First online social networking site was in 1995
Myspace, founded in 2003 had roughly
100 million member profiles by 2006
Facebook was started at Harvard as an
online version of student directories
Chris Hughes
Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook - 2009
General Growth
More than 175 million active users
More than half of Facebook users are outside of college
The fastest growing demographic is those 30 years old and
User Engagement
Average user has 120 friends on the site
More than 3 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day
More than 18 million users update their statuses at least
once each day
More than 4 million users become fans of Pages each day

Dustin Moskovitz Eduardo Saverin

Facebook (Cont)
More than 850 million photos uploaded to the site
each month
More than 7 million videos uploaded each month
More than 28 million pieces of content (web links,
news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.)
shared each month
More than 2 million events created each month
More than 25 million active user groups exist on
the site 10 Largest Countries

1. United States 157,345,940

2. Brazil 47,011,060

3. India 45,825,620

4. Indonesia 42,272,040

5. Mexico 33,173,840

6. United Kingdom 30,945,100

7. Turkey 30,678,300

8. Philippines 27,101,860

9. France 24,347,640

10. Germany 23,552,680

More than a billion (1 M) monthly active users as of December 2012.

Approximately 82% of our monthly active users are outside the U.S. and Canada.
618 million daily active users on average in December 2012.
680 million monthly active users who used Facebook mobile products as of December 31, 2012.
New Developments (cont.)
Wikipedia, the online, collaborative
Open Directory Project (ODP)
Collaboration between scientists in
different states or countries
Watch-dogs on the Web
New Developments (cont.)
E-commerce and Free Stuff:
Free stuff on the web: email, books,
newspapers, games, etc. started in 1994 and
10 years later annual sales reached
$8.5 billion
TV show episodes are available to view
on the Web
New Developments (cont.)
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, and Motion:
AI suited to narrow, specialized skills
Robotic devices often special-purpose
devices, and may require AI to function
Motion sensing devices are used to give
robots the ability to walk, trigger airbags in a
crash and cushion laptops when dropped
New Developments (cont.)
Tools for Disabled People:
Restoration of abilities, productivity and
Screen readers and scanners
Speech recognition
Prosthetics and motion sensors
New Developments (cont.)
Whats Next?
Medical records on chips attached to
medical bracelets
Biological and computer sciences will
combine new ways to insert micro-
processors or controlled devices on
human bodies
New Developments (cont.)
Discussion Question
What changes and new developments
do you expect in the next 50 years?
How will life be different than it is today?
Issues and Themes
Alienation and customer service
Loss of privacy

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