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• Bibliography
-Margaret Newman was born on October 10,
1933 in Memphis Tennessee.
In 1954 She earned her first Bachelors degree in
Home Economics and English from Baylor
University in Waco, Texas
-Margaret Newman felt a call to nursing for a
number of years prior to her decision to enter the
• Education
• In 1962 she received her Bachelors degree in Nursing
from the University of Tennessee, Memphis.
• In 1964 she received her Masters Degree of Medical-
Surgical Nursing and Teaching at the University of
California in San Francisco.
• In 1971 she completed her Doctorate of Nursing
Science and Rehabilitation at New York University
• Relationship to the Metaparadigm Concepts

Newman has designated “caring in the human

health experience” as the focus of nursing
discipline and has specified the focus as the
metaparadigm of the discipline.
• Nursing
-to help clients get in touch with the meaning of their
lives by the identification of their patterns of relating

-Intervention is a form of non intervention whereby

the nurse’s presence assists clients to recognize their
own patterns of interacting with the environment.

-facilitates pattern recognition in clients by forming

relationships with them at critical points n their lives
and connecting with them in an authentic way.
• Essence of Margaret Newman's Theory:

• An individual person in each situation, no

matter how disordered and hopeless, is part
of the universal process of expanding
• • The expanding consciousness is a process
wherein an individual becomes more of his
real self, as he finds greater meaning in his life
and the lives of those people around him.
• • In his/her search for his/her real self, the
individual's awareness expands to include the
interests of those people around him and the
rest of the world.

• Self-awareness may eventually lead to

acceptance of one's self and one's
circumstances and limitations.
• With self-awareness and self-acceptance, an
in-depth understanding of one's condition
may pave the way for a person to engage into
activities leading to positive progression

Supporting Theory

• The health of a human being is a unitary

phenomenon, an evolving pattern of human-
environment (Rogers, 1970).
• • Life is a process of expanding consciousness.
Consciousness is the informational capacity of
the system and can be seen in the quality of
interaction of the system with the
environment (Bentov, 1978).
The explicate order is a manifestation of the
implicate order (Bohm, 1980).
• Assumptions

1. Health encompasses conditions heretofore

described as illness, or, in medical terms,
• 2. These pathological conditions can be
considered a manifestation of the total
pattern of the individual
• 3. The pattern of the individual that eventually
manifests itself as pathology is primary and
exists prior to structural or functional changes

• 4. Removal of the pathology in itself will not

change the pattern of the indivdual
5. If becoming ill is the only way an individual's
pattern can manifest itself, then that is health

6. Health is an expansion of consciousness. for

that person

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