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Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer

system or a private network inside a computer. It
is the unauthorized access to or control over
computer network security systems for some
illicit purpose.
3 Types of Hackers

Black Hat Hackers

Black hat hackers are the criminals of the

online world. They are in it for often selfish
reasons, exploiting individuals for money,
prestige or incriminating information. These
individuals have no regard for the law and
often hack to commit other, bigger crimes.
White Hat Hackers

White hat hackers are computer security

experts who specialize in penetration
testing and other methodologies to ensure
that a companys information systems are
Gray Hat Hackers

Gray hat hackers find themselves

somewhere in the middle on the spectrum
between helping others and self-gain.
Some gray hats, referred to as
hacktivists, look for ways to expose
wrongdoing, exact revenge or harass a
Comelec website hacked
Tue, March 29, 2016
Paul Biteng, a 23-year-old new graduate of IT,
was arrested by agents of the National Bureau
of Investigation (NBI) at his house in Sampaloc,
Manila. after he broke into and defaced the
Comelec website on a late Sunday evening last
March 27, 2017.

Saying he just wanted to show how vulnerable

the website is to hacking. He wanted the
Comelec to make sure the security features of
the vote counting machines would be
implemented during the election.
Biteng does not belong to any political party, nor
was he paid by anyone to do the hacking,
according to Bautista.

NBI cybercrime division head agent Roland

Aguto Jr. said Biteng used a dummy account to
perform the defacement. The hacker did not
use his real identity, location and Internet
protocol (IP) address to do it, he said.
Republic Act No. 10175

The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012,

officially recorded as Republic Act No. 10175,
is a law in the Philippines approved on
September 12, 2012. It aims to address legal
issues concerning online interactions and
the Internet in the Philippines. Among the
cybercrime offenses included in the bill
are cybersquatting, cybersex, child
pornography, identity theft, illegal access to data
and libel.
Section 4 - Cyber Crime Offenses

(a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity

and availability of computer data and systems
such as Illegal Access, Illegal Interception, Data
Interference, System Interference, Computer-
related Fraud, and etc.

For sections 4a and 4b, imprisonment of

prision mayor (imprisonment of six years and
1 day up to 12 years) or a fine of at least
P200,000 or both.
If section 4a are committed in critical
infrastructure, penalty of reclusion temporal
(imprisonment for twelve years and one day
up to twenty years) or a fine of at least
P500,000 or both.

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