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Hand gesture robotic arm

Presented by
Akshay P .Tembhurne

Guided by
Prof. A.V. Mohod sir


Hand gesture robotic arm
By: Akshay Tembhurne
Laws of Robotics
Flex sensors
Gyroscope (MPU6050)
Transceiver module (nRF24L01)
Robotic arm
Working of project
Robotic hand control by hand gestures robot is a robot which can be controlled by
simple gestures

the sensor will record the movement of hand in a specific direction which will
result in the movement of the robot in the respective direction

the wire connection enables the user they interact with the robot in a more
friendly way.
A gesture is a form of non variable communication

A robot is a mechanical device that can perform task automatically

Our microcontroller based robotic hand controlled by hand gestures robot will
work on the principle of Flex sensor and Gyroscope which records hand
movement and the information is then transferred to a encode which make it
a ready for transmit to the receiving end the information is received via
wireless connection decoded and then passed on to the Arduino
microcontroller which takes various decisions based on the received
information this decision are passed to the motor drive which triggers the
motor in different configuration to make the robot moment in a specific
Laws of robotics
First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction,
allow a human being to come to harm

Second Law: robot must obey orders given it by human being except
where such order will conflict with a higher order law.

Third Law: a robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with a higher order law
Arduinos Uno

Flex sensors
Servo motors
used in project Transceiver module

Gyroscope MPU6050

Robotic arm

Arduino uno
Arduino uno
The arduino is a microcontroller bored
based on the ATmega328.

Arduino is a open source electronics

prototyping platform based on flexible
easy to use hardware and software.

The Arduinol can sense the

environment by receiving input from a
variety of sensor and can effect its
surroundings by controlling motors and
other actuators

It has 24 digital I/O pins 6 of them pwm

Flex sensors
Flex sensors
Flex sensor are sensor that change in
resistance on the amount of bend on the sensor.

They converter change in bend to the electrical

resistance the more the bend the more is the
resistance value

Inside the flex sensor are carbon resistive

material elements within the thin flexible

More carbon means less resistance.

They are usually in the form of 1 to 5 inches

long that vary in resistance from approximately
10 kilo ohm to 50 kilo ohm.
Gyroscope MPU 6050
The MPU-6050 sensor contains a MEMS accelerometer
and a MEMS gyro in a single chip.

It is very accurate, as it contains 16-bits analog to digital

conversion hardware for each channel. Therefor it
captures the x, y, and z channel at the same time.

The sensor uses the I2C-bus to interface with the


The MPU6050 is a 6 DOF or a six-axis IMU sensor,

which means that it gives 6 values as output. Three
values from the accelerometer and 3 values from the
Servo motors are provide a precise
angular motion

The Servo Motor has three wires one is

for power, one is for ground, and one is
for control input.

Servo required DC supply of 4.8 to 6

Working of Servomotors
Servomotors are constructed from 3 bases pieces a motor, a Potentiometer
and a control board

The Potentiometer is fed into the Servo control circuit and when the control
circuit detect that the position is correct it stops the motor.

If the control circuit detects that the angle is not correct it will turn the motor
the correct direction until the angle is correct.

The Servo Motor can control the angular motion between 0 to 180 degrees
NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz
Wireless Transceiver
NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver Module

This transceiver IC
operates in the 2.4GHz
Using this module two
Arduinos can able to
communicate with each
other wirelessly over a
distance opens lot of
Maximum operating
speed is 2Mbps
Robotic arm.
Robotic arm

A robotic manipulator is a device

capable of moving indifferent
directions (base, shoulders,
elbow,wrist) elative to base and
controlled by hand , Its baseis
actuated by a servo motor
mounted beneath it.
The degrees of freedom, or DOF,
are a very important term to
Each degree of freedom is a joint
on the arm, a place where it can
bend or rotate or translate
Parts for robotic arm
Flow diagram

Servo motos(Output)


Wireless connection
Transmitter between two
Arduino. Receiver
Working of project
In our project 5 Servo Motor for finger movements are used which can be
controlled by an flex sensor by changing its resistance.

Next for the three moments that is shoulder, elbow and wrist we are using
three different Servo Motors which can be controlled by the gyroscope which
can be again controlled by the hand a movement.

and as we want to make an wireless connection between the controller gloss

and robotic arm so we are using wireless trans receiver module.
These robots are used in military
applications to diffuse bombs.

These robots are used in medical

applications for the purpose of surgery.

These robotics are used in the

Applications construction field.

These robotics are used in different


It can be used in the spacecrafts for

maintenance of the spacecrafts.

It can also be use for collecting

specimens from other planets
Websites : 1) Instructable
2) DIY
Blogs : 1) TEWDA
Research papers : 1) (IJIRSET) International Journal of innovative research
in Science Engineering and Technology. ISSN-2319-8753
2) (IJAIA) International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and application
Vol 2
3) (IJLRST) International Journal of latest research in Science and
Technology. ISSN-2278-5299,vol.2.
4) IOSR journal of electrical and electronics engineering. ISSN-2320-3331,
5) International Journal of scientific and engineering research. ISSN-2229-
So we make one Robotic arm which is different from the general robotic arm which
is used for industrial purpose because it is controlled by hand gestures and which obey
all Robotics laws and it is able to do all tasks which is difficult and unsafe for human
Thank you

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