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Persuasive Writing

What is this advert trying to make you do?

This is what Room 3 thought of when we watched the
advert. We are using a graphic organiser to sort our ideas.
The Thinking Hats
The Red Hat (what do you The Black Hat (what is
like?) wrong?)
What is this advert trying to make you do?
This is what Room 3 thought of when we watched the
advert. We are using a graphic organiser to sort our ideas.
The Thinking Hats
The Red Hat (what do The Black Hat (what is
you like) wrong )
Persuasive Writing
How would you persuade someone to do….(or not to
do) something, or buy an item or service? Think about
the two adverts you have just seen…..What works and
what draws people in?

When writing something which is intended to

persuade, there are several important features to
Checklist for Persuasive Writing
Open with a statement of the issue
being addressed
State your opinion of the issue.
Main body of the text contains the
arguments that are elaborated with
reasons and evidence (facts).
End with a summary.
Language Features
Use mainly the present tense
Use emotive language
Use technical language
Use rhetorical questions
Dare the reader to disagree
Try to make opinions sound like facts
Use powerful verbs and strong adjectives

Read the following

text, looking for the
elements of
persuasive writing
which we have
Calling All Sleepyheads
Sleep is important. Nobody fully
understands why we need it, but scientists
think that the body uses the time to recover
and to repair damage. When we fall asleep
our heart and breathing rates slow down,
muscles relax and our senses rest. If this is
the case, are you giving your body enough
Lack of sleep means that the body and
brain do not work properly. If you don’t go
to bed at a reasonable time, you will be
sleepy in class and not learn so much.
Tiredness means you may not be able to
think clearly, and you may also be a danger
to other people. Accidents can happen. You
will lack energy, and even playing becomes
too much of an effort. Is staying up late
really worth it?
There is some truth in the old saying
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes
us healthy, wealthy and wise.”

Next time you start to argue about

your bedtime, remember your body
needs a break.
From: Have Your Say by Karavis and Matthews
Calling All Sleepyheads
 Sleep is important. Nobody fully
understands why we need it, but
scientists think that the body uses the
time to recover and to repair damage.
When we fall asleep our heart and
breathing rates slow down, muscles relax
and our senses rest. If this is the case, are
you giving your body enough rest?
Lack of sleep means that the body and brain
do not work properly. If you don’t go to bed at a
reasonable time, you will be sleepy in class and
not learn so much. Tiredness means you may
not be able to think clearly, and you may also
be a danger to other people. Accidents can
happen. You will lack energy, and even playing
becomes too much of an effort. Is staying up
late really worth it?
Lack of sleep means that the body and brain
do not work properly. If you don’t go to bed
at a reasonable time, you will be sleepy in
class and not learn so much. Tiredness
means you may not be able to think clearly,
and you may also be a danger to other
people. Accidents can happen. You will lack
energy, and even playing becomes too much
of an effort. Is staying up late really worth it?
Lack of sleep means that the body
and brain do not work properly. If
you don’t go to bed at a reasonable
time, you will be sleepy in class and
not learn so much. Tiredness means
you may not be able to think clearly,
and you may also be a danger to
other people. Accidents can happen.
You will lack energy, and even
playing becomes too much of an
effort. Is staying up late really worth
Lack of sleep means that the body and
brain do not work properly. If you
don’t go to bed at a reasonable time,
you will be sleepy in class and not
learn so much. Tiredness means you
may not be able to think clearly, and
you may also be a danger to other
people. Accidents can happen. You
will lack energy, and even playing
becomes too much of an effort. Is
staying up late really worth it?
Lack of sleep means that the body and brain
do not work properly. If you don’t go to bed
at a reasonable time, you will be sleepy in
class and not learn so much. Tiredness
means you may not be able to think clearly,
and you may also be a danger to other
people. Accidents can happen. You will lack
energy, and even playing becomes too much
of an effort. Is staying up late really worth
There is some truth in the old saying
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes us
healthy, wealthy and wise.”

Next time you start to argue about your

bedtime, remember your body needs a

From: Have Your Say by Karavis and

Success Criteria for writing a
Persuasive Argument

•I stated my point of view clearly in the introduction and the

•I backed each argument with relevant evidence and detail
•My argument is mainly in the present Tense
•I used connectives
oTo structure the argument: first, finally
oTo link ideas within the argument: because, consequently,
so, therefore,
•I used persuasive devices such as
oStatistics: ‘More than 50%.....’
•I used conditionals; would, could, might, if, unless,
oEmotive language; strong adjective
oRhetorical questions: ‘Are we to believe that ….’
Persuasive Argument
Connective: Furthermore, However,
Consequently, Therefore, So, because, firstly,
Verbs: Present tense, passive, conditionals
(would, could, might, if, unless)

Rhetorical questions: ‘Are we to believe that ….’

Emotive language: No one can deny, some

people believe
Persuasive Sentence Starters
Most people would agree that…
Only a fool would think that…
A sensible idea would be to…
We ALL know that…
Doesn’t everyone know that…?
It wouldn’t be very difficult to…
The REAL truth is that…
Are we expected to…?
Naturally I feel that…
The fact is that…
EVERBODY knows that…
Surely you would agree that…
Here are two reasons why…
This clearly shows that…
We can see from the evidence that…
A reminder what a persuasive text needs
Persuasive texts come in many different forms. Some include
advertisements, letters, debates, articles and reports.
Their main purpose is to persuade the reader to see an argument from
their point of view and change their mind, buy or support something.
•An introductory paragraph that states the argument
•Words like
In my opinion…
Some believe that…
For this reason…
I feel that..
I am sure that…
It is certain…

•Each paragraph states a reason or opinion and then is followed by 2 or 3 pieces of evidence to support it.
•Points out the arguments for and against
•Has facts that support the evidence given
•Ask the reader questions that encourages them to think
•A strong concluding paragraph that sums up the main argument
Example of persuasive letter
Dear Sir,
My friends and I love skating and we are thrilled to bits that
the council are thinking of building us a skate park. Until now
we’ve had nowhere to go, only pavements and steps where we
have to be careful not to bump into pedestrians. It would be
fantastic to have proper ramps, half pipes and rails designed
especially for skateboards.
I can’t wait to have somewhere I can meet up with my friends
and a place where I can watch more experienced skaters and
learn from them. I know that if I can practise every day, my
skills will really improve and my dream of becoming a ‘pro’
might actually come true.
That is why I’d much rather be out skating than stuck indoors
in front of the TV. Keeping fit is really important these days.
I don’t want to become one of these obese teenagers that get
no exercise. I’m sure that if we had a skate park many more
young people would take up this sport.
Yours sincerely
Jade Jackson
Example of persuasive letter
Dear Sir,
I cannot believe that Craven Pond is going to be filled
in! Don’t people realise that hundreds of different
kinds of birds, amphibians, insects and fish live here?
What will happen to them if their habitat is taken
away? We all know that natural habitats are
disappearing at a worrying rate. It is our duty to
preserve as many of these as we can.
Adults are always telling us that we should use our
time productively. My friends and I have spent many
weekends and summer evenings studying and
cataloguing the wildlife of this pond. If Craven Pond is
filled in we will be forced to hang about the streets
because there will be nothing to occupy our time. Is
that what the adults want?
Yours sincerely
Tom Dipper
Activity: Persuasive Letter Writing. Children are to respond to an advert
in the local paper for a summer job. An example letter follows this slide.

Once in a lifetime opportunity!!

There are two jobs up for grabs in the July 2010 holidays. The job is situated in the
sunny eastcoast of Australia and requires someone who has a love for the beach and
long sunny summer days!
The lucky recipients will be required to snorkel daily with tropical fish and chat with
happy holiday makers. Some light duties will also be required of you around the
If this sounds like you then please send a letter to us stating why you are perfect for
this job.
All expenses will be paid for including accommodation, food and flights to and from
So what are you waiting for…..get writing today!

Application Letters to:

James Andrews
Assistant Manager
The Palns Resort
Example Letter: Bella Shortland is applying for a job at Vogue magazine.

20 Rawhiti Street

12 July

Angela Potts General Manager

Vogue Magazine
10 Second Ave

Dear Madam,
My name is Bella Shortland and I am applying for the job you had advertised in the Zone
Newspaper for a receptionist.

I believe that I would be excellent for this job because I worked at the Summer Bay local
newspaper agent during my summer holidays last year. I was in charge of sending and
collecting the mail, helping the office managers by running errands and answering the
phone. I really enjoyed working there and learnt a lot about how a business runs.
I think that this job would be perfect for me because I have a friendly manner and enjoy
talking to and meeting new people. I would always as they arrived at Vogue magazine with
a smile and hand shake. Working in the magazine industry is what I want to do when I
graduate University.

I am a very responsible person and would take the job very seriously by always turning up
to work on time and respecting other peoples privacy as I know this is very important in
this industry. I am a highly motivated person, enjoy a challenge and love to learn new

My contact details are: Ph 021 345 678

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely

Bella Shortland
Activity: Decide which of these statements are for zoos and which of
these statements are against zoos.
 Zoos breed animals, which may become extinct, in captivity
 some almost extinct animals have been bred in zoos and then
 let free into the wild
 zoos now exhibit animals in enclosures which look like their
 natural habitat, rather than in cages
 zoos can't teach respect for the environment because they don't
 treat animals with respect
 the treatment of all our animals and their rights is important
 zoos educate the public about how we have to get on with
 animals
 Zoos are a form of family entertainment
 It is now harder to touch and see animals
 Some zoos now try to make their visitors work to make the
 world better for animals
 zoos provide a safe home and regular meals for the animals
 creatures in zoos are caged and unable to grow properly
 seeing animals in zoos will make people think that it is right to
 keep wild animals in captivity
Activity: Keeping in mind your lists of for and against use
the following outline to help you write a persuasive text on
No More Playtimes for Primary School
Children in this day and age have far too much time to mess about. They should not be
given licence to fight, call names and generally cause trouble during school hours. Recent
studies have suggested that the benefits of ‘playtime’ are very small and that more
structured outdoor activities are a better way of giving children exercise and a ‘break’ from
Surely the disorganised and unruly behaviour such as; shouting, racing about and fighting
that goes on at break time would be much better for everyone concerned if it was
organised and controlled? Children have plenty of opportunity to ‘play’ outside school and
during the school day it is vital they are educated for the maximum amount of time
Let us think about the amount of time spent in school. On average, each pupil spends 6.5
hours a day for 5 days. This makes a total of 32.5 hours per week at school. Of those
hours, at least 7 are taken by break and lunch time (possibly more if you count the lining
up process). This therefore gives children about 25 hours per week of school. Surely this is
not enough! There are 8760 hours in a year, if we use the 25 hours per week average, for
32 weeks, pupils are only in lessons for around 1050 hours per year! This does not include
school trips, sports days, and the time spent settling down. Overall pupils spend a very
small proportion of their time learning.
‘Play time’ is time in school wasted, and it should be stopped. It is ridiculous to think that
pupils should waste so much of their school lives. Structured drink and lunch breaks, with
organised exercise activities along with longer lessons, are the only ways to stop school
children running riot and to focus their minds on their education.

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